The topic for this research is Leveraging Social Media: You will use social media to increase the vision and business goals of Lamis Solutions Limited Canada.
Write a research report proposal for Lamis Solutions Ltd. Lamis Solutions Ltd was commissioned to provide a crowdfunding solution using social media as a tool to gather investors in a pool to finance the purchase of commercial properties in Ontario Canada.
The purpose of this research is to investigate how group 10 can use social media to advertise and gather investors in a pool so that they can register and invest in Lamis Solutions commercial investment portfolios
Lamis Solutions Ltd intends to buy properties in the Ontario area where the land value will increase due to its current local amenities, prospective municipal developments within its vicinity, such as good transportation hubs, roads, shops, hospitals, schools and public infrastructure.
You are to use social media as its online tool to connect with potential investors around the world. You will also post Lamis investment plans on buying commercial properties through Lamis Online tool called Zoho Social.
Lamis Solutions Ltd is a crowdfunding organization looking for investors (people interested in buying commercial properties) in a pool in order to buy commercial properties in Ontario Canada. They have commissioned you to help with this issue.
You are to conduct a research project to find the best strategy to gather investors who are interested in buying commercial properties in a pool through the internet, and social media online platforms, get them to sign up with Lamis Solutions and commit funds to the purchase of commercial properties. You will use social media as the medium to reach out to investors online and advertise the investment plans and opportunities, so they are able to show their interest and commit to Lamis Solutions investment opportunities.
Social media plays a vital role in the promotion of crowdfunding and fundraising campaigns.
Social media also gives you the ability to tap into potential investors personal networks and beyond, spreading Lamis Solutions investment campaign across the Internet. By 2021, there will be 3.02 billion social media users worldwide. That’s one-third of the Earth’s population.
This gives you a large global reach to the target audience with minimum risks and good profits while conducting themselves in an ethical manner.
Investigate the following topics in their research project:
The Number one key to crowdfunding: Social Media
How does social media affect contribution to public versus private goods in crowdfunding campaigns?
Crowdfunding social media marketing and management.
You will need to answer the following questions below in the research project:
1. Why did we choose this topic?
2. What is your hypothesis? What do we think we will find to be true once our formal research?
3. How do we plan to gather information about our company/client?
4. What is the specific research source that we will utilize to provide necessary background about our company/client?
5. What are two additional research sources that we will utilize in the project? What do they specifically offer to the research project?
6. What is our plan to find additional research sources?
Lamis Solutions Ltd will use the internet and the world wide web as its research source of information about our clients and potential investors. The details they entered in our registration forms will be stored in our database via Zoho Social.
The tool will verify their personal details such as email, telephone and other information. This will consist of the two-factor authentication (2FA) and background verification checks in the Zoho Social tool.
Use the following primary and secondary data sources in the research project:
• Primary data collection sources: Lamis Solutions Ltd will conduct primary data using online surveys and offline surveys to know about changes, trends, and investment patterns of people. Face to face and telephonic interviews are also an option.
Secondary data collection sources: Information gathered by censuses or government offices, such as housing, social security, tax records, internet searches or libraries, GPS, and remote sensing.
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