MIS500 Foundations of Information Systems | My Assignment Tutor

MIS500_Assessment_2_Brief_Group Case Study Page 1 of 11Task SummaryIn groups of no more than three (3) you are to act as consultants hired by the company the casestudy is based on, to create an information system for your client.Part A: In response to the case study provided, your group will produce a report explaining theinformation system plan you develop for your client. The report should be no more than 3000words.Part B: Your group will present your ideas to the class (face-to-face students) or submit a videopresentation (online students). ASSESSMENT 2 BRIEFSubject Code and TitleMIS500 Foundations of Information SystemsAssessmentGroup Case StudyIndividual/GroupGroupLengthPart A – Group report 3000 words +/- 10%Part B – Group presentation 10 minutes plus 5 minutes Q&ALearning OutcomesThe Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successfulcompletion of the task below include:b. Apply business and IS knowledge and concepts to developverifiable solutions and recommendations to address andsupport strategic goals of a business or an organisation.c. Develop and communicate a collaborative strategy whichembodies the principles of agile methodology tostakeholders of an organisation.SubmissionPart A: by 11:55pm AEST Friday end Module 4 (Week 8)Part B: presentation is to be recorded and submitted to lecturer by11:55pm AEST Friday of Module 5 (Week 10)Intensive class:Part A: by 11:55pm AEST Friday end Module 4 (Week 4)Part B: presentation is to be recorded and submitted to lecturer by11:55pm AEST Friday of Module 4 (Week 4)WeightingPart A: 25%Part B: 15%Total Marks100 marks MIS500_Assessment_2_Brief_Group Case Study Page 2 of 11ContextThe development of your professional skills includes researching information systems to assist withorganisational issues that are encountered in contemporary business. You will be learning important‘agile’ skills to assist in the workplace, such as scrum meetings.Purpose: To conduct research in response to current business issues that your organisation willpresent. This project will require you to respond to a specific business issue that is presented to youand then design, collect, analyse, interpret, report and present data back to the business via yourreport. The case study is a real business.Task Instructions• Form groups of no more than 3 members.Part A Group report1. Fibre Fashion – Case StudyTo complete this assessment task you are required to design an information system for FibreFashion to assist with their business. You have discussed Porter’s Value Chain in class andyou should understand the Primary and support activities within businesses. For thisassessment you need to concentrate on Marketing and Sales only.2. Watch the case study video about Fibre Fashion (link below). This video will allow you tounderstand the business and where you, as consultants, can add value by improving theirinformation systems in marketing and sales.3. Fibre Fashion can also be found online at https://www.fibrefashion.com.au/ and onInstagram at https://www.instagram.com/fibre_fashion_agency/4. For further details about current information systems of Fibre Fashion, please see theAssessment 2 Database document and the OneBrands Fibre Sales Figures Contactsspreadsheet in the Assessment 2 area of Blackboard.MIS500_Assessment_2_Brief_Group Case Study Page 3 of 115. Based on the information provided as well as your own research (reading!) into informationsystems for SMEs (small to medium enterprise), write a report for Fibre Fashion to assistwith their marketing and sales.MIS500_Assessment_2_Brief_Group Case Study Page 4 of 11Structure of the reportPlease structure the group report as follows:• Title page• Introduction• Background to the issue you plan to solve (e.g. the excel spreadsheet is inefficient). Identifya research question• Research the issue and present a literature review• Analysis of the literature including other examples• Recommended Solution – explain the information system and how it will assist the business.You may use visuals to represent your ideas• Conclusion• References (quality and correct method of presentation. You must have a minimum of 15references• Appendices should include: ‘scrum’ meeting minutesScrum meeting notesDuring the Trimester you will hold scrum meetings in your groups (in class or online in a discussionthread). Each group has five minutes to state what they have done and what they plan to do in thenext week (each person in the group is required to speak every week). Any issues can be addressedin this time