Business in Practice | My Assignment Tutor

Module Number: BMP3002 Module Name: Business in Practice Year/Trimester: 2020-21/Semester 1 Module Tutor: Juan Braschi/Muhammad Bhuiyan/Syed Jaffery/Nastaran Richard-Carpenter Assessment Number       2Assessment Type (and weighting)Individual Poster with Voice Over – 50%Assessment NameInternal and External factorsAssessment Submission DateWednesday 19 May 2021 at 23:59 Learning Outcomes Assessed: LO3: Explain how internal and external factors impact on the specific business LO4: Explain the different ways in which a business can impact on the external environment. Assessment Brief: Produce a detailed poster which consists of an investigation into the relationship between a business organisation and its external environment. Describe and discuss how the external and internal factors effect a specific business or organisation of your own choice Describe and discuss the different ways in which your chosen business or organisation can impact on the external environment. Guide for Poster Presentation: You will find useful information on this link. Additional guidance on digital tools available for designing posters and things to bear in mind when designing a digital poster for presentation shall be provided in seminar sessions: Click to access Poster-Presentations.pdf Instructions: Your poster should include sections with clear headings for example: introduction, main ideas, quotes, conclusions, References etc.  Ensure to include in-text citation and provide a list of references in a separate box within the poster. Ensure it consists of the requirements stated above under the assessment brief heading. Things to bear in mind: Layout -use arrows, boxes, headings, smart art graphics to guide the audience.Colour schemes-be mindful of colour choices when using contrasting colours.Pictures- you may choose to include few pictures as long as they are relevant to your discussion.Text- Use Arial font type and adjust font size as required ensuring it’s clearly readable to your audience.Creativity – See examples of effective poster designs online in an academic context in order to plan and structure your poster.Size of poster- A0Word count – as required but bearing in mind this is a poster and not an essay or a report. Hence, you may wish to keep it succinct. Marking criteria: Your poster presentation will be assessed based on the following criteria: Identification and explanation of internal and external factors affecting the businessExplanation of the impacts of the business on the external environmentResearch evidenceReferencingStructure and planningClarity of informationVisual aids   Individual presentation styleTiming and length Minimum Secondary Research Source Requirements: Level FE3/HE3 – It is expected that the Reference List will contain at least five sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include three academic books. For general guidance on writing assignment and submission please refer to section 12. Guidelines for the Preparation and Submission of Written Assessments on the module guide. Specific Assessment Criteria: Please note that the General Assessment Criteria will apply. Please see matrix below for HE3:  %RelevanceKnowledgeArgument/AnalysisStructurePresentationWritten EnglishResearch/ReferencingClass I(Exceptional Quality)85-100%        Directly relevant to title.    Expertly addresses the main assumptions of the title and/or the requirements of the brief.Demonstrates an exceptional knowledge/understanding of theory and practice for FE3 level through the identification and summary of key themes.Makes exceptional use of appropriate arguments and/or theoretical models. Presents a comprehensive discussion of material resulting in clear, logical and original conclusions.Coherently articulated and logically structured. An appropriate format is used. The presentational style & layout is correct for the type of assignment. Effective inclusion of figures, tables, plates (FTP), where appropriate.A very well written answer with standard spelling and grammar. Style is clear, resourceful and academic.  A wide range of sources drawn upon. Sources are cited accurately in the text and in the reference list. Class I(Excellent Quality)70-84%      Directly relevant to title.    Addresses the main assumptions of the title and/or the requirements of the brief.Demonstrates an excellent knowledge/understanding of theory and practice for FE3 level through the identification and summary of key themes.Makes excellent use of appropriate arguments and/or theoretical models. Presents a comprehensive summary of material resulting in clear, logical conclusions.Coherently articulated and logically structured. An appropriate format is used. The presentational style & layout is correct for the type of assignment. Effective inclusion of figures, tables, plates (FTP), where appropriate. A well writtenanswer with standard spelling and grammar. Style is clear, and academic.  A wide range of sources drawn upon. Sources well cited in the text and in the reference list – with only minor errors.Class II/i(Very Good Quality)60-69%Generally addresses the title/brief and covers some key issues in sufficiently meaningful detail.Demonstrates a very good knowledge/understanding of theory and practice for FE3 level through the identification and summary of key themes.Uses appropriate arguments or theoretical models. Clear and valid summary of the material.  Presents clear, logical conclusions.Logically constructed in the main.  An appropriate format is used. The presentational style & layout is correct for the type of assignment. Inclusion of FTP, where appropriate.A clearly written answer with standard spelling and grammar. Style is clear, and academic.A range of sources drawn upon. Most sources cited accurately in the text and in the reference list. Class II/ii(Good Quality)50-59%Generally, addresses the title/brief but sometimes considers irrelevant issues.Demonstrates a good knowledge/understanding of theory and practice for FE3 level through the identification and summary of some key issues.Presents largely coherent arguments. Valid summary of the material although focus lacking in places. Presents conclusions which are fairly clear and logical.For the most part coherently articulated and logically structured.   An acceptable format is used.The presentational style & layout is largely correct for the type of assignment. Inclusion of FTP lacks selectivity.Competently written with minor lapses in spelling and grammar. Style is readable, and generally academic.Relevant sources drawn upon. Some weaknesses in referencing technique.Class III(Satisfactory Quality)40-49%Some degree of irrelevance to the title/brief.    Superficial consideration of the issues.Demonstrates an adequate knowledge/understanding of theory and practice for FE3 level. An attempt is made to identify and summaries key themes.Presents basic arguments, but focus and consistency lacking in places. Some issues may lack clarity. Presents conclusions which are not always clear or logical.Some attempt at articulation and logical structure but gaps in coherence and progression. An acceptable format is used.The presentational style & layout is largely correct for the type of assignment. Inappropriate use of FTP or not used where clearly needed to aid understanding.Generally, competently written although intermittent lapses in grammar and spelling pose obstacles for the reader. Style limits communication and is non-academic in places.Some academic sources but overreliance on non-academic sources.    A number of errors in referencing technique.Borderline Fail35-39%  Significant degree of irrelevance to the title/brief. Only the most obvious issues are addressed at a superficial level and in unclear terms. Demonstrates weaknesses in knowledge of theory and practice for FE3 level, with poor understanding of key themes.Limited arguments, which lack clarity in places.   Presents conclusions which are neither clear nor logical.Poorly structured. Lack of articulation. Format deficient.For the type of assignment, the presentational style &/or layout is lacking. FTP ignored in text or not used where clearly needed.Deficiencies in spelling and grammar make reading difficult. Simplistic or repetitious style impairs clarity. Style is not academic.Limited sources and poor referencing. Fail


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