Select two videos from the list about a high incidence disability and two videos from the list about a low incidence disability.

For your Reader Response # 3: read the assigned textbook chapters 5 and 6 , read the attached article (#1) and review videos (#2).

  1. Kurth, J., Lyon, K., & Shogren, K. (2015). Supporting students with severe disabilities in inclusive schools: A descriptive account from schools implementing inclusive practices. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 40(4), 261-274.

The authors offer ideas about best practices for including students with complex needs in general education classrooms. Please skim the article, focusing on the highlighted excerpts.

Also of note in this article is the use of “appreciative inquiry” to design the study. Appreciative inquiry an approach to making collaborative, systematic changes by analyzing best practices and moving the group/organization in focusing on those best practices. If you are interested in learning more about this approach, review The Center for Appreciative Inquiry website.

  1. Select two videos from the list about a high incidence disability and two videos from the list about a low incidence disability. Total of 4 reviewed videos (see attached document)

The reader response should address the following: Discuss how each resource in the assigned reading furthers your thinking about the topic. How do the readings extend, affirm or problematize other readings (including textbooks), class discussions, and class activities? Describe any “aha” moments you had when engaging with the resources. Provide direct quotes &/or summarize key ideas to support your response (use citations as appropriate). Describe connections and applications of key ideas to your future professional practiiquce (a k-12 art teacher)


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