and groups are required to take minutes and update their status every scrum meeting.These meeting minutes then need to be attached to the report as an appendix.PART B PresentationYour group is required to present your final idea for the business in a ten (10) minute presentationpitched as though your lecturer is the client and you are selling the idea of your information system.Every group member must present a minimum of 2.5 minutes with an overall maximum of six slides(plus a reference list).The presentation is ten (10) minutes with an additional five (5) minutes for questions. Onlinestudents will be asked questions via a discussion board.ALL STUDENTS MUST ATTEND THE PRESENTATION. Special consideration (SC) must be sought ifyou are unable to attend. If you do not attend you will not receive any marks for this part of theassignment (unless SC is approved).ReferencingIt is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see moreinformation on referencing here http://library.laureate.net.au/research_skills/referencingSubmission InstructionsSubmit your group report via the Assessment 2 link in the main navigation menu in MIS500:Foundations of Information Systems. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the GradeCentre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.Academic Integrity DeclarationGroup assessment:MIS500_Assessment_2_Brief_Group Case Study Page 5 of 11We declare that except where we have referenced, the work we are submitting for this assessmenttask is our own work. We have read and are aware of Torrens University Australia Academic IntegrityPolicy and Procedure viewable online at http://www.torrens.edu.au/policies-and-formsWe are aware that we need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and we will doso accordingly.MIS500_Assessment_2_Brief_Group Report Page 6 of 11Assessment Rubric – PART A AssessmentAttributesFail(Yet to achieveminimum standard)0-49%Pass(Functional)50-64%Credit(Proficient)65-74%Distinction(Advanced)75-84%High Distinction(Exceptional)85-100%Title and IntroductionPercentage for thiscriterion = 10%No title or “Assignment2”.No introduction isattempted.Title is not clear and/orrelevant.A weak or non-existentintroduction of topic. Thepaper’s purpose isunclear/thesis is weak ormissing.Title is not clear butattempt is made.A basic introduction thatstates topic but lacksinterest. The thesis issomewhat clear andarguable.Title has been attempted butneeds editing to be clearer.A proficient introductionthat is interesting and statestopic. The thesis is clear andarguable statement ofposition.Title clearly states theintent of the report.Exceptional introductionthat grabs interest ofreader and states topic.The thesis is exceptionallyclear, well-developed, anda definitive statement.Issue and researchquestionPercentage for thiscriterion = 5%No clear identification ofan issue or researchquestion.The report does not clearlyaddress the objective(s) andno research question isidentified.The purpose and objectiveof the report is made clear,andaddresses the objective(s).No research question isidentified.The purpose and objective ofthe report is made clear,and addresses the objective.Research question isidentified.The purpose and objectiveof the report is made clear,and it addresses the objective(s) in a focused and logical manner. A wellarticulated researchquestion.Evidence baseddiscussion and criticalanalysis25%Effort considered inferiorto the required minimumstandard. No attempt at adiscussion or criticalreview.No attempt at analysis.Information is gatheredfrom a single source.Lacks a basic knowledge ofthe field; selected sourcesirrelevant to project;misinterprets sources.Limited or no connectionsmade between evidenceand thesis. Lack of analysis.Information is gatheredfrom a limited number ofsources.Demonstrates a basicknowledge of the field;selected sources relevant toproject.Some connections madebetween evidence andthesis. Some analysis butimprovements can bemade.Information is gathered frommultiple sources.Demonstrates proficientknowledge of the field;thorough selection ofsources pertinent to project.Consistent connectionsmade between evidence andthesis. Overall,good analysis.Information is gatheredfrom multiple, researchbased sources.Demonstrates exceptionaldepth of knowledge of thefield; Comprehensive use ofmost recent and seminalsources)Exceptionally critical,relevant and consistent MIS500_Assessment_2_Brief_Group Report Page 7 of 11 AssessmentAttributesFail(Yet to achieveminimum standard)0-49%Pass(Functional)50-64%Credit(Proficient)65-74%Distinction(Advanced)75-84%High