Personal Development Planning Cycle | My Assignment Tutor

24/10/20201Crafting Your Future:Professional Practice and ResearchWeek 2 – Personal Development Planning CycleICTM Module Delivery TeamWk 2Steps Description Example Activity TypesTools that willsupport thisactivity1Introduction(Informinglearners of theobjective)Introduction of the concept of professional practice &personal & professional development.Objectives: Recognise the process of personaldevelopment plan.Explain the necessity of personal development.Describe personal SOAR and SWOT analysis.Students read the Kumar (2013)chapter 1, before the lectures.During the lectures the mainconcepts are explained in detail andwith examples, followed by groupand individual activities.Icon VLE,Kaltura, BookChapters,Online Material.2 Lectures anddelivery methodThe main concepts of professional practice, personaland professional development, personal developmentplan, self-reflection, SOAR analysis, and SWOTanalysis are explained to, and discuss with the students.Presentation, Case StudyKaltura +Lecturematerial onICON VLE3 Activity Group work on a short case study, and two individualactivities on SOAR and SWOT analyses.SOAR and SWOT analysisoutcomes are presented by students.BreakoutRooms in4 Reflection andFeedbackIndividuals summarise the importance of personaldevelopment plan and their SOAR and SWOTanalyses.Reflective journal: Students keep arecord of the outcomes of theirSOAR and SWOT analysis.ICON VLE andKaltura5 Consolidationand IntegrationStudents share their summaries of their SOAR andSWOT analyses. These summaries are uploaded ontothe ICON VLEStudents are divided into groups inbreakout room to share theirsummaries of SOAR and SWOTKaltura andICON VLE Weekly PlannerICTM Module Delivery Team 1 224/10/20202Session ObjectivesThis session is designed around the Learning Outcome 3,“Evaluate the development of your creative and ethicalleadership skills in a real world environment”, and tries toachieve the following objectives:1. Introduction of the concept of personal and professionaldevelopment2. Introduction to the personal development planning cycle3. Help students understand and analyse their Strengths,Opportunities, Aspirations, Results (SOAR)4. Extending and compare the SOAR analysis to SWOT(strength, weakness, opportunity, threat) analysisICTM Module Delivery TeamPersonal & ProfessionalDevelopmentPersonal development involves improving your skills,knowledge and attributes, both in and out of the workplace tohelp you achieve results both in work and life.Professional development involves developing yourself inyour role to entirely understand the job you do and how youcan improve. It involves enhancing the necessary skills tocarry out your role as effectively as possible.Source: CMI (2018). Managing Own Personal and Professional Development , in Pathways to Management andLeadership, Chartered Management Institute.ICTM Module Delivery Team3 424/10/20203Personal & ProfessionalDevelopment• Your professional and personal development are yourconcern and you should take ownership and responsibilityfor both.• You should aim to strike a balance to ensure that you arefocused on developing the right skills. Even if yourprofessional skills are a strength, your personal skills couldbe holding you back.Source: CMI (2018). Managing Own Personal and Professional Development , in Pathways to Management andLeadership, Chartered Management Institute.ICTM Module Delivery TeamClass Discussion: Short CaseJoan is the Production Manager for a global manufacturingcompany and is liked by her team and her boss, largelybecause she just gets on with the job, head down and fullsteam ahead. Joan is quiet, rarely disagrees with her team andeven less often with her Manager. She has trouble providingnegative feedback and can often underestimate big problems.Joan has been asked to provide innovative recommendationson new manufacturing equipment that could be introducedwithin the business, but since Joan rarely takes the initiative tosuggest new ideas or projects she has found this task difficult.Source: CMI (2018). Managing Own Personal and Professional Development , in Pathways to Management and Leadership,Chartered Management Institute.ICTM Module Delivery Team5 624/10/20204ICTM Module Delivery TeamClass Discussion: Short CaseJoan is the Production Manager for a global manufacturingcompany and is liked by her team and her boss, largelybecause she just gets on with the job, head down and fullsteam ahead. Joan is quiet, rarely disagrees with her team andeven less often with her Manager. She has trouble providingnegative feedback and can often underestimate big problems.Joan has been asked to provide innovative recommendationson new manufacturing equipment that could be introducedwithin the business, but since Joan rarely takes the initiative tosuggest new ideas or projects she has found this task difficult.Source: CMI (2018). Managing Own Personal and Professional Development , in Pathways to Management and Leadership,Chartered Management Institute.ICTM Module Delivery Team7 824/10/20205Personal Development PlanDo you have a clear and inspiring vision of what you want toachieve in the future?Are you actively taking steps to pursue the career of yourdreams?If you put your career totally into the hands of others (e.g.,your organisation, boss, or even parents), you risk not goingwhere you want to go, and not doing what you want to do.After all, if you