Introduction to Sports Management | My Assignment Tutor

Introduction to Sports Management – Week Eleven Welcome Assessment Update Discussion Forum Start Module Six In a letter to QueenslandPremier AnnastaciaPalaszczuk, AustralianPrime Minister ScottMorrison guaranteed thegovernment will meethalf the cost of Brisbane’shosting of the 2032Olympic Games, shouldthe city be confirmed asthe host. The federalgovernment’s share ofthe funding is expected torun into the billions. Assessment Summary AssessmentAssessment TypeLengthDueWeight1Reflective Journal –My Sport Experience1000 wordsEnd of Week 4 – Sun Mar 1420%2Project Proposal for anew sport (Report)1500 wordsEnd of Week 6 – Sun Mar 2840%3Final Report for a newsport1500 wordsEnd of Week 12 – Sun May 940% Assessment 2 and 3 are linked – you need to choose create a new sport, or modify an existingsport, to attract a new market.Assessment Three BriefDevelop the final form of the sport that you have invented including: Introduction to the sport – name, brief concept, season or time of year The target market – who will play this new sport? Mission and/or Vision Statement – what is the purpose of this new sport? Goals and SMART Objectives – how will you establish this sport in the next 3-5 years? Proposed Governance Structure – how would you structure the Board of Management? SWOT Analysis – table format with a minimum of five factors in each of the four segments Risk Matrix Table – potential risks and strategies to minimise them Final Rules including scoring and how to win Equipment and Uniforms required to play and to minimise risks Proposed Competition for the first year including – how many games (team sports) or events (individual sport) in the first year? Venues/Facilities – where will the sport be played and why? Proposed logo and colours (brand) of the new sport The sports position on ethics and social responsibility Proposed Funding Partners – commercial sponsors and government grants Proposed Launch – what event would you coordinate to launch this new sport? Conclusion – convince the reader that this sport has a futureAssessment Three RubricYour assessment should also address the Rubric outlined in theAssessment Brief: Context, Audience and Purpose 10% Knowledge and Understanding 50% Critical reasoning, presentation and defence of an argument 30% Referencing 10%The slides from Modules 1 – 6 are good references but you should alsoinclude the readings provided and websites that you find relevant fromthe sports industry.Subject Overview Module 1Module 2Module 3Module 4Module 5Module 6The Sports IndustryGovernance and RiskSport Marketing and MediaSport Tourism and EventsSport Facilities and VenuesProfessionalism and Ethics Module Six Readings1. Module Six Lecture Slides2. Collins, A., Jones, C., & Munday, M. (2009). Assessing the environmental impacts ofmega sporting event: Two options? Tourism Management, 30, 828-837.3. The Commonwealth (2016) Podcast:Experts debate role of sport in sustainable development Port Adelaide Football Club Community Development programs (2019)Copy to be sent after the class.Module Six Topics1. Professionalism in Sport2. Ethics in Sport3. Codes of ConductNext Week:4. Junior Sport5. Drugs in SportChange in EthicsPlay by the rules(amateur sport)Win at all costs(professional sport)Mutual quest for excellence(contemporary sport)Beliefs, Values, Attitudes and Behaviours 21, 2021In keeping with the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) strategic priorities to ensuretransparency, integrity and good governance at every level, the Federation has announced theformation of its new Ethics Commission with the first three members appointed.Following on from the adoption of a comprehensive Code of Ethics and Conduct, the CGF Ethics Commissionis a completely independent body tasked with maintaining the highest standards of probity throughout theCommonwealth Sport Movement.The Commission will be Chaired by Brian Speers of Northern Ireland with Canada’s Dr Frank Fowlie namedas Deputy Chair and Australia’s Sue Taylor AM appointed as an independent member.Sport Integrity Australia Formed in February 2019 Operational from July 1 2020 Includes ASADA Anti-doping Match Fixing Organised crime and Corruption Child Protection“As a team, we are powerful. We can put a protective, ethical ring around sport to protect it from thoseseeking to corrupt or exploit the vulnerable for their own gain. This is an opportunity to share and learnfrom each other because, after all, we are all here to protect sport”. David Sharpe – recently appointed asthe first CEO of Sport Integrity Australia, previously CEO of ASADA. Discussion Forum: Sport seems to attract all kinds of unethical behaviour including doping,match fixing and corruption. Why is it important for the sports industry to invest resourcesand eliminate unethical behaviour?Ethical Behaviour and Social ResponsibilityEthical Behaviour and Social ResponsibilitySPO101Module 6Professionalism and EthicsThis Module Professionalism in Sport Ethics in Sport Codes of Conduct Junior Sport Drugs in Sport Case Study: Shayna JackPROFESSIONALISM IN SPORTProfessionalismThe traditional view of professionalism was:Behaviour like that of a person belonging to a profession.The contemporary view is:A commitment to appropriate conduct and competence, whereethics, image, service and effort are paramount and where thecombination of ability, insight, vision, qualifications andexperience culminate in excellence.Smith, A. & Stewart, B. (1999) Sports Management: A Guide to Professional Practice, Allen andUnwin: SydneyConduct and CompetenceThere are two approaches to professionalism:The Conduct approach:Concerned with individual and organisational conduct, withemphasis on appropriate interpersonal and social behaviour.The Competence approach:Emphasises abilities, skills and competencies as the pivotalfactors in professional behaviour.Smith, A. & Stewart, B. (1999) Sports Management: A Guide to Professional Practice, Allen andUnwin: SydneyConduct approachThe Conduct approach considers the following four aspects: Ethical behaviourMust include a moral philosophical code that governsbehaviour in a formal and systematic manner. Focuses on fairness, honesty, integrity, safety,authenticity, and legal propriety.Image Individual: etiquette, style, personality and attire.Organisational: office decorum, perceptions ofefficiency