Page 1 of 7LEVEL/ LEFEL 4MODULE CODE/ COD Y MODIWL: BMSW4005PROFESSIONAL CAREER DEVELOPMENTASSESSMENT TYPE/ MATH O ASESU: ASSIGNMENTASSESSMENT/COMPONENT/ ASESIAD/CYDRAN: 1COMPONENT WEIGHTING/ PWYSAU’R CYDRAN: 100 %WORD COUNT/ NIFER Y GEIRIAU: 2,000 words + 5 – 10 minsSUBMISSION DETAILS/ MANYLION CYFLWYNO: Make sure that Your Name , Your Student Number, Your Module Title,Assignment Title and Your Module Lecturer’s Name are clearly shown onthe front page of your assignment All assignments must be submitted electronically to Moodle. DO NOT put this form into Turnitin or it will match many similarities withother students’ submissions.Page 2 of 7 CERTIFICATE OF HIGHER EDUCATION ASSIGNMENTSPECIFICATION Programme:Certificate of Higher Education in Skills for the WorkplaceLecturer(s):Internal Verifier:AssignmentTitle:Professional Career DevelopmentHand Out Date:The 2nd Week of TermSubmissiondeadline:Please refer to the assessmentsschedule published on Students’Hall in Moodle and theAssessment Board on campus Late submission will result in a late penalty mark, as follows:Up to one week late, maximum mark of 40% for first attempts and 0% for resubmissions. No workwill be accepted more than one week after the submission deadline(Academic Quality Handbook 2016/17 7.5 (5)) MODULE AIM1. To introduce students to strategies for personal reflection and career development planning.2. To gain confidence and competence as effective employees.LEARNING OUTCOMESUpon the successful completion of this module, the student will be able to:1. Understand the skills and knowledge needed for working effectively.2. Demonstrate readiness for employability and personal advancement through an understandingof personal strengths and areas for further development.3. Establish employment goals and develop a personal action plan.READINGPlease refer to your module outline for relevant reading for this module. Your tutor will also provide links torelevant articles on Moodle, which you will be expected to read and discuss as part of your weekly learningactivities.  Referencing:In the main body of your submission you must give credit to authors on whose research your work isbased. Append to your submission a reference list that indicates the books, articles, etc. that you haveread or quoted in order to complete this assignment (e.g. for books: surname of author and initials, yearof publication, title of book, edition, publisher: place of publication). Page 3 of 7ASSESSMENTComponent 1 ☐Written exam☐Coursework☒Practical Mode of assessmentVolumeWeightingA practical professionaldevelopment exercise (such asrole playing interviewee andinterviewer for a role linked totheir personal goals) supportedwith a reflective essay orequivalent5 to 10 minutes per student for thepractical exercise supported by 2,000words individual reflection orequivalent100% PLEASE NOTE: Due to the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the assessment brief forOctober 2020 term reflects the need for the entirety of the assessment to take place online. TASK DESCRIPTION Professional career development skills are very important in all industries, both to you as a graduatelooking to develop yourself and help you to demonstrate to potential employers your employability.Task 1 – Role play (40%)Student pairs will present in online role plays (using MS Teams) facilitated by your lecturer,acting as both interviewee and interviewer for a role linked to their personal goals (10 minsper student).Role play as interviewer: The role play will begin with a 1 minute briefing from you for your studentpartner in relation to the role linked to their personal goals. As interviewer you will be responsiblefor ensuring that the whole interview does not exceed 5 minutes. You need to ask at least 5 keyquestions in relation to the role selected, with an expectation to have appropriate and sensibleanswers. You are expected to ask the interviewee if they have any relevant questions (1-2 minutesallowed).Role play as interviewee: at the beginning you will have to listen to the 1 minute briefing from yourinterviewer in relation to a role linked to your personal goals. You will be asked at least 5 keyquestions in relation to the role linked to your personal goals. Those questions will be related to therole’s key requirements such as skills and experience in specific contexts. You are expected to raisequestions in relation to the role towards the end of the interview process (1-2 minutes allowed).Note: If you are unable to find a partner for your role play, your lecturer can act as your roleplay partner.Task 2 – Report (2,000 words – 