Assignment Questions
Select ONE organisation and venue from the sector list below:
- Banks
- Beauty Salons or Nail Bars
- Cinemas
- dentists
- Gyms/ Sports Centres/ Swimming Pools
- Hairdressers
- Hospitals or a Doctor’s Surgery
- Museums
- Restaurants
- Theatres
Using the various services marketing and environmental theories, as discussed in the module, analyse your company’s service offerings and the impact of COVID-19 within the service setting.
Section A: requires you to define and explain your company’s service operations.
Define and explain the service that your company delivers – what type of service is being delivered by the company? (To help you define and explain your service you may wish to consider the core service; 5 fundamentals; experience economy; presumption or co-creation of the service).
Section B – using one of the following models illustrate your service pre-COVID-19 (*You must only submit one model):
- The Servicescape model (Bitner 1992)
- The Services Theatre Model (Grove and Fisk 1992)
- The GAPS Model (Zeithaml et al 1998)
- Blueprint Model (Zeithaml et al2018: 238)
- The Zone of Tolerance Model (Zeithaml et al 1993)
Section C:
- Using the same model as section B – identify 4 key changes that COVID-19 has had your service and clearly illustrate these by amending your model (e.g. note the changes in red)
- Discuss these changes and identify the impact that these changes have had on your service and the service experience
Section D: Requires you to make 2 evidence-based recommendations as to how your organisation may enhance the service experience due to the impact of COVID-19.