Reviewing Academic Literature | My Assignment Tutor

Crafting Your Future:Professional Practice and ResearchWeek 5 – Reviewing Academic LiteratureICTM Module Delivery TeamWeekly Planner ICTM Module Delivery Team Wk 5Steps Description Example Activity TypesTools that willsupport thisactivity1Introduction(Informinglearners of theobjective)Introduction to literature review, sources of literature,literature review process, and referencing.Objectives – By the end of this sessions studentsshould be able to:– Understand the importance and purpose of the criticalliterature review to your research– Know what you need to include when writing yourcritical review– Be aware of the range of literature sources available– identify key words and to undertake a literature searchusing a range of methods– evaluate the relevance, value and sufficiency of theliterature found– reference the literature found accurately andunderstand what is meant by plagiarismStudents read the Saunders et al.(2018) chapter 3, before the lecture.During the lectures the mainconcepts of literature and literaturereview are explained in detail andwith examples, followed by groupdiscussions and activities.Icon VLE,Kaltura, BookChapters,Online Material.2 Lectures anddelivery methodThe main concepts of literature and literature review areexplained to, and discuss with the students. Presentation, Case/Paper ExamplesKaltura +Lecture materialon ICON VLE3 ActivityGroup work on what they need to search for in theliterature and what sources the need to focus on.Group also review an academic article and discuss theirunderstanding of it.Group discussion.BreakoutRooms inKaltura4 Reflection andFeedbackGroups summarise their article review and upload it toVLE. Group report, uploaded to VLE ICON VLE and Kaltura5 Consolidationand IntegrationStudents share their views on literature review and whatthey need to search for in the literature (based on theirown research essay).Students are divided into groups inbreakout room to share their theviews to the literature review andalso to discuss the article that theystudied in advance.Kaltura andICON VLECrafting Your Future – Weekly PlannerSession Objectives 1/2This session is relevant to Learning Outcome 4:“Apply a justified systematic approach to researchmethodology and demonstrate advanced informationskills”, and tries to achieve the following objectives.By the end of this sessions students should be ableto:• Understand the importance and purpose of thecritical literature review to your research• Know what you need to include when writing yourcritical review• Be aware of the range of literature sourcesavailableICTM Module Delivery TeamSession Objectives 2/2• identify key words and to undertake a literature searchusing a range of methods• evaluate the relevance, value and sufficiency of theliterature found• reference the literature found accurately andunderstand what is meant by plagiarismICTM Module Delivery TeamDefinition of LITERATURE REVIEWA literature review is a search and evaluation ofthe available literature in your given subject orchosen topic area.It documents the state of the art with respect tothe subject or topic you are writing about.You need to appreciate that your research is notdone in a vacuum, but builds on the ideas of otherpeople who have studied the field before you. Thisrequires you understand, compare and contrastwhat has been published in your research area.ICTM Module Delivery TeamWhy you do literature review• to carry on from where others have alreadyreached, or position your project relative toprevious work• to identify gaps in the literature• to avoid reinventing the wheel• to identify other people working in the same fields• to increase your breadth of knowledge of yoursubject area• to identify opposing views• to put your work into perspective• to identify information, methods and ideas thatmay be relevant to your projectICTM Module Delivery TeamHow do events, discoveries and ideasbecome ‘knowledge’?Planning your Literature Review1. What exactlyare you looking for?4. Reflect & improveon your search 2. Where are yougoing to look?3. How are you goingto search?Literature Review: Where to search• Initial/Informal channels– Yourself, friends, colleagues, conferences• Primary channels– Books, review articles (but remember, don’tplagiarize)• Secondary sources– Bibliographies, abstract archives• Less reliable sources of information (use carefully)– Google, Wikipedia, Weblogs, Social MediaICTM Module Delivery TeamLiterature Review: Sources AvailableICTM Module Delivery TeamLiterature Review: Reliable SourcesE-Sources for scholarly papers and statistics:••••••••••• Module Delivery TeamLiterature Review: Reliable SourcesE-Sources for Business Articles:••••••• Module Delivery TeamLiterature Review: Reliable SourcesConsultancies and Professional Services:•••••••• Module Delivery TeamLiterature Review: Reliable SourcesProfessional Bodies:• Chartered Management Institute• Chartered Institute of Management Accountants• The Institute of Leadership & Management• Association of Chartered Certified Accountants• Association for Project Management• Chartered Institute of Marketing• Institute of Economic Development• Institute of Financial Accountants• Institute of Food Science and TechnologyICTM Module Delivery TeamLiterature Review: Reliable SourcesICTM Module Delivery TeamCan’t I just use Google Scholar?