67248 – AssessmentTask 2Manage team effectivenessBSBTWK502Student

Task 2
Manage team effectiveness
Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
? I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s)
? I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me
? I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
? I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit
? I understand the rights to re-assessment
? I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment
Unit Title
Unit Code
Student name
Student ID number
Student signature Date
Task Number
For Trainer and Assessor to complete:
? Student requested reasonable adjustment for the assessment
Marking Sheet
Completed successfully
Did the student satisfactorily: Comments Y N DNS
The student has satisfactorily completed and submitted the following:
• Meeting minutes x 4 in Task 2.1
• Complete team table in Task 2.2A
• Skills and knowledge table in Task 2.2B
• Team goals, values and behaviours in Task 2.2C
• Roles and responsibilities with KPIs in Task 2.1D
• Action Plan in Task 2.3A
• Strategies to ensure team members have input into planning, decision making and operational aspects of the work team in Task 2.3B
• Policies and procedures to ensure team members take responsibility for their own work and assist others to undertake required roles and responsibilities in Task 2.3C
• Processes to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified by team members are recognised and addressed in Task 2.3D
• Evidence of team building activity x 3 in Task 2.3E
• Screenshot of website landing page in Task 2.3F
• Evaluation of teamwork in Task 2.4
• Observation Checklist in Task 2.5
• Meeting Summary in Task 2.5
• Email to CEO in Task 2.6
The student has actively participated in the activities of:
• Developing the action plan as a team member
• Developing the website page as a team member
The student has facilitated and led the activities of:
• Developing the action plan as a task force leader
• Developing the website page as a task force leader
The student has participated in all and lead at least one of the four weekly meetings.
The student met with the team to follow-up on the meeting with the CEO (Task 2.6)
Demonstrated ability to:
• Identify team purpose, roles, and responsibilities according to organisational and task objectives
• Develop performance plans with expected outcomes, key performance indicators (KPIs) and goals for work team
This is evidenced by:
• Meeting minutes week 1, 2 in Task 2.1
• Complete team table in Task 2.2A
• Skills and knowledge table in Task 2.2B
• Team goals, values and behaviours in Task 2.2C
• Roles and responsibilities with KPIs in Task 2.1D
• Action Plan in Task 2.3A
Demonstrated ability to:
• Support team members in meeting expected performance outcomes
This is evidenced by:
• Meeting minutes x 4 in Task 2.1
• Action Plan in Task 2.3A
• Strategies to ensure team members have input into planning, decision making and operational aspects of the work team in Task 2.3B
• Policies and procedures to ensure team members take responsibility for their own work and assist others to undertake required roles and responsibilities in Task 2.3C
• Processes to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified by team members are recognised and addressed in Task 2.3D
• Evidence of team building activity x 3 in Task 2.3E
• Screenshot of website landing page in Task 2.3F
• Evaluation of teamwork in Task 2.4
• Observation Checklist in Task 2.5
• Meeting Summary in Task 2.5
• Email to CEO in Task 2.6
Demonstrated ability to:
• Develop strategies for facilitating team member input into planning, decision making and operational aspects of team tasks
• Develop or modify policies and procedures for promoting team member accountability for personal work and team tasks
• Develop processes for identifying and addressing issues, concerns and problems identified by team members
This is evidenced by:
• Strategies to ensure team members have input into planning, decision making and operational aspects of the work team in Task 2.3B
• Policies and procedures to ensure team members take responsibility for their own work and assist others to undertake required roles and responsibilities in Task 2.3C
• Processes to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified by team members are recognised and addressed in Task 2.3D
Demonstrated ability to:
• Provide feedback to team members on team effort and contributions
This is evidenced by:
• Meeting minutes x 4 in Task 2.1
• Evaluation of teamwork in Task 2.4
• Email to CEO in Task 2.6
Demonstrated ability to:
• Encourage team members to participate in and to take responsibility for team activities
This is evidenced by:
• Meeting minutes x 4 in Task 2.1
• Evidence of team building activity x 3 in Task 2.3E
• Evaluation of teamwork in Task 2.4
• Email to CEO in Task 2.6
Demonstrated ability to:
• Support the team in identifying and resolving work performance problems
This is evidenced by:
• Meeting minutes x 4 in Task 2.1
• Processes to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified by team members are recognised and addressed in Task 2.3D
• Evaluation of teamwork in Task 2.4
• Observation Checklist in Task 2.5
• Meeting Summary in Task 2.5
• Email to CEO in Task 2.6
Demonstrated ability to:
• Promote work team collaboration through individual behaviour
This is evidenced by:
• Meeting minutes x 4 in Task 2.1
• Team goals, values and behaviours in Task 2.2C
• Evaluation of teamwork in Task 2.4
Demonstrated ability to:
• Establish and maintain open communication processes with relevant stakeholders
This is evidenced by:
• Meeting minutes x 4 in Task 2.1
• Observation Checklist in Task 2.5
• Meeting Summary in Task 2.5
• Email to CEO in Task 2.6
Demonstrated ability to:
• Communicate information from line management to the team
• Communicate and follow-up unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by team members with line management
• Address unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by stakeholders
This is evidenced by:
• Meeting minutes x 4 in Task 2.1
• Observation Checklist in Task 2.5
• Meeting Summary in Task 2.5
• Email to CEO in Task 2.6
When collaborating with the group, the student has actively participated in group work with a substantial contribution that can be assessed individually for all the requirements of this task.
