Discuss the results in terms of the objectives. Discuss how your equipotential lines and electric feild lines compare to those of the theretical

Physics lab Report needed

I need the objective of the lab this only has to be a few sentences.

Theory this needs to be atleast one paragraph long.

Data Section: This will be the grid sheet just put into that section of the report.

Analysis Section:
– Prediction questions: 1 and 2 from Pg2 answered to the fullest

– Predicted curves and electriv field curves to be presented with the data in the white grid paper. answered to the fullest

-Analysis section of questions 1,2,3,4 answered to the fullest

-Prediction Questions 3-7 answered to the fullest

-Experimental verification of the answers to the prediction of questions 3-7 answered to the fullest

-Comparing the predicition with experimental and explaining in the 2 to 3 sentneces why such results are seen.

Discuss the results in terms of the objectives. Discuss how your equipotential lines and electric feild lines compare to those of the theretical

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