Assignment As the senior data analyst for Exact, LLC, an information clearinghouse, you have decided that to make your operations easier to fund, company stakeholders need to become more aware of your Assignment As the senior data analyst for Exact, LLC, an information clearinghouse, you have decided that to make your operations easier to fund, company stakeholders need to become more aware of your operations. They need to have knowledge of the various Big Data computing platforms, become familiar with the various tools applicable to Big Data stacks, and be acquainted with the many tools required to work with Big Data stacks. Your plan is to provide your stakeholders with a better knowledge base that they can refer to when future funding is required. Instructions Use Word to write an informative article that compares Big Data computing platforms, identifies tools applicable to the Big Data stack, and justifies appropriate computing infrastructures for real-time, near-real-time, and batch applications. Your document needs to be at least 3 pages in length and be of high quality. Show more


As the senior data analyst for Exact, LLC, an information clearinghouse, you have decided that to make your operations easier to fund, company stakeholders need to become more aware of your operations. They need to have knowledge of the various Big Data computing platforms, become familiar with the various tools applicable to Big Data stacks, and be acquainted with the many tools required to work with Big Data stacks. Your plan is to provide your stakeholders with a better knowledge base that they can refer to when future funding is required.


Use Word to write an informative article that compares Big Data computing platforms, identifies tools applicable to the Big Data stack, and justifies appropriate computing infrastructures for real-time, near-real-time, and batch applications. Your document needs to be at least 3 pages in length and be of high quality.


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