Task Outcome: Satisfactory ? Not Yet Satisfactory ?
Student Name:
Assessor Name:
Assessor Signature:
Table of Content
Student Declaration 2
Task 2 – Manage Team and Develop Performance Plan 9
Task 2.1 Team Meetings 14
Task 2.2 Establish the team 21
Task 2.3 Support Team Effectiveness 23
Task 2.4 Evaluation of teamwork 28
Task 2.5 Consultation with the CEO 29
Task 2.6 Meeting and report regarding performance issues 30
Appendix 1 – Scenario 31

Task 2 – Manage Team and Develop Performance Plan
Task summary and instructions
What is this assessment task about? You have been recently engaged by XYZ Pty Ltd trading as MMI Professional Education (Appendix 1), as a consultant to lead a task force comprising the HR Manager, the Marketing Manager and the Client Service Manager to develop a series of team-building activities across the organisation.
The task force has been given a budget of $ 75,000, and they will have to plan and deliver the team building activities within three months.
Having a clear vision of this project task and its structure will help you plan and implement it in simulated work conditions.
Your trainer and assessor will provide support and mentorship in the role of the company’s CEO.
You will work in a team (task force) of max four students. You will both lead the team and be a part of it in the simulated work environment.
Take turns playing the role of the consultant (task force leader) when the task requires team collaboration. The trainer and assessor will observe group work and provide feedback on the Marking Sheet.
Form or join a team (3-4 students in the team).
Document the name of the students in the table below:
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
You will collaborate with the team (task force) in a simulated work environment to carry out the responsibility of your role as a task force leader relevant to management and leading a team.
This assessment focuses on setting up the task force for project success. This includes:
• Skills and knowledge assessment
• Training needs assessment
• Agreed goals, values and behaviours
• Team building
• Set-up a website (one page -landing page) to promote the team building activities across the organisation
• Develop an action plan to establish the team
You will:
• Write the meeting minutes for the weekly team meetings
• Participate in four weekly meetings, one of which will be observed by the assessor
• Develop additional documents related to facilitating team cohesion
• Develop an action plan to set up the team for success and develop the webpage
You will have to report on the work above every week during the team meeting.
Although you will lead and collaborate with the task force, your assessment’s work must be individual, and it will be marked as such.
This task comprises of the following assessment methods:
• Product-based ?
• Direct observation of Role-Play ?
• Case Study ?
• Other (specify) ?
It has been designed to evaluate your ability to/competency in:
• Identify team purpose, roles, and responsibilities according to organisational and task objectives
• Develop performance plans with expected outcomes, key performance indicators (KPIs) and goals for work team
• Support team members in meeting expected performance outcomes
• Develop strategies for facilitating team member input into planning, decision making and operational aspects of team tasks
• Develop or modify policies and procedures for promoting team member accountability for personal work and team tasks
• Provide feedback to team members on team effort and contributions
• Develop processes for identifying and addressing issues, concerns and problems identified by team members
• Encourage team members to participate in and to take responsibility for team activities
• Support the team in identifying and resolving work performance problems
• Promote work team collaboration through individual behaviour
• Establish and maintain open communication processes with relevant stakeholders
• Communicate information from line management to the team
• Communicate and follow-up unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by team members with line management
• Address unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by stakeholders
Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your competency in the above.
You are required to address the following:
• Task 2.1 Team Meetings
o Document the weekly team meetings.