are not working to realise your own dreams,you’re most likely working to achieve someone else’s.Source: Mind Tools (2007). Personal Development Plan, Mind Tools Ltd, EU.ICTM Module Delivery TeamPersonal Development PlanYou have to be proactive, take charge and change the wayyou think about your career.When you take control, you will realise that the only way youwill achieve what you want, personally or professionally, is tothink about where you want to go, put in place a plan to getthere, and then start moving.Personal Development Planning is a structured way of doingjust that.Source: Mind Tools (2007). Personal Development Plan, Mind Tools Ltd, EU.ICTM Module Delivery Team91024/10/20206Personal Development PlanA Personal Development Plan is a written account of selfreflection and improvement, which doubles up as a detailedaction plan used to fulfil academic, personal, or career-basedgoals.It’s usually created within the workplace or when studying(with guidance from your manager or tutor), and works byallowing you to establish your aims, recognise your strengthsand weaknesses, and identify the need for improvement.Objectives are put in place based on the areas you’d like toimprove on, and the plan consists of your own personalisedactions that will help you to achieve them.ICTM Module Delivery TeamPersonal Development PlanWhat should I include? When creating your own PersonalDevelopment Plan, it’s essential to make sure it accuratelyoutlines your personal goals, why they’re important to you,and how you plan to achieve them.Although all PDPs are specific to each individual, the plan willgenerally detail your ideal future based on your short and/orlong-term ambitions. Areas of development will be specific toyou, and could be centred on work, education, or selfimprovement.It should also recognise the potential obstacles you mightface, and how you propose to overcome them – and if theroadblocks can’t be tackled, include a contingency plan tohelp your career keep moving forward.ICTM Module Delivery Team111224/10/20207Personal Development PlanSource: Mind Tools (2007). Personal Development Plan, Mind Tools Ltd,EU.First, youunderstand yourselfand you setmeaningful goalsNext, youdefine thesegoals in termsof what youwant toachieve andthe steps youneed to taketo get thereFinally, youidentify gaps inyour skills andexperience, andyou create anaction plan to fillthem, so thatyou can movetowards yourend goalCreating your own Personal Development Plan notonly helps you effectively plan for the future andmanage your own learning and development,but it can also help give yousome direction andmove forward inyour careerICTM Module Delivery TeamPersonal Development PlanUnderstanding Yourself: Self ReflectionDiscover Who You Are and What You WantBefore you can know what you want to do in the longterm, you need to reflect on your current situation.What are you good at?What opportunities are available?Where do you need to improve?Are there factors beyond yourcontrol that could have animpact on your goals?ICTM Module Delivery Team131424/10/20208Personal Development PlanUnderstanding Yourself: Self ReflectionDiscover Who You Are and What You WantSelf-reflection is a process by which you grow yourunderstanding of who you are, what your values are, and whyyou think and act the way you do.It is a form of personal analysisthat allows you to bring your life intoalignment with what you wish it to be.ICTM Module Delivery TeamPersonal Development PlanUnderstandingYourself:Discover Who You Are and What You WantSOAR Analysis:• Strengths• Opportunities• Aspirations• ResultsICTM Module Delivery Team151624/10/20209Personal Development PlanUnderstanding Yourself:Discover Who You Are and What You WantSOAR Analysis :What am I good at?What do I do better than others?What makes me unique?What is my greatest achievement?How do I use my strengths to getresults?How do my strengths fit in the jobmarket environment? • Strengths• Opportunities• Aspirations• ResultsICTM Module Delivery TeamPersonal Development PlanUnderstanding Yourself:Discover Who You Are and What You WantSOAR Analysis:• Strengths• Opportunities• Aspirations• Results What opportunities are availablein the job market?What are professional trends infuture (e.g. changes intechnology)?How can I differentiate myself? ICTM Module Delivery Team171824/10/202010Personal Development PlanUnderstanding Yourself:Discover Who You Are and What You WantSOAR Analysis :Who should we become?Where will you be in next 3-5years?What capacities will you have?How do you want others toperceive you?What new things do you want toconsider?How will you build and expand yourstrength? • Strengths• Opportunities• Aspirations• ResultsICTM Module Delivery TeamPersonal Development PlanUnderstanding Yourself:Discover Who You Are and What You WantSOAR Analysis:• Strengths• Opportunities• Aspirations• Results What differences will youmake?What does success look like?What measures of successwill be most important foryou? ICTM Module Delivery Team192024/10/202011Personal Development PlanUnderstanding Yourself:Discover Who You Are and What You WantSOAR Analysis -Example:• Strengths• Opportunities• Aspirations• ResultsVery good andinterested inmath and ITJob marketsneed datascientistsBeing a strongdata scientistA well-established company of myown on data analytics with goodclients network in next 5 years.ICTM Module Delivery TeamICTM Module Delivery Team212224/10/202012Personal Development