Information sheet2020What is the purpose of this experiment?It is often reported that there are several factors that affect the way in which we recallmemories. We want to further investigate the factors that affect memory recall.What am I expected to do?There are two types of task that you will be asked to complete: Fill in some background demographic information Complete an eyewitness memory task.As part of this, you will be asked to watch a short video clip of a car chase taken from a ‘PG’rated film. All tasks will take place on Moodle, and should take less than 15 minutes tocomplete.Is there anything else I should know?No identifying details will be recorded in the final data set so that your data will becompletely anonymous.This is a class experiment, the purpose of which is for you to gain experience as both aparticipant and as a researcher. Your data will therefore not be stored, and cannot be linked toyou.Are there any risks associated with participation?This experiment is not expected to carry any risks beyond that which might be experienced ineveryday life. The questionnaires used in this experiment have been used in previous studieswithout any problems. The questionnaires are anonymised (to ensure that no individual person isidentifiable).How can I get more information about the study?You can obtain information about the study by contacting the researcher, Zoe Gallant(
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