• Task 2.2 Establish the team
o Set-up teamwork and identify
• Task 2.3 Support team effectiveness
o Strategies and plan for team effectiveness using a variety of management tools
• Task 2.4 Evaluation of teamwork
o Evaluate teamwork
• Task 2.5 Consultation with the CEO
o Consult with the CEO about team performance
• Task 2.6 Meeting and report regarding performance issues
o Resolve performance issues with the team as discussed with the CEO
o Report to the CEO
Although the assessment requires group collaboration to simulate a work environment, the assessment submission is individual, and it will be marked as such.
What do I need to do to complete this task satisfactorily? • submit the completed assessment tasks, according to instructions,
• complete the tasks with sufficient detail and present them in a professional manner,
• use your own words and reference sources appropriately,
• meet the word count where required,
• use the scenario provided,
• use the templates provided where required,
• for your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task you must satisfactorily address all of the assessment criteria,
• if part of this task is not satisfactorily completed you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory performance.
Specifications You must deliver/participate in:
• Teamwork to complete the action plan and the website page as instructed
• Team building
• Team meetings (4 weekly meetings)
You must submit to GOALS
• Meeting minutes
• Complete team table
• Skills and knowledge table
• Team goals, values and behaviours
• Roles and responsibilities with KPIs
• Action Plan
• Strategies to ensure team members have input into planning, decision making and operational aspects of the work team
• Policies and procedures to ensure team members take responsibility for their own work and assist others to undertake required roles and responsibilities
• Processes to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified by team members are recognised and addressed
• Evidence of team building activity x 3
• Screenshot of website landing page
• Evaluation of teamwork
• Observation Checklist
• Meeting Summary
• Email to CEO
Resources and equipment • Computer with Internet access
• Access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software
• Learning material
• Scenario for assessment as provided
• Appendices as provided
• Relevant policies and procedures as provided
• Templates as provided
Re-submission opportunities You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of the assessment.
Complete the following activities:
As a task force leader you will manage and lead the task force (team). This assessment focuses on setting up the team for success. This includes:
• Skills and knowledge assessment
• Training needs assessment
• Agreed goals, values and behaviours
• Team building
• Setting-up a website (one page) to promote the team building initiatives within the organisation
• Develop an action plan to establish the team
You will participate in and document four (4) team meetings.
You must:
• Participate in four weekly meetings
o Write the meeting minutes for each meeting (Template 1) and make sure they are submitted with your assessment
• Establish the team:
o Form the team
o Conduct a knowledge and skills assessment to identify training needs
o Determine team goals, KPIs, values and agreed behaviours
o Agree on roles and responsibilities
The above will be discussed and agreed on during the first meeting with the team (week 1).
• Complete the following activities in collaboration with the team:
o Develop an action plan to establish the team for project success (week 2)
o Develop the webpage in collaboration with the team (from week 2 to week 4)
o Develop strategies to ensure team members have input into planning, decision making and operational aspects of work team (week 2)
o Develop policies and procedures to ensure that team members take responsibility for own work and assist other to undertake required roles and responsibilities (week 3)
o Develop processes to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified by team members are recognised and addressed (week 3)
o Plan for and perform a team-building activity (planned in week 2 and delivered in week 3)
o Finalise the webpage and the action plan (by week 4)
The above will be discussed, agreed and worked on during the second, third and fourth meeting with the team (week 2-4).
The trainer and assessor will observe your weekly work with the team and provide feedback in the marking sheet.
The trainer and assessor will play the role of the CEO and may communicate key information to the team leader to be passed to the team during the meeting.
• Evaluate teamwork
Please refer to Appendix 1 for information about the organisation.
Task 2.1 Team Meetings
You are required to attend and participate in a team meeting every week, for 4 weeks. Each week one of your team members will be the designated task force leader.
These meetings are designed to help you decide together what needs to be done, how it will be done, and who is responsible for what. It will also be the opportunity to catch up on previous tasks, and it should result in an action plan for the following week.
You will minute each meeting (Template 1). All meeting minutes must be submitted with your assessment.
The trainer and assessor will observe your weekly work with the team and provide feedback on the marking sheet.
The trainer and assessor will play the role of the CEO and may communicate key information to the team leader to be passed to the team during the meeting. The communication must be recorded in the meeting minutes.
