Professional Practice and Research | My Assignment Tutor

ICON COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENTCrafting Your Future: Professional Practice and ResearchAssignment BriefSession: February 2021 Programme titleBSc (Hons) Business and Management Top UpModule code and titleBUS113Crafting Your Future: Professional Practice and ResearchModule leaderDr S Soroosh, Dr Hisham AbouGrad, Dr Alex Muresan, Tony DohertyUnit TypeCompulsoryModule Level and CreditValueLevel 620 CreditAssessorsProf Nurun Nabi, Dr S Soroosh, Dr Walter Gunetilleke, Mr Tony DohertyIssue Date8 March 2021Final assignmentsubmission deadline7-12 June 2021Late submission deadline14-19 June 2021The learners are required to follow the strict deadline set by the Collegefor submissions of assignments in accordance with the College’ssubmissions guidelines.Resubmission deadlineTBAFeedbackFormative feedback will be available in class during the semester.Final feedback will be available within 2 weeks of the assignmentsubmission date. GeneralGuidelines• The work you submit must be in your own words. If you use a quote or anillustration from somewhere you must give the source.• Include a list of references at the end of your document. You must give allyour sources of information.• Make sure your work is clearly presented and that you use correct grammar.• Wherever possible use a word processor and its “spell-checker”. Internal verifierDr Gilbert ZvobgoSignature (IV of thebrief) * Assignment Brief – continued2Assignment BriefAs part of the formal assessment for the module you are required to submit aPROFESSIONAL PORTFOLIO – 100% comprising of the following three elements focusingon learning outcomes 3, 4 and 6:1. Research Essay (40%)2. Digital showcase of self-reflection (30%)3. Personal development plan (30%)The recommended word limit is 3,500 words, +/- 10%. You are strongly advised to read“Preparation guidelines of the Coursework Documents” before answering your assignment.BackgroundThe professional portfolio is to showcase your best work and produce a narrative of yourexperiences, skills and interests. This will help you to position yourself as a professional inyour preferred sector and enable you to reflect on your development in productive ways.Learning Outcomes 3, 4 and 6 At the end of the module, you will be able to:LO No.LO nameLevel 6LO3INDUSTRYEvaluate the development of yourcreative and ethical leadership skills in areal world environment.LO4RESEARCHApply a justified systematic approach toresearch methodology and demonstrateadvanced information skills.LO6COMMUNICATIONProduce persuasive communicationsregarding information, ideas, problemsand solutions to identified specialistand/or non-specialist audiences. The assessment for this module is informed by the learning and experiences in your degreeprogramme to conduct research thoroughly and write an essay examining the market,industry or sector you wish to enter in terms of its direction and opportunities, yourspecialised skillset and its place in relation to opportunities. The following summaries willaid your understanding of the assessment requirements.Portfolio: ‘The term portfolio is used as a catch-all that covers a wide range of methods forcollating learning material and assessed work’ (McMillan and Weyers, 2008, p.38). For thepurposes of this assessment, your professional portfolio will include the research andanalysis you completed in the research essay on an industry or sector of your choice toposition yourself as a professional in your preferred industry/sector that enable you toreflect on your development in productive ways. The information collated from the researchAssignment Brief – continued3in the essay and your experiences, skills and associated feelings in your degreeprogramme will inform the completion of your Self-Reflection and Career and PersonalDevelopment Plan.Element 1. Research Essay (40%)ScenarioYou have been hired as a consultant to offer specialist advice to an organisation in theindustry of your choice in which you wish to enter in terms of its direction and opportunitiesand develop your career in, your specialised skillset and its place in relation toopportunities. You are required carry out a secondary research on the industry usingresearch tools and techniques necessary to develop your critical thinking, and research andanalytical skills. The research should relate to the following:1. A brief background and context of the industry/sector/market being researched andanalysed;2. Provide a brief literature review by critically analysing the industry’s competitiveenvironment, changes and trends in that environment using the appropriate tools.3. From