Which stakeholders were represented in your project/study?

riteria questions to ascertain the use of practice development as a complex intervention and its processes. Options for these criteria questions have not been included here, neither have the outcome and impact questions (Manley & Hardy, 2012).

Inclusion criteria: identifying practice development projects/initiatives

(a) Collaboration, inclusion, participation (CIP principles)

(i) Which stakeholders were represented in your project/study?

(ii) How were stakeholders engaged in your project/study?

(b) Ethics

(i) What ethical processes were used with stakeholders/participants in your project/study?

(c) Shared ownership/vision

(i) How did you develop shared ownership and a shared vision for your project/study?

(d) Facilitation

(i) Who were the project facilitators?

(ii) What approach to facilitation was used?

(e) Evaluation

(i) How was the project/study evaluated?

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