You must address the following:
Week 1
? Determine team goals and how the team can achieve those goals. (Task 2.2C)
? Determine team values and agreed on behaviours. (Task 2.2C)
? Determine skills gaps and training needs. (Task 2.2B)
? Determine outcomes, outputs and KPIs for each team member – for example, determine agreed responsibilities, quality standards, and how performance quality or achievement of tasks will be measured. (Task 2.2D)
? Discuss and document any issues, concerns or problems regarding work performance (it is important that you document them as they will be used in assessment AssessmentTask 3)
? Other items
Complete the Meeting Minutes week 1 – Template 1.
Week 2
? Progress reports on work that has been completed.
? Status of action items from previous week.
? Start to develop the webpage.
? Develop an action plan to establish the team for success. (Task 2.3A)
? Develop strategies to ensure team members have input into planning, decision making and operational aspects of work team. (Task 2.3B)
? Prepare a team building activity for the following week. Describe it and explain why you chose it.
? Discuss and document any issues, concerns or problems regarding work performance (it is important that you document them as they will be used in Assessment Task 3).
? Other items
Complete the Meeting Minutes week 2 – Template 1.
Week 3
? Progress reports on work that has been completed.
? Status of action items from previous week.
? Develop policies and procedures to ensure that team members take responsibility for own work and assist others in undertaking required roles and responsibilities. (Task 2.3C)
? Develop processes to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified by team members are recognised and addressed. (Task 2.3D)
? Conduct the team building activity.
Provide evidence (3) of the team building activity. Evidence may include pictures/video of the team undertaking the team building activity or feedback from the team on the outcome of the activity. (Task 2.3E)
? Discuss and document any issues, concerns or problems regarding work performance (it is important that you document them as they will be used in Assessment Task 3).
? Other items.
Complete the Meeting Minutes week 3 – Template 1.
Week 4
? Progress reports on work that has been completed.
? Status of action items from previous week.
? Finalise the webpage -landing page. (Task 2.3F)
? Discuss and document any issues, concerns or problems regarding work performance (it is important that you document them as they will be used in Assessment Task 3).
? Lessons learned
? Other items.
Complete the Meeting Minutes week 4 – Template 1.
Your assessor will observe your weekly meetings to ensure that you are participating in the meeting and facilitating teamwork. This is an assessable task, and the trainer and assessor will observe and evaluate your performance during the meeting. Duration of the meeting: 30 – 40 minutes. If you are absent from class, liaise with your facilitator to make alternative arrangements.
Use the templates below as a reference for your meeting agendas and document the meeting minutes each week. Add item’s title and add additional rows if needed.
Please note that you will have to write the meeting minutes each week and ensure they are submitted with your assessment.
Template 1 -Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes – Week 1
Date and Meeting Number
This week’s team leader
Team goals, values and behaviours
Skills gaps and training needs
Outcomes, outputs and KPIs for each team member
Issues and concerns about work performance
Communication from CEO
Action items Action Item Responsibility
Meeting Minutes – Week 2
Date and Meeting Number
This week’s team leader
Status of action items
Progress report
Issues and concerns about work performance
Team Building Activity for week 3 (planning)
Communication from CEO
Strategies to ensure team members have input into planning, decision making and operational aspects of work team
Action Plan.
Action items Action Item Responsibility
Meeting Minutes – Week 3
Date and Meeting Number
This week’s team leader
Status of action items
Progress report
Issues and concerns about work performance
Team Building Activity
Communication from CEO
Policies and procedures to ensure that team members take responsibility for own work and assist other to undertake required roles and responsibilities.
Processes to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified by team members are recognised and addressed
Action items Action Item Responsibility
Meeting Minutes – Week 4
Date and Meeting Number
This week’s team leader
Status of action items
Progress report
Issues and concerns about work performance
Finalisation activities
(Webpage and action plan)
Lessons Learned
Communication from CEO
Item 7
Last meeting follow-up
Action items Action Item Responsibility
Task 2.2 Establish the team
Address the following using the tables provided.
A) Form a team of 3-4 students to collaborate with when working on the following work tasks:
1. development of an action plan to build the team for project success
2. development of one-page website – landing/home page using a free website design tool such as Wix
and fill in the table below with your team name and the name of each team member:
Team Name Team member’s name
Team member 1
Team member 2
Team member 3
Team member 3
B) In consultation with the team, determine what skills and knowledge each team member will bring to the team to support project success and the development of the website.
Discuss and action the work tasks below during your first meeting with the team.
Note: your team will have to develop the website (just a home page/landing page for the purpose of this assessment) using a free website platform such as wix.