and effectiveness. ServiceProvision of quality service and social sensibility,sensitivity and courtesy. Effort Application of effort; professionalism does not comeeasily and requires enthusiasm, dedication andpassion.Competence approachThe Competence approach considers the following aspects:Abilities Specific skills and abilities which help to get the jobdone: data acquisition, communication, networking,interpretation and analysis, independent thinking,decision making, consequences of decision making.Insight and Vision Information gathering, interpretation and planning. Qualifications andExperienceSound practice is never achieved without training andexperience. ExcellenceWorking to the very best of your abilities.Commitment, enthusiasm and lifetime learning. The Sport ProfessionProfessionalism can be applied to any job, role or profession.A profession is an occupation that requires extensive trainingand the study and mastery of specialised knowledge, andusually has a professional association, ethical code andprocess of certification or licensing.Examples of professional associations in Sport include:ANZSLA – Australia and New Zealand Sports Law AssociationASPA – Australian Sport Professionals AssociationSMA – Sports Medicine AustraliaVMA – Venue Management AssociationBest PracticeThe adoption of professional standards can lead to bestpractice – the proven management methods that contribute tothe efficient and effective functioning of organisations andsocieties in which they operate. Best practice can focus onspecific areas of the business: Effective and open communication Quality management and continuous improvement Strategy development Focus on creating and delivering value Risk management Diversity and Cultural Awareness Social InclusionClass ExerciseWhat examples of best practice in sport are you aware of?ETHICS IN SPORTCommon perceptions of sportMost people have the same expectations of sport: Athletes who can achieve (and win) in a fair manner and act as goodrole models; Participants to play not only by the rules of the game but in the spirit ofthe game; Sport to be an environment that is enjoyable and untainted bycheating, violence, abuse and other unacceptable practices; Respect shown by all involved in sport, especially for decisions ofofficials.Decline in behaviour standards?There is growing concern about ethical issues in sport anda decline in behavioural standards.Concerns about whether sport is engendering or toleratingviolent and inappropriate cultures, and whether the conductof athletes is in decline.If sport loses its integrity and value as something worthhonouring, it will have many detrimental effects, and willchallenge the cultural importance that sport has in Australia.Do you believe there has been a decline in behaviouralstandards?Loss of IntegrityA loss of integrity in sport would have negative effects: Diminishing community support and respect Diminishing sports ability to provide positive role modelsfor young people Diminishing its ability to be an agent of social cohesion Decreasing corporate support Decreasing membership Increasing litigation and insurance costs Increasing negative media coverageEthical issues in sport (1)Some of the ethical issues confronting the sport industry include: Corporate governance – cronyism, paternalism, nepotism, favouritism,discrimination and/or bias in organisational and board governance and in theappointment of people to paid or voluntary positions Expectation for athletes to be role models at all times Questionable game/coaching tactics (e.g. sledging, time wasting, slow play) Corruption, gambling, cheating, bribery, match fixing Team selection – bias, non-transparent policies Media’s role in sport and increasing power and influence Conflicting sponsorship agreements and sponsor demands Sportsmanship/fair play/sporting values – being able to maintain andenhance the values around fairness, loyalty, cooperation, teamwork,courage and responsibility in an environment that encourages winning, thatfrequently condones the ‘win at all costs’ ethos, and where the financialincentives and benefits for winning and breaking records is increasing.Ethical issues in sport (2) Performance enhancing drugs and doping (and other technologies) Excessive alcohol consumption and use of recreational drugs Pain-killing injections Racial harassment and vilification Harassment/bullying – particularly where is seen as accepted practice orculture to psychologically ‘toughen’ up athletes Lack of respect for officials and opposing players Verbal and physical abuse of officials/referees/umpires Abusive/aggressive parental behaviour Spectator violence Violence on the sporting field – is it an important and useful tradition ofmasculinity and an outlet for stress and anger or should it all be stamped out? How and when coaches touch athletes Sexual assault and misconduct including child abuse Victimisation of those who speak out or make a complaintEthical issues in sport (3) Sexuality discrimination and homophobia Transgender athletes – questions regarding participation at the elite level bytransgender athletes Genetic doping/therapy/manipulation Hormone Replacement Therapy – drug testing of mature female athletes Science and technology – at what point does the technology surpass theinfluence of the athlete’s performance and in the process devalue theperformance – are some technological innovations dangerous? Sexualisation and/or exploitation of athletes Pregnancy in sport – women’s rights vs foetus’ rights Infectious Diseases – should contact sport be allowed?Did we miss any?Codes of ConductSport organisations have attempted to address many of theseissues in their codes of conduct that are now written for: Elite athletes Junior and Senior participants Parents Coaches Umpires/Officials/Referees Volunteers Trainers/Doctors/Medical Staff Boards of Management Committees (eg selection)Codes of ConductCodes of Conduct can be lengthy documents but it is important totake the time to develop and approve them. The Play by the Ruleswebsite has templates available: is also important that the key messages are visible and allstakeholders are reminded of the expectations and responsibilities.The Play by the Rules website has a number of infographics thatcan be easily printed and displayed at sport facilities and clubrooms:


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