60%)Students will write a report, containing a personal reflection on the role play and career developmentplanning, demonstrating an understanding of the skills and knowledge which contribute towardworking effectively, their readiness for employment, an understanding of personal strengths andareas for further development, as well as establishing their employment goals and develop apersonal action plan/development plan.Page 4 of 7Please note this is meant to be written from a personal perspective, with a focus on your own skillsand skills gaps, your own career goals and your own experience. However, references to relevantexternal literature are also required.Please note: at the end of the module, the marks from both tasks will be mergedinto one overall mark. GUIDANCE FOR STUDENTS IN THE COMPLETION OF TASKS NOTE: The guidance offered below is linked to the five common assessment criteriaResearch-informed LiteratureYour work must be informed and supported by scholarly material that is relevant to and focused onthe task(s) set. You should provide evidence that you have accessed a wide range of sources,which may be academic, governmental and industrial; these sources may include academic journalarticles, textbooks, current news articles, organisational documents, and websites. You shouldconsider the credibility of your sources; academic journals are normally highly credible sources whilewebsites require careful consideration/selection and should be used sparingly. Any sources youuse should be current and up-to-date, mostly published within the last five years or so, thoughseminal/important works in the field may be older. You must provide evidence of your research/ownreading throughout your work, using in-text citations in the main body of your work and a referencelist that is alphabetical at the end of your work. Please use the Harvard referencing system.Knowledge and Understanding of SubjectYour work must demonstrate the growing extent of your knowledge and understanding of conceptsand underlying principles associated with the subject area. Knowledge relates to the facts,information and skills you have acquired through your learning. You demonstrate yourunderstanding by interpreting the meaning of the facts and information (knowledge). This meansthat you need to select and include in your work the concepts, techniques, models, theories, etc.appropriate to the task(s) set. You should be able to explain the theories, concepts, etc.meaningfully to show your understanding. Your mark/grade will also depend upon the extent towhich you demonstrate your knowledge and understanding; ideally each should be complete anddetailed, with comprehensive coverage.AnalysisYour work must contain evidence of logical, analytical thinking, evaluation and synthesis. Forexample, to examine and break information down into parts, make inferences, compile, compareand contrast information. This means not just describing What! but also justifying: Why? How?When? Who? Where? At all times, you must provide justification for your arguments andjudgements. Evidence that you have reflected upon the ideas of others within the subject area iscrucial to you providing a reasoned and informed debate within your work. Furthermore, you shouldprovide evidence that you are able to make sound judgements and convincing arguments usingdata and concepts. Sound, valid conclusions are necessary and must be derived from the contentof your work. There should be no new information presented within your conclusion. Whererelevant, alternative solutions and recommendations may be proposed.Practical Application and DeploymentYou should be able to demonstrate how the subject-related concepts and ideas relate to real worldsituations or a particular context. How do they work in practice? You will deploy models, methods,techniques, and/or theories, in that context, to assess current situations, perhaps to formulate plansor solutions to solve problems, some of which may be innovative and creative. This is likely toPage 5 of 7involve, for instance, the use of real world examples and cases, the application of a model within anorganisation and/or benchmarking one organisation against others based on stated criteria. Youshould show awareness of the limitations of concepts and theories when applied in particularcontexts.Skills for Professional PracticeYour work must provide evidence of the attributes expected in professional practice. This includesdemonstrating your individual initiative and/or collaborative working. You must communicateeffectively in a suitable format, which may be written and/or oral, for