The landing page must include the content for the following topics/sections:
• About team building (importance)
• Overview of Team building activities organised for all staff
• Schedule of team building activities
• News
Pages (visible in the website menu but inactive) must include:
• Home
• About
• Schedule and booking
• Contact HR
Please note that you will have to submit a screenshot of the landing page as evidence that the team developed the webpage.
Identify training needs for each team member based on a gap analysis.
Team Member Name Skills and knowledge needed to support project success and the development of the website
(8-10 key skills and knowledge) Skills and knowledge gaps (Training needs)
C) Document your team goals (3 goals with 1 KPI each), values (4-6) and agreed behaviours (5-8) as discussed in Meeting 1 (Task 2.2).
Team goals with KPIs Goal KPI
Team values
Agreed behaviours
D) Document roles and responsibilities with associated KPIs for each team member (3 KPIs/each team member) as discussed and agreed in Meeting 1 (Task 2.2)
Team Member Role and responsibilities KPIs
Task 2.3 Support Team Effectiveness
A. With your team, develop an action plan (Template 2) to establish and develop the task force for success.
The plan must include all the following:
• Introduction
• Resources required to deliver the required tasks
• Key Performance Indicators
• Risk plans
• Action plan for implementation
The plan may address, for example:
• Training
• Team building activities
• Initiatives for cross-functionality
• Enhancing communication with senior management
• Sustainability initiatives
• Work-life balance
• Emotional and cultural intelligence
Template 2 -Action Plan to establish and develop the team for success
Write the introduction to the action plan, including background information about the organisation and an overview of the task force’s project.
(50-100 words)
Determine the resource requirements to implement the action plan to establish and develop the team for project success .
Required Resources
Human resources
Physical resources and services
Overall budget
Develop at least three Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of the action. (3 KPIs)
Identify two risks to implementing the action plan and develop a risk treatment plan for each risk. Use the tables provided below.
o Risks must include:
? One risk due to employee underperformance.
? One risk due to a breach of health and safety compliance responsibilities.
Risk Treatment Plan 1
Risk identified:
Risk Treatment strategy By when By whom
Risk Treatment Plan 2
Risk identified:
Risk Treatment strategy By when By whom
Determine the actions for the implementation of the action plan. Use the template provided below to complete your answers.
o In your plan include:
? Three objectives
? Two performance measures for each objective
? Two tasks relevant to each objective
Action Plan
Objectives: Performance measures Tasks:
1 Objective 1 ? Metric 1
? Metric 2 ? Task 1
? Task 2
2 Objective 2 ? Metric 1
? Metric 2 ? Task 1
? Task 2
3 Objective 3 ? Metric 1
? Metric 2 ? Task 1
? Task 2
B. Develop strategies to ensure team members have input into planning, decision-making, and operational aspects of the work team. Develop at least three strategies and document them in the table below. (50 – 100 words per strategy)
Strategies to ensure team members have input into planning
Strategy 1
Strategy 2
Strategy 3
C. Develop policies and procedures to ensure team members take responsibility for their work and assist others in undertaking required roles and responsibilities. Develop one high-level policy and two procedures and write them in the table below.
(100-150 words in total)
Policies and Procedures
Procedure 1
Procedure 2
D. Develop processes to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified by team members are recognised and addressed. Develop at least two processes and write them in the table below. (100 words in total)
Process 1
Process 2
E. Provide evidence (3) of the team building activity. Evidence may include pictures/video of the team undertaking the team building activity or feedback from the team on the outcome of the activity.
Copy and paste the evidence in the space provided below:
F. Provide a screenshot of the completed website (home/landing page only for the purpose of this assessment):
Task 2.4 Evaluation of teamwork
Reflect on your work with the team, and document how you performed each of the requirements specified in the table provided below (40-80 words/item), give a specific example for each requirement:
Teamwork Requirements Reflection
How did you provide feedback to team members to encourage, value and reward individual and team efforts and contributions?
How did you encourage team members and individuals to participate in and to take responsibility for team activities, including communication processes?
How did you support the team in identifying and resolving work performance problems?
How did you ensure your contribution to work team serves as a role model for others and enhances the organisation’s image for all stakeholders?
The CEO (played by your trainer) will observe team meetings and evaluate the team’s performance to ensure that each team member meets the above requirements.
Task 2.5 Consultation with the CEO
This task is a Role-Play that requires you to:
• Meet with the CEO (played by the trainer and assessor in a simulated work environment) to discuss team performance issues and teamwork.
Follow these steps:
• Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor (CEO) to meet in week 5 of class.