the above analysis, discuss and critically evaluate:a. how the chosen industry you wish to enter in terms of its direction andopportunities to develop your career in, requires specialised skillset and itsplace in relation to opportunities;b. what creative and ethical leadership skills are required in the chosenindustry.GuidelinesThe area of research is to be agreed with the module tutor. Your essay should be based ona secondary research; carry out research on the chosen industry by applying a justifiedsystematic approach to research methodology and demonstrate advanced information skillswith the focus on the following:• Debating and defending arguments• Giving presentations on relevant topics• Outlining a draft literature review• Problem – solving and critical thinking• Researching and critiquing academic papers and industry reports, etc.• Produce persuasive argument regarding information, ideas, problems and solutionsA good essay will contain the following elements:• well-structured format;• evidence a range of secondary research using texts, journals, magazines,newspapers, and computer based information sources;Assignment Brief – continued4• extensive research on the industry and provides references to data and academictheory;• explicit reference is made to relevant theories and relevant market data;• reflects on the impact of the research and industry analysis for learning on yourfuture career plans• carefully presented, structured and well-referencedElement 2 – Digital showcase of self-reflection (30%)You are required to reflect upon and evaluate your experiences, skills and associatedfeelings (evidencing key achievements) to celebrate everything that you have done that willbe useful for your chosen career path. You are required to digitally showcase, analyse andevaluate your experiences you are expected to reflect upon what you have learnt and howyou propose to transfer this learning into future thinking and behaving. For the purposes ofself-reflection, you are required to enquire, reflect on, articulate your thoughts, feelings anddiscuss the following (Knott and Scraggs, 2016) structure for reflective writing:• Analysis of your journey:o What happened?o What assumptions did you make?o What does this show about yourself and your skills?o What are the alternative ways of looking at the problem/process?• Actiono What action would you take to improve?o How can you learn from what has happened?o How would you respond if this happened again?Element 3 – Personal Development Plan (30%)‘Personal development Planning (PDP) is a structured and supported process undertakenby an individual to reflect upon their own learning, performance, and / or achievement andto plan for their personal, educational and career development (QAA, 2001b). In thispersonal development plan, you will appraise your strengths and weaknesses, reflect uponand benchmark where you are now and what you need to develop in order to continue yourjourney towards your career goals linked to Element 1 of the portfolio (how you can furtherdevelop your strengths and rectify your weaknesses). You will also set realistic goals thatyou should visit and revise on a regular basis for the rest of your student life at ICONCollege of Technology and Management and beyond. Applying the SOAR (Self,Opportunity, Aspirations, Results) to the creation of your career and personal developmentplan will provide the theoretical base to focused planning. The essentials of the SOARmodel are:S = Strengths – your greatest assetsO = Opportunity – what are the opportunities that will enable you to use your strengthsAssignment Brief – continued5A = Aspiration – what are your short / medium / long term aspirations. What is yourpreferred future?R = Results – how will you measure what you have achieved?Please complete the tables below:A. Personal Analysis STRENGTHSOPPORTUNITIESASPIRATIONSRESULTS Assignment Brief – continued6B. Setting Goals What do I wantto learn?What do I haveto do?What support andresources will Ineed?How will Imeasure mysuccess?Target date forreview of results. Please add as many rows as you requireAssignment Brief – continued7C. Personal Objectives Short-term goals (next six months)Medium Term Goals (next 2 – 3 years)Long Term Goals (following 3 to 5 years) Assignment Brief – continued8Assessment Criteria for Each Element Explanatory comments on the assessment criteriaMarks foreachElementResearchessay• Clearly defined objectives/research questions relevant to aim.Clear focus on aims / objectives maintained throughout.