Distinction(Exceptional)85-100%connections made betweenevidence and thesis.Excellent analysis.Description of Solutionand justification ofrecommendation 30%Solution was not clear.Ideas were unclear. Littleevidence of creativity ororiginality.Evidence used does notclearly support the mainargument.Ideas were relevant andstated. Appropriateconcepts were included.Demonstrated knowledgeof the key issues. Ideaswere not as creative as theycould be. Mid-leveloriginality.Connection betweenargument and evidence isnot clearly articulated in allcases.Ideas were relevant andclearly stated. Appropriateconcepts were included.Demonstrated competenceand knowledge of the keyissues. Ideas were somewhatcreative. Good level oforiginality.Evidence used to support thecentral point is well chosen,though not particularly richor detailed.Ideas were all relevant andclearly stated. Appropriateconcepts were includedand integrated effectively.Demonstrated competenceand knowledge of the keyissues. Ideas were creative.High level of originality.Evidence used to supportthe central point is rich,detailed and well chosen.Conclusion10%Not attempted.Recommendations do notclearly flow from thedocument, and/or miss keyfindings. They are not wellorganised.Conclusions aremostly relevant and arelinked to the results of thedocument.Recommendations do notclearly flow from thedocument, and/or miss keyfindings. They are not wellorganised.Conclusions are relevant andportray the results of thedocument.Recommendations, ifapplicable, are specific,action-oriented suggestions,oriented to topic.Recommendations logicallyflow from the documentbut the logic may not alwaysbe clear.Conclusions are relevantand accurately portray theresults of the document.Recommendations ifapplicable are specific,action-orientedsuggestions, oriented tothe topic, and relevant.Recommendations logicallyflow from the document ina manner which is evidentto the reader. MIS500_Assessment_2_Brief_Group Report Page 8 of 11 AssessmentAttributesFail(Yet to achieveminimum standard)0-49%Pass(Functional)50-64%Credit(Proficient)65-74%Distinction(Advanced)75-84%High Distinction(Exceptional)85-100%AppendixPercentage for thiscriterion = 5%Not attempted.Not all minutes areattached.Not all minutes (only 1missing) are attached butstandard is good to averageAll minutes from scrummeeting attached and are ofa good standard. Someminor issuesAll minutes from scrummeeting attached and areof a high standard.Use of academic anddiscipline conventionsPercentage for thiscriterion = 15%Reader has difficultyfollowing the document.Demonstratesinconsistent use of goodquality, credible andrelevant resources tosupport and developideas.Referencing is omitted ordoes not resemble APA.Poor grammar, spelling andpunctuation. Lowreadability of document.Demonstrates use ofcredible and relevantresources to support anddevelop ideas, but theseare not always explicit orwell developed.Referencing resembles APA,with frequent or repeatederrors.Communicates in acoherent and readablemanner that adheres to thegiven format.Accurately employsspecialised language andterminology.Meaning is easy to follow.Information, argumentsand evidence are structuredand sequenced in a waythat is clear and logical.Occasional minor errorspresent in spelling,grammar and/orpunctuation.Communicates coherentlyand concisely in a mannerthat adheres to the givenformat.Accurately employs a widerange of specialisedlanguage and terminology.Engages audience interest.Information, arguments andevidence are structured andsequenced in a way that is,clear and persuasive.Spelling, grammar andpunctuation are free fromerrors.Demonstrates use of goodquality, credible and relevantresources to support andCommunicates eloquently.Expresses meaningcoherently, concisely andcreatively within the givenformat.Discerningly selects andprecisely employs a widerange of specialisedlanguage and terminology.Engages and sustainsaudience’s interest.Information, argumentsand evidence are insightful,persuasive and expertlypresented.Spelling, grammar andpunctuation are free fromerrors.Demonstrates use of highquality, credible and MIS500_Assessment_2_Brief_Group Report Page 9 of 11 AssessmentAttributesFail(Yet to achieveminimum standard)0-49%Pass(Functional)50-64%Credit(Proficient)65-74%Distinction(Advanced)75-84%High Distinction(Exceptional)85-100%Demonstrates use ofcredible resources tosupport and develop ideas.Referencing resembles APA,with occasional errors.develop arguments andstatements.Show evidence of widescope within theorganisation for sourcingevidence.APA referencing is free fromerrors.relevant resources tosupport