Pedagogy for EAL Classrooms | My Assignment Tutor

Student Name – Gitanjali Deepika Kaur Dip (Gigi) Student ID – 220149222 University – Deakin University Unit Code – ETL700 Unit Name – Pedagogy for EAL Classrooms Assignment Title – Assessment Task 1: Gallery Exhibit and Essay Lecturer’s Name – Dr Ruth Arber & Paul Lochland Assignment Due Date – Friday 30 April 2021 8:00 PM Gallery Exhibit The Flag of Japan A normal class that the student would attend A special meal that they would have for lunch The Spring brings happiness to the students life. A family going to a special occasion The animations of Studio Ghibli that bring happiness and life to everyone who knows and loves it. Normal street fashion that would influence the student and may be brought over, can either be seen a cool or be bulled for it. 8. Normal street fashion that would influence the student and may be brought over, can either be seen a cool or be bulled for it. 9. Shows the appreciation that the student has for their culture and what their clothing can mean. 10. The different system of schooling for Japan 11. A typical English classroom. 12. 13.Uniform style that may be similar but can feel different to the student. Essay In your essay, you will describe your EAL/D learner. As you develop your essay, ensure that you keep your readings and the material provided to you on CloudDeakin in mind. Who are the students in our classrooms? The students in my classrooms are Japanese students in high school who have been learning English as a second language since nursery school. What is the particular context in which they are learning or have learnt EAL/D? The context in which they have been learning English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D) is in a classroom setting learning via textbooks, with no real-world perspective on certain areas of the language. What are the different trajectories – personal, academic, cultural, ethnic, linguistic trajectories – which they negotiate (transfer) as they come to the classroom. The personal trajectory which they transfer into the classroom are most likely to do with how they were brought up by their family and how they should teach respect their teachers in the classroom which is relevant but can also be disruptive to the learning as it would be hard for them to ask questions. The academic trajectory which they transfer into the classroom would be that only grades matter as in Japan but is all that is cared about notice tunes welfare whereas here in Australia with student’s welfare is more important or as equally important as it is as is the academics. The cultural trajectory is which they transfer into class would be certain attitudes and beliefs in which they think a classroom is run because in Japan it is quite strict and very hard to learn properly from one of the teachers. The ethnic trajectories which they transfer into a classroom? The linguistic trajectory in which they bring to the classroom is quite different because Japanese is back to front in terms of language so when it comes to writing so you got the subject, object and verb (SOV) whereas English is subject, verb and object (SVO) therefore it makes it hard for native Japanese speakers to comprehend how the English language works. How does the student describe their EAL/D language learning journey? Yuki describes her EAL/D language learning journey to be quite an interesting, hard, fun thing to do but wish she could have more one-on-one time with a native English speaker to improve. What resources does the student bring to their language and literacy learning? Apps, books, teacher, friends, movies, tv shows etc How does your thinking change the ways that you understand your languages teaching practice? The way that my thinking changes my understanding of languages teaching practise is the way that I understand how hard it is to learn languages because I am still learning Japanese though I’m almost dated could be I can understand and speak the reading American is not in my purview because I was never ported as a young child. The way that these affect my teaching English as a second language is I bring a lot of understanding that most teachers may not bring as I also know how hard it is just study as well as how hard it is to learn a language as complex as English because Japanese is the same level of complex that English is. 1,500 words max Reference: Breen, M., Candlin, C., & Mercer, N. (2001). English language teaching in its social context, Routledge, pp.122-146 Ellis, E. (2013). The ESL Teacher as Plurilingual: An Australian Perspective. TESOL Quarterly, 47(3), 446-471. Kramsch, CJ 1998, ‘The relationship of language and culture’, In Language and Culture, Oxford University Press, Oxford, OX, pp. 3-14. Lightbrown, PM & Spada, N 2013, ‘Individual differences in second language learning’, How languages are learned, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 75-101 Luke, A., & Freebody, P. (1999). A map of possible practices: further notes on the four resources model. Practically Primary, 4(2), 5–8. Murray, D. E., & Christison, M. (2019). What English Language Teachers Need To Know Volume I: Understanding Learning. ProQuest Ebook Central


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