Using specific examples from the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, discuss the extent to which our freedom and privacy is being compromised. Can these intrusions (cited in your specific examples) into personal freedoms and privacy be justifie

This is a major final research paper for my intro to political science course, the topic is: Modern states claim that there is a need to surrender some of our freedom and privacy as part of the “war on terror” in the interests of keeping us more secure. Using specific examples from the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, discuss the extent to which our freedom and privacy is being compromised. Can these intrusions (cited in your specific examples) into personal freedoms and privacy be justified in a liberal democracy? With reference to the ideas of liberal democracy, explain your position. (Note: this is not an opinion essay on whether you support or oppose the identified intrusions, nor is it an essay on whether these intrusions occur, but rather an analysis of whether the intrusions are justified in a liberal democracy.) I have completed an annotated bibliography with 5 sources that are to be used and implemented in the essay,


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