example, essay, managementreport, presentation. Work should be coherent and well-structured in presentation and organisation.Essential Resources: Resources listed on the lecture schedule and on MoodleProgramme of Study Handbook Page 6 of 7 GRADING CRITERIA AND STUDENT FEEDBACK This section details the assessment criteria. The extent to which these are demonstrated by you determines your grade.The weightings available for each criterion are shown. Lecturers will use the space provided to comment on theachievement of the task(s), including those areas in which you have performed well and areas that would benefit fromdevelopment/improvement. Common Assessment Criteria AppliedPercentageweightingGradeawarded1. Research-informed LiteratureExtent of research and/or own reading, selection of credible sources, application of appropriate referencing conventions.202. Knowledge and Understanding of SubjectExtent of knowledge and understanding of concepts and underlying principles associated with the discipline.203. AnalysisAnalysis, evaluation and synthesis; logic, argument and judgement; analytical reflection; organisation of ideas and evidence204. Practical Application and DeploymentDeployment of methods, materials, tools and techniques; application of concepts; formulation of innovative and creative solutions to solveproblems.205. Skills for Professional PracticeAttributes in professional practice: individual and collaborative working; deployment of appropriate media; presentation and organisation.20 Assignment Mark (Assessment marks are subject to ratification at the ExamBoard. These comments and marks are to give feedback on module work and arefor guidance only until they are confirmed. )Late Submission Penalties (tick if appropriate)%Up to one-week late40 MaxOver one week lateFail Page 7 of 7 COMMON ASSESSMENT AND GRADING CRITERIA OUTRIGHT FAILUNSATISFACTORYSATISFACTORYGOODVERY GOODEXCELLENTEXCEPTIONALAssessmentCriteriaREFER(equivalent to 0-29%REFER(equivalent to30-39%*PASS(equivalent to40-49%)PASS(equivalent to50-59%)MERIT(equivalent to60-69%DISTINCTION(equivalent to70-79%DISTINCTION(equivalent to80-100%1. ResearchinformedLiteratureExtent of researchand/or ownreading, selectionof credible sources,application ofappropriatereferencingconventionsLittle or noevidence ofreading.Views andfindingsunsupported andnon-authoritative.Referencingconventionslargely ignored.Poor evidence ofreading and/or ofreliance oninappropriatesources, and/orindiscriminate useof sources.Referencingconventions usedinconsistently.References to alimited range ofmostly relevantsources. Someomissions andminor errors.Referencingconventionsevident thoughnot alwaysappliedconsistently.Inclusion of arange ofresearchinformedliterature,including sourcesretrievedindependently.Referencingconventionsmostlyconsistentlyapplied.Inclusion of awide range ofresearchinformedliterature,including sourcesretrievedindependently.Selection ofrelevant andcredible sources.Very good use ofreferencingconventions,consistentlyapplied.A comprehensiverange of researchinformedliteratureembedded in thework. Excellentselection ofrelevant andcredible sources.High-levelreferencing skills,consistentlyapplied.Outstandingknowledge ofresearchinformedliteratureembedded in thework.Outstandingselection ofrelevant andcredible sources.High-levelreferencing skillsconsistently andprofessionallyapplied.2. Knowledge andUnderstanding ofSubjectExtent ofknowledge andunderstanding ofconcepts andunderlyingprinciplesassociated with thediscipline.Major gaps inknowledge andunderstanding ofmaterial at thislevel. Substantialinaccuracies.Gaps inknowledge, withonly superficialunderstanding.Some significantinaccuracies.Evidence of basicknowledge andunderstanding ofthe relevantconcepts andunderlyingprinciples.Knowledge isaccurate with agoodunderstanding ofthe field of study.Knowledge isextensive.Exhibitsunderstanding ofthe breadth anddepth ofestablishedviews.Excellentknowledge andunderstanding ofthe mainconcepts and keytheories. Clearawareness ofchallenges toestablished viewsand thelimitations of theknowledge base.Highly detailedknowledge andunderstanding ofthe maintheories/concepts, and a criticalawareness of theambiguities andlimitations ofknowledge.3. AnalysisAnalysis,evaluation andsynthesis; logic,argument andjudgement;analytical reflection;organisation ofideas and evidenceUnsubstantiatedgeneralisations,made without useof any credibleevidence. Lack oflogic, leading tounsupportable/missingconclusions. Lackof any attempt toanalyse,synthesise orevaluate.Some evidence ofanalyticalintellectual skills,but for the mostpart