1. Indicate some of the concerns or cautions that need to be considered when conducting ratio analysis. 2. Go to the Hoovers business online at hoovers.com and click on “Companies A-Z.” Identify a firm such as Google, Inc. (ticker symbol: GOOG) or Applebee’s International, Inc. (ticker symbol: APPB). Obtain the most recent three years of income statements and balance sheets. Analyze the changes in operating and financial performance, if any, by applying three (3) ratios covered in Chapter 5 of the etext (Entrepreneurial Finance, 5th Edition) (ISBN: 9781305156180).

1. Indicate some of the concerns or cautions that need to be considered when conducting ratio analysis.

2. Go to the Hoovers business online at hoovers.com and click on “Companies A-Z.” Identify a firm such as Google, Inc. (ticker symbol: GOOG) or Applebee’s International, Inc. (ticker symbol: APPB). Obtain the most recent three years of income statements and balance sheets. Analyze the changes in operating and financial performance, if any, by applying three (3) ratios covered in Chapter 5 of the etext (Entrepreneurial Finance, 5th Edition) (ISBN: 9781305156180).


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