• Thorough review of appropriate secondary sources;relationship between the literature and the research essay (i.e.justification is linked to literature)• Explanation and justification of an appropriate methodology –secondary data appropriate to aims and research questions.• Appropriate analysis of secondary data in the light of theresearch objectives and questions. Clear and analyticalpresentation of findings.• Highlighting significant findings and comparing theory &practice where appropriate• Appropriate structure and presentation.40%Digitalshowcase ofself-reflection• Evidence of factual knowledge and conceptual understandingof the established principles of reflection and reflective practice(Gibbs, Schön, Lawrence-Wilkes and Chapman).• Demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical conceptsunderpinning group development (Belbin), conflictmanagement (Thomas-Kilmann) and appropriate leadershipstyles.• Evidence of knowledge and understanding of different learningstyles (Honey and Mumford, Kolb, VAK).• Demonstrate creative and effective communication of theanalysis and arguments in research and personaldevelopment plan.• Analysis and synthesis of the reflection of own behaviourwithin the ethical and problem-solving contexts.30%Personaldevelopmentplan• Ability to apply the underlying concepts of reflection to variouscontexts including the employment context (SOAR).• Demonstrate the development of personal responsibility anddecision-making skills necessary for employment.• Articulate the transfer of learning from the research work to thereflection and evaluation experience• Retrieve, analyse, synthesise and present information fromvarious reliable sources (academic journals and text, companyreports) within the framework of Harvard referencing.30% ICON COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENTCrafting Your Future: Professional Practice and ResearchAssignment BriefSession: February 2021UNDERGRADUATE COMMON ASSESSMENT CRITERIAAssignment Brief – continued10 (1st) 85-100%OUTSTANDING(1st) 70-84%EXCELLENT(2:1) 60-69%VERY GOOD(2:2) 50-59%COMPETENT(3rd) 40-49%ADEQUATEFail 30-39%MARGINAL FAILFail 0-29%FAILAchieved therequired learningoutcomesAchieved therequired learningoutcomesAchieved therequired learningoutcomesAchieved therequired learningoutcomesAchieved therequired learningoutcomes with aminimally adequateresponse.The student hasFailed to achieve therequired learningoutcomes.The student hasFailed to achieve therequired learningoutcomes.Subject knowledgeand skillsSubject knowledgeand skillsSubject knowledgeand skillsSubject knowledgeand skillsSubject knowledgeand skillsSubject knowledgeand skillsSubject knowledgeand skillsPROCESS:The studentdemonstratesoutstandingideas generation,problem solving,concepts, technicalcompetency andproposals in responseto set briefs and/orself-initiated activity.PROCESS:The studentdemonstratesexcellent ideasgeneration, problemsolving, concepts,technical competencyand proposals inresponse to set briefsand/or self-initiatedactivity.PROCESS:The studentdemonstrates verygood ideasgeneration, problemsolving, concepts,technical competencyand proposals inresponse to set briefsand/or self-initiatedactivity.PROCESS:The studentdemonstrates thecompetent ability togenerate ideas,problem solving,concepts, technicalcompetency andproposals in responseto set briefs and/orself-initiated activity.PROCESS:The studentdemonstrates anadequate ability togenerate ideas,problem solving,concepts, technicalcompetency andproposals in responseto set briefs and/orself-initiated activity.PROCESS:The studentdemonstrates someability to generateideas, problemsolving, concepts,technical competencyand proposals inresponse to set briefsand/or self-initiatedactivity.PROCESS:The studentdemonstrates little orno ability to generateideas, problemsolving, concepts,technical competencyand proposals inresponse to set briefsand/or self-initiatedactivity.INNOVATION:The studentdemonstratesoutstanding,independent practice,experimentation, risktaking, creativity ( ideas and/orsolutions), extensiveand insightful enquiryinto their disciplineand the motivation toadvance it.INNOVATION:The studentdemonstratesexcellentindependent practice,experimentation, risktaking, creativity,originality (i.e. newideas and/orsolutions) and indepth enquiry intotheir discipline.INNOVATION:The studentdemonstrates verygood evidence ofindependent practice,experimentation, risktaking, creativity,originality (i.e. newideas and/orsolutions) and indepth enquiry intotheir discipline.INNOVATION:The studentdemonstratescompetent evidenceof independentpractice,experimentation, risktaking, creativity,originality (i.e. newideas and/orsolutions) andenquiry into theirdiscipline.INNOVATION:The studentdemonstratesadequate evidence ofindependent