Future Professional Practice and Research | My Assignment Tutor

Week 4 Crafting your Future Professional Practice and ResearchWk 4Steps Description Example Activity TypesTools that willsupport thisactivity1Introduction(Informinglearners of theobjective)Introduction to research, research idea, research topic,and SMART research objectives.Objectives:– To generate ideas that will help in the choice of asuitable research topic– To comprehend the attributes of good research topicand research objectives.– To turn research ideas into research objectives – forthe research essay elements of the portfolioStudents read the Saunders et al.(2018) chapter 2, before the lecture.During the lectures the mainconcepts of research and researchobjectives are explained in detail andwith examples, followed by groupand individual activities.Icon VLE,Kaltura, BookChapters,Online Material.2 Lectures anddelivery methodThe main concepts of research, research question/aim,and research objectives are explained to, and discusswith the students.Presentation, Case ExamplesKaltura +Lecture materialon ICON VLE3 ActivityGroup work on the research ideas of each student, andturning them into research question ,and researchobjectives, through a brainstorming discussion.Group discussion and brainstormingBreakoutRooms inKaltura4 Reflection andFeedbackGroups summarise and present their research topics,questions, and objectives.Presentation of the groupbrainstorming outcomesICON VLE andKaltura5 Consolidationand IntegrationStudents share their research ideas, topic andobjectives in the ICON VLEStudents are divided into groups inbreakout room to share theirresearch idea, topics and objectives.Kaltura andICON VLECrafting Your Future – Weekly Planner


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