• The meeting will be a role-play in which your trainer will play the part of the CEO, and you will consult with them about team performance
• This is an assessable task, and the trainer and assessor will observe and evaluate your performance during the meeting.
Duration of the meeting: 10-15 minutes.
If you are absent from class, liaise with your trainer to make alternative arrangements.
• Discuss your solutions to improve team performance and achieve team goals. During your consultation:
o Discuss the issues, concerns or problems regarding work performed in Task 2.1-2.3.
o Suggest formal and informal learning opportunities to support the team and individual team members
• Note suggestions from the CEO (the assessor) to implement with team/individual team members.
• Note any information provided by the CEO to be given to team members.
Summarise the content of the meeting (100-150 words) in the space provided below:
Meeting Summary
Issues, concerns or problems regarding work performed in Task 2.1-2.3.
Recommended formal and informal learning opportunities to support the team and individual team members
Advice from CEO
Communication to team members (from CEO)
Task 2.6 Meeting and report regarding performance issues
After your consultation with the CEO, meet with your team to resolve performance issues as discussed with the CEO and communicate information from management to your team.
The trainer and assessor will validate that the meeting took place on Marking Sheet.
Write an email to the CEO (Template 3) about the resolution of team performance issues:
• Describe how you maintained an open communication process between stakeholders (the CEO, team).
• Explain the solutions that were implemented regarding the issues, concerns or problems discussed with the CEO and further discussed in your team meeting.
• Report back to the CEO about any further issues or problems that have arisen or any issues that remain unresolved.
The email text should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
(80-150 words)
Template 3 -Email
Email to CEO
Date email is sent:
Appendix 1 – Scenario
The company
XYZ Pty Ltd, trading as MMI Professional Education, is an Australian boutique education provider in Melbourne Registered Training Organisation -RTO), offering VET accredited and non-accredited business courses to corporate clients and to local clients (domestic students).
MMI was founded in 1998 by brothers Mark and Andrew White, who built the company to become a quality RTO with major accounts in Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane. Mark Brown sold his shares to his brother Andrew who is the current chairman of the company.
The education provider is centrally located in Collins Street, Melbourne CBD, with state-of-the-art facilities:
o Administration and Management Offices (including the main boardroom, 2 meetings rooms and a computer lab with 20 PCs) on Level 45
o 15 Classrooms, kitchenette, client lounge room and a trainers’ room on Level 46
Corporate training is mainly non-accredited and delivered at the clients’ premises around Australia, but it can also be catered for at Collins Street. Corporate clients include major Bank groups, National Management Consultancy firms, Manufacturing companies and Government agencies.
Accredited courses are delivered in Collins Street with a combination of face to face and online training delivery. The accredited courses are the Diploma of Business and the Diploma of Project Management. MMI has a current capacity to enrol 500 clients; current enrolment number is 250 clients.
Important note:
o A VET accredited course has been assessed by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) as compliant with the Standards for VET (Vocational Education and Training) Accredited Courses and the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). Accreditation means that the course is nationally recognised and that the registered organisation (RTO) can issue a nationally recognised qualification or Statement of Attainment (this for single units only).
o Non-accredited courses are business courses that have been highly customised to meet clients’ training needs.
The current organisational structure is as follows:
The Teams are composed as follows:
• Board of Directors
o Mr Andrew White – Chairman
o Ms Francis Green – Executive Director
o Mr Eli Brown – Non-executive Director
o Ms Josephine Magenta – Non- executive Director
o Ms Deborah Red – CEO
o Mr Leonard Black – CFO
• Finance Department: CFO and 2 x financial officers (full-time)
Summary of duties: account receivable, account payable; invoicing; payroll; financial record keeping and reporting; taxes/fees
• Marketing Team: Manager (full time) and 1 x marketing officer (part-time)
Summary of duties: promotion; design of marketing collaterals for events; social media; market research; public relations
• HR Team: HR Manager and 2 x admin officers (part-time):
Summary of duties: Recruitment; Induction and training; performance management support; employee relations; safety; compensation and benefits
• Client Services: Client Service Manager and 2 x receptionists; 4x client service officers, 1 x team leader, 1 x maintenance officer
Summary of duties:
o front of office and back of office customer service activities (to include reception and response to enquiries)
o support to academic staff
o client admin: client admission, enrolment, enrolment variations, pastoral care, completion
o building maintenance: 1x maintenance officer
• Academic Services: Academic Manager and 5 contract business trainers for corporate training; 4 full time (ongoing) business trainers for accredited training
Summary of duties: accredited and non-accredited training and assessment; learning material and assessment development and validation; support with compliance monitoring; pastoral care.
