MODULE: COMMERCIAL MANAGEMENT AND FINANCIALAssignment 2Research Papers Mapping Domain Knowledge of Selected Commercial and FinancialManagement Focus AreasTaskSelect one topic from the list below and conduct a bibliometric or scientometric analysis of scientific literatureto map the research field’s domain knowledge. List of Topics1. Risk in PPP Projects2. Risk in construction joint ventures3. Critical success factors of construction joint ventures4. BIM and Risk Management5. Business failures in the construction industry6. Critical Factors impacting on the project performance of megaprojects7. Risk in megaprojects8. Application of cost-benefit analysis on construction industry-related research9. Investment appraisal of construction projects10. Financing Construction Projects Submission• The paper should be submitted through the Turnitin link provided on mybeckett• The word limit for the paper is 3000 words. This does not include abstract, bibliography and appendices. In theevent that you expect your work to exceed this word limit, you should seek permission from the module leaderprior to submission. In any event, the total word count, including abstract, bibliography and appendices, shouldnot exceed 6000 words.• Submission Date: 23:59hrs, 24TH May 2021Assessment CriteriaYour submission will be assessed based on the following criteria GradeCriteriaExcellentPerformance[70% + ]Excellent grasp of theoretical/conceptual/practical elements; Most of therelevant information/skills accurately deployed; shows a very good level oforiginality and independent thought; A strong evidence of wider reading beyondmaterial presented in the module material; well written and directed; greaterdepth of critical analysis;Above AveragePerformance[60-69% ]Most of relevant information/skills accurately deployed; Generally, a good graspof theoretical/conceptual/practical elements. Evidence of wider reading beyondmaterial presented in the module material; some originality of thought is evidentin the work; well writtenAveragePerformance[50-59%]Much of the relevant information/skills mostly accurately deployed; Adequategrasp of the theoretical/conceptual/practical elements; little evidence of widerreading beyond material presented in the module materialSatisfactoryPerformance[40-49%]No major omissions or inaccuracies in the deployment of information/skills.Adequate grasp of the theoretical/conceptual/practical elements. Little or noevidence of wider reading beyond material presented in the module materialUnsatisfactoryPerformance[
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