Foundation Degree in Business & Management (Year 2)
Entrepreneurship (Module BMS508)
School of Business, Management & Professional
TITLE: New Business
Completion of this work will satisfy the following learning outcomes from module BSM508:
LO1 Justify a viable business idea.
LO2 Critically analyse the main components of a business and how they inter-relate.
Issue Date: 28.04.2021
Task 1: Proposal Presentation Paper (Individual)
Create a viable business idea, identifying its legal entity. Justify your choice of business through clear research on the sector and potential markets. Consider and outline within your proposal the impact and influence of external factors on your new business idea. LO1
Within your proposal you should consider your business strategy, operations, marketing and finance and critically analyse the main components of your business and how they inter-relate. LO2
Other relevant assessment information:
You will also need to incorporate research relevant to your business proposal and use a variety of sources including 2 books, 2 statistical/numerical sources and 1 journal. You must include a reference list and bibliography. Your presentation should have a maximum of 10 slides with notes (1,500 words +/ 10%) should be submitted online, through Turnitin.
This task will meet learning outcomes LO1
Type of services: Academic paper writing