• IT services: outsourced to an external company
Summary of duties: network service; database administration (inventory and staff files); maintenance and update of communication system including CRM (Customer Relationship management system); data management and security.
Note: in loco computer maintenance is performed by the maintenance officer who has some IT knowledge
Company Ownership structure
The company structure is a Pty Ltd:
• Chairman Andrew White holds 51% of the shares
• 40% of the shares are held by an external corporation since late 2017, as a silent business partner
• The remaining 9% is owned by other members of the Brown’s family
Our vision is to develop outstanding individuals through quality business training that encompasses personal and professional growth.
o We create successful careers in business to advance business growth and to positively impact on the broader community.
o We strive to provide exceptional business training that focuses on quality of teaching, practical learning, and successful outcomes
Our core values are:
• Quality
• Integrity
• Accountability
• Respect for diversity
• Innovation
MMI quality standards
• Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) standards
• ISO9001 – Quality Management Systems
• ISO 27001 Information Security
• ISO 31000 Risk Management
• Australian Business Excellence Framework
MMI – Boards’ of Director expectation
• Quality of practices
• Innovative solutions for business growth based on hard data and extensive research
• Build an innovative and agile company that can respond to the challenges of an ever-changing business environment
• Become market leader
• Increase value for shareholders and clients
Industry, market, and strategic business direction
MMI Professional Education is a Registered Training Provider (RTO) based in Melbourne, Australia, that offers business accredited and non-accredited courses to corporate clients and local clients.
Strategic Objectives:
• To expand the basis of the operation to Sydney, where the company has experienced a high increase in demand for corporate training
• To increase revenue by 10% annually for the next 3 years
• To increase profits by 10% annually for the next 3 years
• To position the company as a leader for quality business education in Australia within the next three years
• To expand the course offering by adding new qualifications to the scope of registration: the Diploma of Leadership and Management and the Advanced Diploma of Program Management
• To increase the base of local clients attending accredited courses
• To implement sustainability to work practices: social, financial, and environmental
• To expand the offering to international students by repackaging accredited business courses to add an internship component during the course
Current positioning
• MMI enjoys a good reputation in the industry as a quality provider of business courses for corporate clients
• Courses are marketed as hands-on, with trainers that currently work in the industry, providing current and cutting-edge skills to business professionals
• MMI currently holds 15% of the corporate business training in Australia
• MMI does not currently deliver business courses to international clients
• MMI does not currently deliver courses overseas
• The company is financially stable and sustainable
Operational overview
• State of the art facility in Melbourne to be replicated in Sydney
• Systems in use:
o Student Management System (MMI system)
o Learning Management System (Moodle)
o Accounting Management System (MYOB) – does not interface with MMI system
o Share drive
o Share points
o Zoom
o Project Management Application for remote teamwork (trainers): Wrike
• Trainers work both on-site in Melbourne and around Australia
• Senior management to stay in Melbourne: campus director and team leaders to be employed to manage and supervise Sydney’s operations
• Staff to be employed for the Sydney Campus
• Administrative tasks such as enrolments will be undertaken by Melbourne’s campus
• Virtual teamwork practices to be implemented between Melbourne and Sydney
• Website tailored to international students to be developed
• Develop and implement sustainability policy and practices across the organisation, and sustainability has not been on the top five priorities of the company so far
• All trainers are based in Melbourne; this impacts financial costs when moving trainers to other Australian capitals to conduct corporate training. Trainers who deliver corporate training receive a generous daily allowance when outside Melbourne ($250/day); all travel and accommodation expenses are paid for by MMI. This generous package impacts an average of 20% on the profit margin for each corporate course that is sold
Organisational culture
The organisational culture experienced at MMI is a mix of market and hierarchy culture.
• The Market Culture: This culture is built upon the dynamics of competition and achieving concrete results. The focus is goal-oriented, with leaders who are tough and demanding. The organisation is united by a common goal to succeed and beat all rivals. The main value drivers are market share and profitability.
• The Hierarchy Culture: This culture is founded on structure and control. The work environment is formal, with strict institutional procedures in place for guidance. Leadership is based on organised coordination and monitoring, with a culture emphasising efficiency and predictability. The values include consistency and uniformity.
