67274 – AssessmentTask 2Manage project qualityBSBPMG532Student

Task 2
Manage project quality
Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
? I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s)
? I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me
? I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
? I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit
? I understand the rights to re-assessment
? I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment
Unit Title
Unit Code
Student name
Student ID number
Student signature Date
Task Number
For Trainer and Assessor to complete:
? Student requested reasonable adjustment for the assessment
Completed successfully
Did the student satisfactorily: Comments Y N DNS
The student has satisfactorily completed and submitted the following:
• Notes from the briefing session in week 1 in Task 2.1A
• Project quality management plan in Task 2.1B
• Summary of agreed on changes to the quality management plan in Task 2.1C
• Summary of feedback and inputs into the project quality plan in Task 2.2
• Project quality management plan in Task 2.2
The student actively participated in the briefing session with the project sponsor in week 1 of class (Role-Play in simulated work conditions):
• Asked questions relevant to project quality planning
• Listened actively
• Took notes
The student presented the project quality plan to relevant stakeholders in week 3 of class (Role-Play in simulated work conditions):
• Confirmed quality objectives and standards
• Discussed and confirm quality metrics and requirements for each project deliverable
• Negotiated proposed roles and responsibilities for project quality management
• Confirmed quality assurance and control processes and practices
• Demonstrated support for the quality management plan
• Used active listening and questioning to elicit views and opinion of others
• Documented feedback and inputs from the group of stakeholders
• Adopted a collaborative approach
Agreed on changes to the project quality plan were applied.
The student attended the meeting with the marketing team and the project sponsor in week 3:
• Identify the quality objectives and standards in consultation with the marketing team
• Consult with the marketing team on quality requirements
• Consider inputs from the project sponsor, played by the trainer and assessor in simulated work conditions
• Listened actively
Demonstrated ability to:
• Identify quality objectives and standards with input from relevant stakeholders
• Develop quality metrics for the project and any product output in a quality management plan
• Select quality management methods and tools for resolving quality issues
This is evidenced by:
• Notes from the briefing session in week 1 in Task 2.1A
• Project quality management plan in Task 2.1B
• Summary of agreed on changes to the quality management plan in Task 2.1C
• Summary of feedback and inputs into the project quality plan in Task 2.2
• Project quality management plan in Task 2.2
• Active participation in the briefing session with the project sponsor (Refer to marking sheet)
• Active participation in the meeting with relevant stakeholders in Task 2.1C and Task 2.2.1 (refer to marking sheet)
Demonstrated ability to:
• Consult with project team and stakeholders on quality requirements
This is evidenced by:
• Notes from the briefing session in week 1 in Task 2.1A
• Summary of feedback and inputs into the project quality plan in Task 2.2
• Active participation in the briefing session with the project sponsor (Refer to marking sheet)
• Active participation in the meeting with relevant stakeholders in Task 2.1C and Task 2.2.1 (refer to marking sheet)
When collaborating with the group, the student has actively participated in group work with a substantial contribution that can be assessed individually for all the requirements of this task.
Task Outcome: Satisfactory ? Not Yet Satisfactory ?
Student Name:
Assessor Name:
Assessor Signature:
Table of Content
Student Declaration 2
Task 2 – Determine quality requirements 6
Task 2.1 Determine quality requirements 10
Task 2.2 Case Study 15
Task 2 – Determine quality requirements
Task summary and instructions
What is this assessment task about? Refer to and read the documents saved in a separate folder:
• MMI company profile and project task
• Policies and Procedures
You have been recently engaged by XYZ Pty Ltd trading as MMI as a Project Manager (PM) to develop and implement a project to open a new campus in Sydney (refer to MMI strategic objectives).
• The Board of Directors (BoD) has allocated 3 million dollars to the project.
• Project duration: 1 year.
• You can employe four new staff members to be part of the project team for its duration. Source the rest of the project team from existing MMI personnel (flexible work arrangements will be needed)
The project includes:
• Finding premises in Sydney CBD ( 800-1000 square metres, onsite parking for staff, natural light)
Ideally, there will be enough room for 5-7 classes, one meeting room, one computer lab, 1 x student kitchen, student lounge, 1 x staff kitchen, three offices for staff, toilet facilities
• Rent the premise
• Obtain necessary permits
• Source architect and building company
• Source and buy furniture and equipment
• Liaise with the architect and building company
The project steering committee is composed of:
• Mr Eli Brown – Non-executive Director
• Mr Leonard Black – CFO
• Academic Manager (Jacob Graham)
The project sponsor is Taylor Varin (Client Service Manager), played by the trainer and assessor.