and developarguments and positionstatements.Show evidence of widescope within and withoutthe organisation forsourcing evidence.APA referencing is freefrom errors. MIS500_Assessment_2_Brief_Group Report Page 10 of 11PART B Assessment AttributesFail(Yet to achieveminimum standard)0-49%Pass(Functional)50-64%Credit(Proficient)65-74%Distinction(Advanced)75-84%High Distinction(Exceptional)85-100%IntroductionAn accurate statement of the purpose ofthe presentation is provided and the teamare introduced. A brief introduction to thetopic is provided and the structure of theremainder of the presentation is outlined.Percentage for this criterion = 15%Further work isrequired to meet theminimum standard.Acceptable but hasroom for improvementto meet criteriastandards to fullestpotential. Requiresconsistent developmentof criteria elements toreach next level.Still has room forgrowth to becompletely satisfactory.Has potential to reachthe next level butdevelopment stillrequires moreapplication to fullysatisfy criteriarequirements.Completely satisfactory.Has elements ofexcellence but needs tobe consistent across allcriteria requirements.Outstanding applicationof effort. Criteriarequirements fullyachieved.BackgroundA discussion and critical analysis of relatedliterature/background material ispresented. Multiple high quality referencesare used to underpin key pointsPercentage for this criterion = 15%Further work isrequired to meet therequired minimumstandard.Acceptable but hasroom for improvementto meet criteriastandards to fullestpotential. Requiresconsistent developmentof criteria elements toreach next level.Still has room forgrowth to becompletely satisfactory.Has potential to reachthe next level butdevelopment stillrequires moreapplication to fullysatisfy criteriarequirements.Completely satisfactory.Has elements ofexcellence but needs tobe consistent across allcriteria requirementsOutstanding applicationof effort. Criteriarequirements fullyachieved.SolutionA discussion of results is presented withevidence based recommendationsresponding to stakeholder needs arepresented. Recommendations are feasibleand will deliver business value for theorganisation.Further work isrequired to meet therequired minimumstandard.Acceptable but hasroom for improvementto meet criteriastandards to fullestpotential. Requiresconsistent developmentStill has room forgrowth to becompletely satisfactory.Has potential to reachthe next level butdevelopment stillrequires moreCompletely satisfactory.Has elements ofexcellence but needs tobe consistent across allcriteria requirements.Outstanding applicationof effort. Criteriarequirements fullyachieved. MIS500_Assessment_2_Brief_Group Report Page 11 of 11 Assessment AttributesFail(Yet to achieveminimum standard)0-49%Pass(Functional)50-64%Credit(Proficient)65-74%Distinction(Advanced)75-84%High Distinction(Exceptional)85-100%Percentage for this criterion = 40%of criteria elements toreach next level.application to fullysatisfy criteriarequirements.PresentationA confident and clear presentation by eachteam member contributing to a cohesiveproject pitch accurately reflecting projectoutcomes and responding to stakeholderrequirements. Team members respond topanel questions and feedback and canclearly articulate their contribution to theprojectPercentage for this criterion = 20%Further work isrequired to meet therequired minimumstandardAcceptable but hasroom for improvementto meet criteriastandards to fullestpotential. Requiresconsistent developmentof criteria elements toreach next level.Still has room forgrowth to becompletely satisfactory.Has potential to reachthe next level butdevelopment stillrequires moreapplication to fullysatisfy criteriarequirementsCompletely satisfactory.Has elements ofexcellence but needs tobe consistent across allcriteria requirementsOutstanding applicationof effort. Criteriarequirements fullyachieved.SlidesSlides created to a clear, creative andprofessional standard.Percentage for this criterion = 10%Further work isrequired to meet therequired minimumstandard.Acceptable but hasroom for improvementto meet criteriastandards to fullestpotential. Requiresconsistent developmentof criteria elements toreach next level.Still has room forgrowth to becompletely satisfactory.Has potential to reachthe next level butdevelopment stillrequires moreapplication to fullysatisfy criteriarequirements.Completely satisfactory.Has elements ofexcellence but needs tobe consistent across allcriteria requirements.Outstanding applicationof effort. Criteriarequirements fullyachieved.


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