(Source: https://popinnow.com/four-types-organizational-culture/ )
• The organisation is top-heavy, and there are concerns that this may not suit the strategic objectives for growth and the opening of a second campus in Sydney.
• The Board of Directors is invested in the change process; however, intervention is needed to bring departmental managers and teams on board.
• It is recommended that an organisational culture more suitable for innovation, sustainability, agility, and progressive growth is developed and implemented.
Operational issues
The following operational issues have been identified internally:
• The increased number of complaints due to lack of cultural sensibility of trainers and client service personnel when dealing with students from the non-Australian background (15% increase in the last 6 months alone)
• All trainers are based in Melbourne; this impacts financial costs when moving trainers to other Australian capitals to conduct corporate training. Trainers who deliver corporate training receive a generous daily allowance when outside Melbourne ($250/day); all travel and accommodation expenses are paid for by MMI. This generous package impacts an average of 20% on the profit margin for each corporate course that is sold
• An increasing number of Melbourne’s enrolments projected student population to rise from 205 to 450 by mid-2021. Current facilities are not sufficient to accommodate the increase in numbers (current facilities can accommodate max 350 students)
• Delays in achieving marketing objectives due to the composition of the team (2 part-timers and one contractor) that cannot sustain the increased amount of marketing tasks (corporate events to enhance networking and identify potential corporate clients have increased by 30% in the past 6 months)
• A new student management system has been developed in-house. The system was recommended by the Client Services and the Academic Managers for the seamless integration of the student management and the learning management system. However, the two managers failed to perform due diligence, and they did not consider that the new system does not interface with the finance management system. This will cause operational disruptions to the workflow as finance records (mainly revenues) will have to be manually inputted based on the new system’s reports on enrolment.
• Covid19 has decreased sales by 20%, the company has managed to deliver existing courses and still maintain a reasonable margin of new enrolments online
• MMI has not heavily invested in marketing activities, relying mainly on word of mouth.
• The company has a website:
o Old fashioned look, quite austere
o Not responsive
o In the mobile version, after you have clicked in a few pages, the navigation becomes daunting
o Heavy use of text
o Infrequent updates
• Social Media: there is a FB page that is rarely updated, the LinkedIn Page is not in use
• Print advertisement: Industry magazine
• Referrals: education agents are paid 15% commission for referring students
• Discounts: twice/year MMI offers 10% for new enrolments to attract more students
• Yearly marketing budget: $75,000
• The marketing team is small and not experienced in digital and social media marketing
Product Target Market Price
Corporate Training
• Operational Management
• Leadership
• Project Management
• Emotional Intelligence
• Change Management • Management
• Individuals looking for upskilling to advance their career Face to Face classroom (average of 10 participants) $ 2,000/participant
Online $ 800/participant
Individual coaching $ 150/hour
Diploma of Business Domestic students Blended learning:
$ 4,000/student
Diploma of Project Management Domestic students Blended learning:
$ 6,000/student
Workforce Overview
The following has been reported:
• Turnover rates are high in the academic department (30% yearly) due to some of the roles’ contractual nature. Ongoing training staff is steady; however, there is a need to invest more in their professional development to keep industry currency when teaching.
• Need for a succession plan for management roles
• Gender unbalanced
• Recruitment is done externally, few opportunities for advancement are offered to existing staff
• A recent staff survey outlined the following:
o Lack of opportunities for advancement
o Top-heavy management
o Silo mentality
o Not enough room for innovation and improvement
o Lack of well-defined sustainability policy
o Diversity policy is very generic
• HR practices are mainly focused on administrative duties. The Board of Directors has identified the need to embrace HR practices as an essential strategic tool for business advancement.
• Training on HR practice is required for management
• Staff lament a lack of communication from the top
• Sense of working in silos
Remuneration (average) for each role is as followed:
• Board of Director – 25-50 k/year
• CEO – 250 k/year
• CFO – 180 k/year
• Managers – 120k/year
• Receptionist $ 52k/year
• Officers (including team members in the Marketing dept) $ 65k/year
• Team Leader $ 78k/year
• Trainer (ongoing) $ 85k/year
• Trainer (contractor): $ 80/hour. Trainers who deliver corporate training receive a generous daily allowance when outside Melbourne ($250/day), all travel and accommodation expenses are paid for by MMI.
• The above remuneration must be considered pro-rata for part-time staff.
• Superannuation is excluded and should be added at 10% to employee’s ordinary earnings
• Superannuation is paid to contractors (business trainers)


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