You will have to:
• Determine the project requirements
• Work in collaboration with pertinent stakeholders
• Scope the project
• Cost and resource the project
• Develop the project plan
• Execute the project
• Finalise the project
Each unit covered in your Diploma of Project Management will address a part of the project:
• Scope
• Time
• Quality
• Cost
• Human Resources
• Information system and communication
• Risk
• Project Integration
• Communicate with influence
• Facilitate continuous improvement in project work
• Develop project workplace policy and procedures for sustainability
• Lead and manage project team effectiveness
BSBPMG532 addresses project quality.
Having a clear vision of the project and its structure will help you plan and implement it in simulated work conditions.
Your trainer and assessor will provide support and mentorship in the role of Project Sponsor (PS).
You will work in a project team of max four students. You will both lead the team and be a part of it to experience different project roles
in the simulated work environment, project manager being the main one.
Take turns playing the role of PM when the task requires project team collaboration. The trainer and assessor will observe project work and provide feedback on the Marking Sheet.
Form or join a project team (3-4 students in the team).
Document the name of the students in the table below:
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
You will collaborate with the project team in a simulated work environment to carry out the responsibility of your role as a PM relevant to quality management.
Although you will lead and collaborate with the project team, your assessments work must be individual, and it will be marked as such.
Please note that the performance evidence for this unit of competency requires you to demonstrate the ability to manage project quality on at least two occasions. This assessment has been designed to meet that requirement.
This task comprises of the following assessment methods:
• Product-based ?
• Direct observation of Role-Play ?
• Case Study ?
• Other (specify) ?
It has been designed to evaluate your ability to/competency in:
• Identify quality objectives and standards with input from relevant stakeholders
• Develop quality metrics for the project and any product output in a quality management plan
• Select quality management methods and tools for resolving quality issues
• Consult with project team and stakeholders on quality requirements
Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your competency in the above.
You are required to address the following:
• Task 2.1 Determine quality requirements
o Determine project quality requirements in consultation with stakeholders
o Develop a project quality plan
• Task 2.2 Case Study
o Determine project quality requirements in consultation with stakeholders
o Develop a project quality plan
Although the assessment requires group collaboration to simulate a work environment, the assessment submission is individual, and it will be marked as such.
What do I need to do to complete this task satisfactorily? • submit the completed assessment tasks, according to instructions,
• complete the tasks with sufficient detail and present them in a professional manner,
• use your own words and reference sources appropriately,
• meet the word count where required,
• use the scenario provided,
• use the templates provided where required,
• for your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task you must satisfactorily address all of the assessment criteria,
• if part of this task is not satisfactorily completed you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory performance.
Specifications You must deliver/participate in:
• Attend a project briefing session with the Project Sponsor in week 1 of class – Role Play in simulated work conditions
• Present and discuss the project quality plan with relevant stakeholders in week 3 – Role Play in simulated work conditions
• Discuss the requirements of the project quality plan (case study) in week 3 with relevant stakeholders – Role Play in simulated work conditions
You must submit to GOALS
• Notes from the briefing session in week 1
• Project quality management plan
• Summary of agreed on changes to the quality management plan
• Summary of feedback and inputs into the project quality plan (Case Study)
• Project quality management plan (Case Study)
Resources and equipment • Computer with Internet access
• Access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software
• Learning material
• Scenario for assessment as provided
• Appendices as provided
• Relevant policies and procedures as provided
• Templates as provided
Re-submission opportunities You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of the assessment.
Complete the following activities:
Task 2.1 Determine quality requirements
This task requires you to:
• Determine quality requirements for the project
• Develop a quality management plan
• Distribute and discuss the project quality management plan with the project team and stakeholders
A. Determine quality objectives
Attend a briefing session with the trainer and assessor (who will play the role of Project Sponsor) in week 1 of class.
During the briefing session, the Project Sponsor will illustrate the project, and you will have an opportunity to discuss the quality objectives and standards expected in the project.
Take notes during the meeting to inform the project quality management plan (Task 2.1B).
It is advisable to review the requirements of the project quality management plan to ask relevant questions.
The trainer and assessor will validate your participation in the briefing session in the marking sheet.
If you are absent from class, you are responsible for making alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to attend a briefing session.
Duration: 45 minutes
Summarise the notes taken during the briefing session in the space provided below.
B. Project quality management plan
Develop a project quality management plan (Template 1).
Consult with the project sponsor (played by the trainer and assessor in the simulated work environment) as needed.
