Please be on time, Read instructions carefully, grad level work APA style, please include references, ORIGINAL WORK Please follow rubric

Due tomorrow 6/13  2 pm EST
Please be on time, Read instructions carefully, grad level work
APA style, please include references, ORIGINAL WORK
Please follow rubric
The company you work for is YieldMore
Introduction:Quantitative risk assessment techniques are valuable tools for organizations. They provide management with solid numerical data regarding the value and potential loss of assets.This activity allows you to use quantitative risk assessment techniques for YieldMore.
Scenario:In order to help make better decisions regarding risk assessment data, senior management at YieldMore has requested quantitative information relatingto key information technology (IT) assets.Tasks:You, as an employee of YieldMore, have been given a task of providing quantitative risk assessment information to senior management.
Questions to answer in paper 1.Estimate the value of at least five key IT assets in the organization.2.Be sure you consider direct and indirect financial and business impact of the IT assets.3.Calculate the single loss expectancy (SLE) of the IT assets. (For this exercise, you will need to estimate this value.)4.Calculate the annual rate of occurrence (ARO) for risk associated with the IT assets. (For this exercise, you will need to estimate this value.)5.Calculate the annual loss expectancy (ALE) of the IT assets.6.Create a professional document to present your findings to senior management.Rubric:1.Did the teamcorrectly identify and estimate the value of at least five key IT assets in the organization?2.Did the teamcorrectly consider the direct and indirect financial and business impact of the IT assets?3.Did the teamcorrectlycalculate the single loss expectancy (SLE) of the IT assets and was their estimate reasonable? 4.Did the teamcorrectlycalculate the annual rate of occurrence (ARO) for risk associated with the IT assetsand was their estimate reasonable? 5.Did the teamcorrectlycalculate the annual loss expectancy (ALE) of the IT assets.6.Did the teamcreate a professional, well-developed report with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation?

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