• Good points:– Easy to use– Finds a variety of information sources online– Searches WorldCat for Library stock all over the world• Weak points:– Often finds articles that need a subscription to read– May not include articles from some major journal publishers– Lacks search flexibility and specificityClass Discussion 1What exactly you are looking for?Based on the Research Essay element of your assignment, inyour group discuss what you need to search for and review inthe literature. Then, identify, what resources you need to usefor your literature review.Search Process1. Start with some relevant sources2. Find some relevant references3. Screen papers, selecting only those which arerelevant and of high quality4. Repeat steps 1-3 multiple times, building up abibliographic source listICTM Module Delivery TeamScanning vs. Reading• Do not read through every paper you come across –it takes too long!• Instead scan through papers quickly, then identifyessential reading• Keep a bibliographic record of every paper, book orwebsite you useICTM Module Delivery TeamAnalysing• What does the text/data actually tell us?• How does it apply to the topic of the review?• What conclusions can we draw?• Are there any major disagreements betweendifferent sources/studies?ICTM Module Delivery TeamActive reading techniqueYou will get more out of your reading material and bea more efficient reader, if you read actively. Being anactive reader doesn’t just happen – it needs planning,technique and practice. Below is a simple method ofplanning your reading, SQ3R, so that it is more active,more purposeful, and much more productive. SQ3Rstands for:S(urvey), Q(uestion), R(ead), R(ecall), R(eview)ICTM Module Delivery TeamActive reading techniqueSurvey• Have a quick look through the paper (book, orchapter, or article) to see what it is about and whatyou can expect to get out of it. You may also find ithelpful to survey the list of contents and the index.ICTM Module Delivery TeamActive reading techniqueQuestion• Write down the questions you will be able toanswer when you have read the book (or chapter,or article) properly. The survey you have just done,and your own needs (and maybe assignment titlesand exam questions) will help you to formulate thequestions.ICTM Module Delivery TeamActive reading techniqueRead• Once you have formulated some useful questions,reading is easy. All you have to do is find where theanswers to your questions are and read those bitscarefully, perhaps underlining, a few notes briefnotes in the margins, sketching one or twodiagrams, doing some calculations to make sureyou understand them, and so on. But, do not takenotes in the usual sense.ICTM Module Delivery TeamActive reading techniqueRecall• This part of the reading technique is vital. Try toanswer all your questions without looking at thematerial or your notes. You’ll soon find out whatyou have learned and what you need to spendmore time on.ICTM Module Delivery TeamActive reading techniqueReview• Go back to the material and check your answers.Go over the things you have got wrong or couldn’tanswer. Remember, don’t get trapped by thematerial, just dip into the relevant bits.ICTM Module Delivery TeamWriting Hints• Do not confuse a literature review with anannotated bibliography; discuss themes,referencing many sources simultaneously• Do not make a statement without a reference(unless it is obvious or trivial)• Include a reference listICTM Module Delivery TeamAcademic Referencing• All academic work builds on the ideas anddiscoveries of previous scholars. This intellectualdebt must be acknowledged in every instance witha clear and accurate reference showing readersexactly where the quote, idea or fact can be found.Otherwise, it will be a case of plagiarism.See the “STUDENT HANDBOOK” for further detail.Other sources:•• Module Delivery TeamReference Management Software(s)•••• www.mendeley.comWatch the Mendeley video, available in VLE.ICTM Module Delivery TeamConcluding Remarks• The purpose of a literature review is not just to findwhat is in the literature, but also to drawconclusions from it. Have this in mind from thebeginning.• Be as thorough as you can, bearing your constraintsin mind• Be flexible, changing the scope of your review, orthe amount of detail that you cover, as the reviewproceedsICTM Module Delivery TeamICTM Module Delivery TeamClass Discussion 2Based on your pre-session study of a peer reviewedjournal article, in your breakout room discuss therationale, the review of the literature and the concludingremarks of the chosen peer reviewed journal article. Youare required to write your own Abstract to the article, setdown your keywords and suggest your own title to thearticle.The groups’ summaries are uploaded onto the ICON VLE.ICTM Module Delivery TeamExtra study:Read the book chapter (chapter 3), shared inthe VLE, and make sure you consider itsguidelines in your research essay.Watch the training video on “MendeleyReference Management”, shared in the VLE,and try to install it on your computer.ICTM Module Delivery Team


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