Template 1 -Project Quality Management Plan
Project overview
Provide an overview of the project: name of the project, why it is undertaken, timelines and budget. (40-80 words)
Project objectives and requirements
List the project objectives (4-5) of the project and requirements (4-5)
Project deliverables
List the project deliverables (6-8)
Project stakeholders
Identify 8-10 project stakeholders (groups and/or individuals).
Names and Roles Responsibilities, role or interest in the project Quality requirements expected by the stakeholder group or individuals
Project Quality Management Approach
Quality Management Approach
Determine and list five quality objectives for the project.
Outline all the following in a cohesive and comprehensive series of paragraphs:
o Mention what essential project requirements/objectives/needs are considered for quality planning
o Identify and list the significant inputs into the plan
o Mention any industry or organisational quality standards that are taken into consideration
o Describe the involvement of key stakeholders (specifically mention what stakeholders) in the development of the quality plan.
o Identify what specific policies and procedures are taken into consideration when developing the quality plan
(100-150 words)
Organisation, responsibilities and interfaces
Determine and record the primary roles and responsibilities of the project team and other critical stakeholders as related to project quality management. It could include coaching, mentoring, auditing processes, project reviews, provision of crucial knowledge and expertise.
Add additional rows if needed. Name Role Quality Responsibilities
Quality control
Outline all the following in a cohesive and comprehensive series of paragraphs:
o The plan for QC and QA: when they will be performed, tools and techniques that will be utilised, key personnel that will perform them. Any relevant information on how you will analyse the data.
o Process for recording the QC and QA data and how they will be communicated to relevant stakeholders.
o What process is in place if it is determined that quality standards do not comply with the standards defined in the plan at the end of the project?
(100-150 words)
Quality Planning Register
Develop the register for each project deliverable.
Project Deliverable Quality requirements QA activities QC activities Quality standards/measurements
and tools
C. Communicate and discuss the project quality management plan
Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 3 of class to present the project quality management plan to the project sponsor (played by the trainer and assessor) and a group of relevant stakeholders (members of the project team and the project steering committee played by a group of classmates) in a simulated work environment.
When presenting your work:
• Confirm quality objectives and standards
• Discuss and confirm quality metrics and requirements for each project deliverable
• Negotiate proposed roles and responsibilities for project quality management
• Confirm quality assurance and control processes and practices
• Demonstrate support for the quality management plan
• Use active listening and questioning to elicit views and opinion of others
• Document feedback and inputs from the group of stakeholders
• Adopt a collaborative approach
Duration: 15 minutes.
The trainer and assessor will evaluate your performance during the presentation and provide feedback on the marking sheet.
If you are absent from class, you are responsible for making alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to present the project quality management plan.
At the end of the meeting:
• Finalise the project quality management plan. Document the agreed changes in the table provided below:
Agreed changes
Stakeholders expectations
Quality management approach
Quality Planning Register
Please note that the trainer and assessor will check that the agreed changes have been applied to the project quality management plan submitted with your assessment.
Task 2.2 Case Study
This task requires you to:
• Determine quality requirements for the project
• Develop a quality management plan
Consider the following scenario.
The Project Sponsor trusts your expertise in project management.
The Project Sponsor asked you and your team to help with a project. The Marketing Team is organising an event to present the new campus to education agents. The Project Sponsor would like you to develop a quality management plan for this project.
The plan will be used by the marketing team in charge of organising the event.
Please note the event will be planned and delivered by existing staff only: the marketing team, and any other individual staff you believe should be included from the organisational chart.
Please see details below:
Event (Project) Presenting the new campus to education agents
Type of event Virtual event
Zoom meeting
Structure PowerPoint Presentation
Duration 1 hour
Budget $1,500
Date Event Date: 20/6/20XX
Note: event planning starts on 10/5/20XX
Presenter Marketing Manager
Organiser Marketing Team
Attendees • Education Agents
• Marketing Manager and Marketing team
• Academic Manager
Requirements for the human resource plan • Support the marketing team with organising the event
• Ensure project roles are allocated according to planned work
Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 3 to discuss the requirements of the project quality management plan with the marketing team (played by a group of classmates) in a simulated work environment:
• Identify the quality objectives and standards in consultation with the marketing team
• Consult with the marketing team on quality requirements
• Consider inputs from the project sponsor, played by the trainer and assessor in simulated work conditions
• Develop a project quality plan
The trainer and assessor will validate your active participation in the meeting with the marketing team and provide feedback on the marking sheet.
