TOPIC 1: Social class, crime and theory in Australia The overarching theme in this essay should be around social class, class inequality, and intersections with crime in Australian context. In addition,

Part A: Theory Plan
Length: 400 Words (10% +/- applies)
Weighting: 10%
Due: Thursday 19th August (Week 5), 23.59pm
Task: The purpose of this assessment is to help you prepare for the major essay by constructing a clear and concise plan of how you will be using selected theory. Below are the essay questions for Part B (Research Essay). You are required to pick ONE of the theories specified in the essay topics.
By accessing the ‘Part A: Theory Plan’ link on LMS (via Assessment block), you will need to answer 4 questions about the theory you will be using in Part B (Research Essay). You will need to demonstrate your understanding of selected theory by explaining key elements of the theory. In addition, you will also have to clearly explain the usefulness of selected theory.
1. Which theory will you be using for your essay?
• There will be a list of all 5 theories specified below (in essay topics) and you will need to select one.
• You need to ensure that all your responses that follow match the theory you selected for this question.
2. In approximately 200 words, specify at least 5 key points for your selected theory. You can use dot points, but please be clear and formal in your writing.
• Please ensure you provide sufficient information within each of the 5 points to demonstrate your understanding of the theory.
• It is important you avoid using quotes here – copy and pasting quotes does NOT demonstrate an understanding. Instead, you should use your own words to explain the key points.
• Please note that paraphrasing here is crucial – do not copy and paste key ideas from lecture slides or readings; use your words to explain key ideas.
3. Identify at least 2 scholarly resources for your theory. Please make sure you use appropriate Harvard referencing style.
• It is important that the two sources you specify here are scholarly sources. • Please ensure the referencing style is correct, you will be marked on this.
4. How is the theory you will be using useful in examining your chosen topic? Provide an answer (approximately 50-100 words) demonstrating the usefulness of the theory application.
• It is important you engage with this question critically and properly demonstrate an understanding.
• This question is designed to help you formulate your argument for Part B of the Research Essay assessment.
Essay Topics for Part B: Please choose ONE of the theories specified in the topics below.
TOPIC 1: Social class, crime and theory in Australia
The overarching theme in this essay should be around social class, class inequality, and intersections with crime in Australian context. In addition, you need to apply either structural theory OR conflict theory to help you argue your points and to demonstrate an understanding of the topic. You have an option to select between a specific question to answer OR a quote to interpret in a critical manner.
a) How can theory illuminate your understanding of the links between social class and crime in Australian context?
b) “Rich get richer, poor get prison” (Reiman, 1979).
TOPIC 2: Gender, crime and theory in Australia
The overarching theme in this essay should be around gender, gender inequality, and intersections with crime in Australian context. In addition, you need to apply feminist theory OR queer theory to help you argue your points and to demonstrate an understanding of the topic. You have an option to select between a specific question to answer or a quote to interpret in a critical manner.
a) How can theory illuminate your understanding of the links between gender and crime in Australian context?
b) “…men and women can be criminals, and criminality structures opportunities for the expression of varieties of masculinity and femininity” (Britton 2011, p. 26).
TOPIC 3: Race, ethnicity, crime and theory in Australia
The overarching theme in this essay should be around race/ethnicity, racial inequality, and intersections with crime in Australian context. In addition, you need to apply postcolonial theory to help you argue your points and to demonstrate an understanding of the topic. You have an option to select between a specific question to answer or a quote to interpret in a critical manner.
a) How can theory illuminate your understanding of the links between race/ethnicity and crime in Australian context?
b) “Higher rates of offending in Indigenous communities can also be understood as a consequence of colonial processes…” (Pereira & Scott 2016 p. 333)
You are not required to respond to the same question for the essay however it does make sense to do so.
You need to use Harvard Referencing style. If you require help with referencing, try accessing La Trobe Library’s Referencing Tool: Please note that referencing is very important in your University work. Every time you refer to ideas you have learned through reading a book, a journal article, or a report, you need to refer to this source in your writing. You need to also be mindful of Academic Misconduct policy (for more information see:
If you are having difficulties with the assessment and/or have grounds to request an extension, submit your request online (Online Extension Form) to your tutor or subject coordinator at least 3 days before the due date. Do not email your tutor or subject coordinator, you will be asked to submit your request online – we do not grant extension requests for this task via email.
Please note that unless there are exceptional circumstances, requests after this timeframe will be rejected. You should also keep in mind that unless you have LAP, you will be required to submit documentation with your request. Please also remember that unless there are exceptional circumstances (e.g. emergency), retrospective extensions are not approved, and you should consider applying for Special Consideration.
If you are struggling to achieve the set due date, please make sure you reach out to us ASAP! It is important to contact us before the due date.
Late submissions:
Please keep in mind that the penalty for lateness is severe. “The standard penalty for late submission of assessment tasks is 5% of the marks for that task for each delay in submission of a day or partial day up to a maximum of five (5) working days after the due date. Assessment tasks will not be accepted after the fifth (5th) working day after the due date.”
Marking: You will be marked on selecting one theory, demonstrating an understanding of this theory, knowing the sources relevant to selected theory, and explaining relevance of theory application.


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