For this project, your task is to create a Wiki for the British Museum ( The Wiki must have the following components:

For this project, your task is to create a Wiki for the British Museum ( The Wiki must have the following components:

-Wiki Front Page: Contains one image of the museum, and a very short introduction

-Individual Wiki page for the museum: Each page contains a 500 word summary of the respective categories, and will be illustrated with at least two images that correspond to the information presented.

What my page is on: Summary of One Area of the Museum’s Collection (1): what types of objects do they hold? Describe three objects from that single area (your chosen area can be a category based on medium, geographic region, period in history, etc., based on how the museum divides up its collection categories)

The post For this project, your task is to create a Wiki for the British Museum ( The Wiki must have the following components: appeared first on Assignment Prep.


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