If you are absent from class, you are responsible for making alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to present the project quality management plan.
1. Summarise the feedback and inputs received from the marketing team and the project sponsor in the space provided below.
(50-100 words)
2. Develop a project quality management plan (Template 1)
Template 1 -Project Quality Management Plan
Project overview
Provide an overview of the project: name of the project, why it is undertaken, timelines and budget. (40-80 words)
Project objectives and requirements
List the project objectives (2-3) of the project and requirements (2-3)
Project deliverables
List the project deliverables (4-6)
Project stakeholders
Identify 5-6 project stakeholders (groups and/or individuals).
Names and Roles Responsibilities, role or interest in the project Quality requirements expected by the stakeholder group or individuals
Project Quality Management Approach
Quality Management Approach
Determine and list three quality objectives for the project.
Outline all the following in a cohesive and comprehensive series of paragraphs:
o Mention what essential project requirements/objectives/needs are considered for quality planning
o Identify and list the significant inputs into the plan
o Mention any industry or organisational quality standards that are taken into consideration
o Describe the involvement of key stakeholders (specifically mention what stakeholders) in the development of the quality plan.
o Identify what specific policies and procedures are taken into consideration when developing the quality plan
(80-120 words)
Organisation, responsibilities and interfaces
Determine and record the primary roles and responsibilities of the project team and other critical stakeholders as related to project quality management. It could include coaching, mentoring, auditing processes, project reviews, provision of crucial knowledge and expertise.
Add additional rows if needed. Name Role Quality Responsibilities
Quality control
Outline all the following in a cohesive and comprehensive series of paragraphs:
o The plan for QC and QA: when they will be performed, tools and techniques that will be utilised, key personnel that will perform them. Any relevant information on how you will analyse the data.
o Process for recording the QC and QA data and how they will be communicated to relevant stakeholders.
o What process is in place if it is determined that quality standards do not comply with the standards defined in the plan at the end of the project?
(80-120 words)
Quality Planning Register
Develop the register for each project deliverable.
Project Deliverable Quality requirements QA activities QC activities Quality standards/measurements

Task 3
Manage project quality

Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
? I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s)
? I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me
? I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
? I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit
? I understand the rights to re-assessment
? I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment
Unit Title
Unit Code
Student name
Student ID number
Student signature Date
Task Number
For Trainer and Assessor to complete:
? Student requested reasonable adjustment for the assessment
Marking Sheet
Completed successfully
Did the student satisfactorily: Comments Y N DNS
The student has satisfactorily completed and submitted the following:
• Process Audit in Task 3.1A
• Deliverable Audit in Task 3.1A
• Email to Project Sponsor in Task 3.1B
• Change Request Form in Task 3.1C
• Addressing of scenarios in Task 3.1D
• Status Report in Task 3.1D
• Record keeping process in Task 3.1E
• Record keeping sample in Task 3.1F
• Lessons Learned Report in Task 3.2
• Process Audit in Task 3.3A
• Deliverable Audit in Task 3.3A
• Process redesigned in Task 3.3B
• Addressing of scenarios in Task 3.3C
• Status Report in Task 3.3C
• Lessons Learned Report in Task 3.3D
Demonstrated ability to:
• Perform quality assurance audit of project processes for compliance with agreed plans
• Assess quality control of project and product output according to agreed quality specifications
This is evidenced by:
• Process Audit in Task 3.1A
• Deliverable Audit in Task 3.1A
• Process Audit in Task 3.3A
• Deliverable Audit in Task 3.3A
Demonstrated ability to:
• Identify causes of variance to quality metrics and undertake remedial action
• Maintain a quality management system for timely recording of quality audit data
• Review processes and implement agreed on changes continually throughout the project life cycle
• Review project outcomes against performance requirements
This is evidenced by:
• Process Audit in Task 3.1A
• Deliverable Audit in Task 3.1A
• Email to Project Sponsor in Task 3.1B
• Change Request Form in Task 3.1C
• Addressing of scenarios in Task 3.1D
• Status Report in Task 3.1D
• Record keeping process in Task 3.1E
• Record keeping sample in Task 3.1F
• Process Audit in Task 3.3A
• Deliverable Audit in Task 3.3A
• Process redesigned in Task 3.3B
• Addressing of scenarios in Task 3.3C
• Status Report in Task 3.3C
Demonstrated ability to:
• Identify and document lessons learned and recommended improvements
This is evidenced by:
• Lessons Learned Report in Task 3.2
• Lessons Learned Report in Task 3.3D
When collaborating with the group, the student has actively participated in group work with a substantial contribution that can be assessed individually for all the requirements of this task.