descriptive.Ideas/findingssometimesillogical andcontradictory.Generalisedstatements madewith scantevidence.Conclusions lackrelevance.Evidence of somelogical, analyticalthinking andsome attempts tosynthesise, albeitwith someweaknesses.Some evidence tosupport findings/views, butevidence notconsistentlyinterpreted.Some relevantconclusions andrecommendations, where relevantEvidence of somelogical, analyticalthinking andsynthesis. Cananalyse newand/or abstractdata andsituations withoutguidance.An emergingawareness ofdifferent stancesand ability to useevidence tosupport theargument.Valid conclusionsandrecommendations, where relevantSound, logical,analyticalthinking;synthesis andevaluation. Abilityto devise andsustainpersuasivearguments, andto review thereliability, validity& significance ofevidence. Abilityto communicateideas andevidenceaccurately andconvincingly.Sound,convincingconclusions /recommendationsThoroughlylogical work,supported byevaluatedevidence. Highquality analysis,developedindependently orthrough effectivecollaboration.Ability toinvestigatecontradictoryinformation andidentify reasonsfor contradictions.Strong,persuasive,conclusions,justifiablerecommendations.Exceptional work;judiciouslyselected andevaluatedevidence. Veryhigh qualityanalysis,developedindependently orthrough effectivecollaboration.Ability toinvestigatecontradictoryinformation andidentify reasonsfor contradictions.Highly persuasiveconclusions4. PracticalApplication andDeploymentEffectivedeployment ofappropriatemethods, materials,tools andtechniques; extentof skilldemonstrated inthe application ofconcepts to avariety ofprocesses and/orcontexts;formulation ofinnovative andcreative solutionsto solve problems.Limited or no useof methods,materials, toolsand/ortechniques.Little or noappreciation ofthe context of theapplication.Rudimentaryapplication ofmethods,materials, toolsand/or techniquesbut withoutconsideration andcompetence.Flawedappreciation ofthe context of theapplication.An adequateawareness andmostlyappropriateapplication of wellestablishedmethods,materials, toolsand/ortechniques.Basicappreciation ofthe context of theapplication.A good andappropriateapplication ofstandardmethods,materials, toolsand/ortechniques.Goodappreciation ofthe context of theapplication, withsome use ofexamples, whererelevant.A very goodapplication of arange ofmethods,materials, toolsand/ortechniques.Very goodconsideration ofthe context of theapplication, withperceptive use ofexamples, whererelevant.Evidence of someinnovation andcreativity.An advancedapplication of arange ofmethods,materials, toolsand/ortechniques.The context of theapplication is wellconsidered, withextensive use ofrelevantexamples.Application anddeploymentextend beyondestablishedconventions.Innovation andcreativity evidentthroughout.Outstandinglevels ofapplication anddeployment skills.Assimilation anddevelopment ofcutting edgeprocesses andtechniques. Page 8 of 7 5. Skills forProfessionalPracticeDemonstratesattributes expectedin professionalpractice including:individual initiativeand collaborativeworking;deployment ofappropriate mediato communicate(including writtenand oral); clarityand effectivenessin presentation andorganisation.Communicationmedia isinappropriate ormisapplied.Little or noevidence ofautonomy in thecompletion oftasks.Work is poorlystructured and/orlargelyincoherent.Media is poorlydesigned and/ornot suitable forthe audience.Poor independentor collaborativeinitiative.Work lacksstructure,organisation,and/or coherenceCancommunicate in asuitable formatbut with someroom forimprovement.Can work as partof a team, butwith limitedinvolvement ingroup activities.Work lackscoherence inplaces and couldbe betterstructured.Cancommunicateeffectively in asuitable format,but may haveminor errors.Can workeffectively as partof a team, withclear contributionto groupactivities.Mostly coherentwork and is in asuitable structure.Cancommunicatewell, confidentlyand consistentlyin a suitableformat.Can work verywell as part of ateam, with verygood contributionto groupactivities.Work is coherentand fluent and iswell structuredand organised.Cancommunicateprofessionallyand, confidentlyin a suitableformat.Can workprofessionallywithin a team,showingleadership skillsas appropriate,managing conflictand meetingobligations.Work is coherent,very fluent and ispresentedprofessionally.Cancommunicate withan exceptionallyhigh level ofprofessionalism.Can workexceptionally wellandprofessionallywithin a team,showingadvancedleadership skills.Work isexceptionallycoherent, veryfluent and ispresentedprofessionally.


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