Financial statement analysis* (project paper and individual presentation)
Select one public listed company in the banking/manufacturing sector/ from Website of Bursa Malaysia. Download the financial statements from – Listed Company – Main Market – Select Company- Annual Report companies/plc- profile.html?stock code=5198)
From the gathered data and other supporting sources, please provide the following details:
1- Company background (organizational chart, etc.). (1 page)
2- Industry and competitive position. (2 page)
3- Perform various financial analysis (2 page summary for these financial indicators) EXAMPLE
PE ratio
Liquidity ratio
Activity ratio
Profitability ratio
Dept ratio
Market ratio
From the Cash Flow Statement, please answer the following questions:
How much did the firm generate from its operations?
How much did the firm invest in piant and equipment?
Did the firm raise additional funds, and if so, how much and from what source?
Is the firm able to generate positive cash flows?
(Note: This section should be presented to show your understanding of the financial ratios from the previous accounting class).
4-Discuss about the dept management of the company (4 pages)
5-Projection of future performance (10 pages) .
Provide pro-forma financial statements of 10 years forecast. Logical reasoning should be provided utilizing the effects of systematic and unsystematic risks) based on market information (various methods can be utilized such as percentage of sales, assumption of market efficiency, Altman Z score, indicator, etc.). You can also perform the company stock evaluation and calculate its intrinsic value. This part is crucial in finance, so this section carries most of the marks.
6-Recommendation and conclusion. (3 pages)
(1- 6 not more than 25 pages)
7-Appendices (the downloaded financial statements from Bursa Website must be included). “IA References (APA Style, please refer to the online Times New Roman, 12 font, single spacing.
8-Writing structure – Highlight main points, bgin with topic sentence to supporting sentences.
deadline for submission 10/6