We have learned that leadership is not limited to businesses. Parents, relatives, students, friends, neighbors, and volunteers represent a small example of those who lead. You may find that there is a We have learned that leadership is not limited to businesses. Parents, relatives, students, friends, neighbors, and volunteers represent a small example of those who lead. You may find that there is a person, or group, that looks to you for direction, or as a role model. This makes you a leader. On the other hand, you may be actively pursuing a position of leadership within your workplace. Either way, with your viewpoint, take the Self-Assessment in the Casse (2014) New Drivers of Leadership) (Links to an external site.) reading. Present your results in the discussion this week, along with the following: Describe how you understand yourself through the strongest drivers and weakest drivers (highest and lowest scores) Think of one challenge, past or present (personally or professionally) and diagnose your ability to resolve the challenge through the drivers. Show more

We have learned that leadership is not limited to businesses. Parents, relatives, students, friends, neighbors, and volunteers represent a small example of those who lead. You may find that there is a person, or group, that looks to you for direction, or as a role model. This makes you a leader. On the other hand, you may be actively pursuing a position of leadership within your workplace. Either way, with your viewpoint, take the Self-Assessment in the Casse (2014) New Drivers of Leadership) (Links to an external site.) reading. Present your results in the discussion this week, along with the following:

  • Describe how you understand yourself through the strongest drivers and weakest drivers (highest and lowest scores)
  • Think of one challenge, past or present (personally or professionally) and diagnose your ability to resolve the challenge through the drivers.


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