Using descriptive statistics and regression analysis, of the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) foradults, to determine the cross-sectional association between diet variety and either: A) Folate status and other Bvitamins or B) Iron status

Assessment title: Nutritional assessment Details of task: Each student will download datasets of measurements
provided on Moodle. The datasets will contain measures of anthropometry and biochemistry and dietary intake
data. Using the techniques taught during the SPSS tutorial sessions, students will recode, analyse and combine
the datasets to compare to population-based reference of anthropometry and biochemistry and for dietary data to
population-based reference standards and current dietary recommendations. The report will be written up in the
style of a peer review paper.
Word limit: 3,000 word equivalent
Introduction: You have been asked to undertake secondary analysis, using descriptive statistics and regression
analysis, of the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) for adults, to determine the cross-sectional
association between diet variety and either:
A) Folate status and other B-vitamins
B) Iron status Please develop your own research question.


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