Discuss the American Dream and success as portrayed in the works of Sherwood Anderson and Robert Frost.

Write a 500-750 word essay. Be sure to employ a thesis with supporting evidence from the text itself. You may paraphrase from the text and also quote from the text. I very much prefer you do not use outside sources to indicate what critics have said; instead, discuss the works giving your thoughts and your opinion . When you quote from the text in our anthology, you do not need to give the page number. If you employ ideas from outside sources, you must indicate the sources (to avoid plagiarism). Double-space your essay, use Times New Roman or Arial font, size 12, and type your name in the upper left or rightcorner of page one. Attach your essay, written in Word, and email me your essay using the course email by the due date. That’s enough instructions!
Discuss the American Dream and success as portrayed in the works of Sherwood Anderson and Robert Frost.As you come up with your own thesis, write an essay that persuades us of your opinion re: this subject matter. The works you must draw from (paraphrasing is fine) are”Mother” and “Adventure” (both stories), and “The Road Not Taken” and”After Apple-Picking” (both poems). As always, back up your opinion with textual evidence, this time from both stories and both poem.


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