practice,experimentation, risktaking, creativity,originality (i.e. newideas and/orsolutions) andenquiry into theirdiscipline.INNOVATION:The studentdemonstrates someevidence ofindependent practice,experimentation, risktaking, creativity,originality (i.e. newideas and/orsolutions) andenquiry into theirdiscipline.INNOVATION:The studentdemonstrates little orno evidence ofindependent practice,experimentation, risktaking, creativity,originality (i.e. newideas and/orsolutions) andenquiry into theirdiscipline. Assignment Brief – continued11 INDUSTRY:The student’s workdemonstrates anoutstanding, ethicallyinformed, real-worldexperience ofindustry/businessenvironments andmarkets.INDUSTRY:The student’s workdemonstrates anexcellent, ethicallyinformed, real-worldexperience ofindustry/businessenvironments andmarkets.INDUSTRY:The student’s workdemonstrates a verygood, ethicallyinformed, real-worldexperience ofindustry/businessenvironments andmarkets.INDUSTRY:The student’s workdemonstrates acompetent, ethicallyinformed, real-worldexperience ofindustry/businessenvironments andmarkets.INDUSTRY:The student’s workdemonstrates anadequate, ethicallyinformed, real-worldexperience ofindustry/businessenvironments andmarkets.INDUSTRY:The student’s workdemonstrates someethically informed,real-world experienceof industry/businessenvironments andmarkets.INDUSTRY:The student’s workdemonstrates little orno ethically informedreal-world experienceof industry/businessenvironments andmarkets.Generic and graduateskillsGeneric and graduateskillsGeneric and graduateskillsGeneric and graduateskillsGeneric and graduateskillsGeneric and graduateskillsGeneric and graduateskillsRESEARCH:The studentdemonstratesoutstanding researchand information skills.RESEARCH:The studentdemonstratesexcellent researchand information skills.RESEARCH:The studentdemonstrates verygood research andinformation skills.RESEARCH:The studentdemonstratescompetent researchand information skills.RESEARCH:The studentdemonstratesadequate researchand information skills.RESEARCH:The studentdemonstrates someresearch andinformation skills.RESEARCH:The studentdemonstrates little orno research andinformation skills.ANALYSIS:The studentdemonstrates anoutstanding ability tocritically engage withand analyseinformation andformulate reasonedarguments.ANALYSIS:The studentdemonstrates anexcellent ability tocritically engage withand analyseinformation andformulate reasonedarguments.ANALYSIS:The studentdemonstrates a verygood ability tocritically engage withand analyseinformation andformulate reasonedarguments.ANALYSIS:The studentdemonstrates acompetent ability tocritically engage withand analyseinformation andformulate reasonedarguments.ANALYSIS:The studentdemonstratesadequate ability tocritically engage withand analyseinformation andformulate reasonedarguments.ANALYSIS:The studentdemonstrates someability to criticallyengage with andanalyse informationand formulatereasoned arguments.ANALYSIS:The studentdemonstrates little orno ability to criticallyengage with andanalyse informationand formulatereasoned arguments.COMMUNICATION:The studentdemonstratesoutstandingcommunication andpresentation skills.COMMUNICATION:The studentdemonstratesexcellentcommunication andpresentation skills.COMMUNICATION:The studentdemonstrates verygood communicationand presentationskills.COMMUNICATION:The studentdemonstratescompetentcommunication andpresentation skills.COMMUNICATION:The studentdemonstratesadequatecommunication andpresentation skills.COMMUNICATION:The studentdemonstrates somecommunication andpresentation skills.COMMUNICATION:The studentdemonstrates little orno communicationand presentationskills. Assignment Brief – continued12 ORGANISATION:The studentdemonstratesoutstanding selfmanagement skills.ORGANISATION:The studentdemonstratesexcellent selfmanagement skills.ORGANISATION:The studentdemonstrates verygood selfmanagement skills.ORGANISATION:The studentdemonstratescompetent selfmanagement skills.ORGANISATION:The studentdemonstratesadequate selfmanagement skills.ORGANISATION:The studentdemonstrates someself-managementskills.ORGANISATION:The studentdemonstrates little orno aptitude for selfmanagement.COLLABORATION:The studentdemonstratesoutstanding (multidisciplinary) teamworking.COLLABORATION:The studentdemonstratesexcellent (multidisciplinary) teamworking.COLLABORATION:The studentdemonstrates verygood (multidisciplinary) teamworking.COLLABORATION:The studentdemonstratescompetent (multidisciplinary) teamworking.COLLABORATION:The studentdemonstratesadequate (multidisciplinary) teamworking.COLLABORATION:The studentdemonstrates some(multi-disciplinary)team working.COLLABORATION:The studentdemonstrates little orno (multi-disciplinary)team