PlanUnderstanding Yourself:Discover Who You Are and What You WantIndividual Activity: think about your strengths andaspirations, as well as the opportunities available foryou and the results you expect from your personaldevelopmentList 3-5 items for each S, O, A,and RICTM Module Delivery TeamPersonal Development PlanUnderstanding Yourself:Discover Who You Are and What You WantSWOT Analysis:• Strengths• Weaknesses• Opportunities• ThreatsICTM Module Delivery Team232424/10/202013Personal Development PlanUnderstanding Yourself:Discover Who You Are and What You WantSWOT Analysis:By knowing your strengths, you can focus your efforts on thethings that you are good atBy understanding your weaknesses, you know what to avoid,what to improve, and where you need to get help.Taken together, your strengths and opportunities help youidentify potential long-term careergoals. Your weaknesses, and thethreats you face, are the things that need to be managed,mitigated or planned for, to ensurethat your goals remain achievable.ICTM Module Delivery TeamPersonal Development PlanUnderstanding Yourself:Discover Who You Are and What You WantSWOT Analysis:To conduct a Personal SWOT Analysis, you askyourself a series of questions about your currentsituationICTM Module Delivery Team252624/10/202014Personal Development PlanUnderstanding Yourself:Discover Who You Are and What You WantSWOT:• Strengths• Weaknesses• Opportunities• ThreatsHere, your try to uncover what sets you apart from otherpeople. What qualities do you have that make you standout? When thinking about your strengths, don’t limityourself to your professional skills. Explore all of yourexperiences, and the opportunities that you’ve had togrow and develop. This includes your education,personality, and interests. Ask yourself the followingquestions:What are you really good at?What skills do others recognize in you?What do you do better than others?What are you most proud of?What experiences or resources do you have?ICTM Module Delivery TeamPersonal Development PlanUnderstanding Yourself:Discover Who You Are and What You WantSWOT:• Strengths• Weaknesses• Opportunities• ThreatsHere, you think about the things that you’re not sogood at, or the areas where you can improve yourperformanceWhen you list your weaknesses, you can reduce ormanage them, so that they don’t stop you achievingyour goals. Do not “beat yourself up” about yourweaknesses: we all have them.The trick is to recognise them and manage themappropriately. In addition, do not be too self-critical. Ifyou are fair and forgiving about other people’sweaknesses, make sure you forgive your own, too.ICTM Module Delivery Team272824/10/202015Personal Development PlanUnderstanding Yourself:Discover Who You Are and What You WantSWOT:• Strengths• Weaknesses• Opportunities• ThreatsTo complete the Weaknesses section of yourPersonal SWOT Analysis, use the followingquestions as a guide:What skills do you struggle to master?What do you do only because you have to, in orderto satisfy job requirements?Are there one or two aspects of your personality thathold you back?What do other people most often identify as yourweakness?Where are you vulnerable?Where do you lack experience, resources orconnections, where others have them?ICTM Module Delivery TeamPersonal Development PlanUnderstanding Yourself:Discover Who You Are and What You WantSWOT:• Strengths• Weaknesses• Opportunities• ThreatsWhat would you love to do that you are good at?How can you minimise your weaknesses? If theseno longer held you back, what could you do?Where do you see the most potential growth foryourself: within your current company, in adifferent organisation, in another industry, or in aseparate career entirely?What trends are having an impact on your currentcareer, or on the one that you are thinking aboutpursuing?ICTM Module Delivery Team293024/10/202016Personal Development PlanUnderstanding Yourself:Discover Who You Are and What You WantSWOT:• Strengths• Weaknesses• Opportunities• ThreatsAlthough threats often cannot be directly controlled, theycan be planned for. That is why it is so important to identifyas many of them as possible. The more you know aboutthem, the less likely you are to be “blindsided” bysomething unexpected.You might feel that thinking about threats will cause youundue worry and stress. However, you will likelyexperience more anxiety if you do not consider them,especially when they start becoming more significant.Remember, a threat loses much of its impact when it ismanaged and prepared for.ICTM Module Delivery TeamPersonal Development PlanUnderstanding Yourself:Discover Who You Are and What You WantSWOT:• Strengths• Weaknesses• Opportunities• ThreatsAsk yourself the following questions to uncover potentialthreats:Are there any general threats that you need to think about?If you do not address your weaknesses, what problemscould they cause?What obstacles have other people overcome when theyare trying to get to where you want to go?ICTM Module Delivery Team313224/10/202017ICTM Module Delivery TeamPersonal Development PlanUnderstanding Yourself:Discover Who You Are and What You WantIndividual Activity: Think about your strengths,weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threatsaround you. List 3-5 items for each S, W, O, and T.Compare your listing here with your SOAR list.ICTM Module Delivery Team333424/10/202018ICTM Module Delivery Team35


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