working. Assignment Brief – continued13ICON COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENTCrafting Your Future: Professional Practice and ResearchAssignment BriefSession: February 2021Preparation guidelines of the Coursework SubmissionGuide to students1. Preparation Guidelines of the Coursework Documenta). All coursework must be typed.b). The assignment should not be written in a text box.c). Document margins must not be more than 2.54 cm (1 inch) or less than 1.9cm (3/4 inch).d). The assignment should be in a formal business style using single spacing and font size 12.e). Standard and commonly used type face such as Arial should be used.f). All figures, graphs and tables must be numbered and entitled.g). Material taken from external sources must be properly referenced using the Harvard referencingsystem.h). Do not use Wikipedia as a reference.i). Read the Submission Instructions in the Submission Point in the VLE2. Plagiarism and CollusionAny act of plagiarism or collusion will be seriously dealt with according to the College regulations. Inthis context the definitions and scope of plagiarism and collusion are presented below:Plagiarism is presenting somebody else’s work as your own. It includes copying information directlyfrom the Web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individualeffort.Collusion is copying another person’s or another student’s coursework; stealing coursework fromanother student and submitting it as your own work.Suspected plagiarism or collusion will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealtwith according to the College procedure (For details on Plagiarism & Collusion please see theStudent Handbook 20-21).3. Good PracticeMake backup of your work in different media (hard disk, memory stick, etc.) to avoid distress for lossor damage of your original copy.4. Submissiona). Students shall experience both formative and summative assessment.Formative assessment assists student learning by providing early feedback to help students toimprove their learning, building on their strengths and targeting weaknesses that require closerattention. It does not contribute directly to the module result, or to progression and award decisions.b). All final coursework must be submitted to the Final Submission point in the right module in theVLE and not to the lecturer or to the Examination Office. All students will be required to submit viathe same method, and against the same deadlines, unless an adjustment has been agreed ongrounds of disability or other extenuating circumstances. Students can submit only once, and thatis the final submission. Students must keep the Submission receipt from Turnitin securely.5. Extension and Late Submissionsa). If you need an extension for a valid reason, you must request one using an ExtenuatingCircumstances (EC) form available from the College Examination Office and in ICON VLE. Pleasenote that the tutors do not have the authority to extend the coursework deadlines and therefore donot ask them to award a coursework extension. The completed form must be accompanied byevidence such as a medical certificate in the event of you being sick and should be submitted to theAssignment Brief – continued15Examination Office.b). Only one opportunity for reassessment (resubmission) will be permitted and the assessment willbe capped at Pass for the module. Students will be required to submit referred coursework over thesummer period. In addition, modules passed cannot be reassessed.6. Resitting a Modulesa). A resit is a second attempt at an assessment without any additional tuition and with markscapped at the Pass Markb). Resitting students must be reassessed under the syllabus in place at the first attempt.c). Resitting students should be reassessed by the same Method used at the first attempt.7. Repeating a Modulea). A repeat is a second attempt at an assessment in the following academic session with markscapped at the Pass markb). A student who has failed 2/3 of the modules (40 credits) in both Final/Late submission and in theResubmission must retake the modules with full attendance and payment of the module fee.c). Repeating students must be reassessed in all the elements of the failed module(s) and can onlysubmit once.d). The fees for repeating students must be charged pro-rata to the credit value of the module(s)concerned.e). A student who fails at the second attempt must leave the programme and must not be permittedto re-enrol on a failed programme or module.8. Submission deadlines Online to the ICON VLEFinal Submission date: 7-12 June 2021Late Submission date: 14-19 June 2021


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