Task Outcome: Satisfactory ? Not Yet Satisfactory ?
Student Name:
Assessor Name:
Assessor Signature:
Table of Content
Student Declaration 2
Task 3 – Implement quality processes and improvements 6
Task 3.1 Implement quality processes 8
Task 3.2 Lessons Learned 16
Task 3.3 Case Study 17

Task 3 – Implement quality processes and improvements
Task summary and instructions
What is this assessment task about? Task 3.1 and 3.2 build on Task 2.1
Task 3.3 builds on Task 2.2
This task comprises of the following assessment methods:
• Product-based ?
• Direct observation of Role-Play ?
• Case Study ?
• Other (specify) ?
It has been designed to evaluate your ability to/competency in:
• Perform quality assurance audit of project processes for compliance with agreed plans
• Assess quality control of project and product output according to agreed quality specifications
• Identify causes of variance to quality metrics and undertake remedial action
• Maintain a quality management system for timely recording of quality audit data
• Review processes and implement agreed on changes continually throughout the project life cycle
• Review project outcomes against performance requirements
• Identify and document lessons learned and recommended improvements
You are required to address the following:
• Task 3.1 Implement project quality processes
o Conduct quality audits
o Apply quality management processes
o Determine quality shortfalls and identify remedial actions
o Report on quality issues and take initiatives to address them
o Develop and implement a record-keeping process
• Task 3.2 Identify and document lessons learned
o Identify and document project lessons learned
• Task 3.3 Case Study
o Conduct quality audits
o Apply quality management processes
o Determine quality shortfalls and identify remedial actions
o Report on quality issues and take initiatives to address them
o Identify and document project lessons learned
Although the assessment requires group collaboration to simulate a work environment, the assessment submission is individual, and it will be marked as such.
What do I need to do to complete this task satisfactorily? • submit the completed assessment tasks, according to instructions,
• complete the tasks with sufficient detail and present them in a professional manner,
• use your own words and reference sources appropriately,
• meet the word count where required,
• use the scenario provided,
• use the templates provided where required,
• for your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task you must satisfactorily address all of the assessment criteria,
• if part of this task is not satisfactorily completed you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory performance.
Specifications You must deliver/participate in:
• Consult and collaborate with the project team as required
You must submit to GOALS
• Process Audit
• Deliverable Audit
• Email to Project Sponsor
• Change Request Form
• Addressing of scenarios
• Status Report
• Record keeping process
• Record keeping sample
• Lessons Learned Report
• Process Audit (Case Study)
• Deliverable Audit (Case Study)
• Process redesigned (Case Study)
• Addressing of scenarios (Case Study)
• Status Report (Case Study)
• Lessons Learned Report (Case Study)
Resources and equipment • Computer with Internet access
• Access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software
• Learning material
• Scenario for assessment as provided
• Appendices as provided
• Relevant policies and procedures as provided
• Templates as provided
Re-submission opportunities You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of the assessment.
Complete the following activities:
Task 3.1 Implement quality processes
This task builds on Task 2.1 and requires you to:
• Undertake quality assurance audits
• Assess quality control
• Identify causes of quality variance to quality metrics and undertake remedial actions
• Maintain quality records
A. Quality audits
• Perform two quality audits in collaboration with the project team:
o A quality assurance audit of a project process (Template 1) for compliance with the agreed quality plans.
Review the following policies from the Policies and Procedures folder:
o Continuous Improvement Policy
o Quality Management Policy
against the quality management requirements for the project.
Identify areas for improvement in both approaches to align with project needs.
o A quality control audit (Template 2) of a project deliverable.
Consider this project deliverable:
Finding premises in Sydney CBD (800-1000 square meters, onsite parking for staff, natural light). Ideally, there will be enough room for 5-7 classes, one meeting room, one computer lab, 1 x student kitchen, student lounge, 1 x staff kitchen, three offices for staff, toilet facilities.
Research premises in Sydney CBD that meet those requirements (you could use a website like https://www.realcommercial.com.au, for example).
Select a suitable property for rent and audit it against the requirements you set for this deliverable
• Identify causes of variance to quality metrics and plan for remedial actions
Template 1 -Process Audit
Audit Summary:
Audit objective:
Audit Participants:
Checklist(s)/Guideline(s) Used:
Documentation/Work Products/Activity Examined:
Brief Descriptions of substandard issues and possible causes:
Impact of Issues: Serious ? Critical ? Major ? Moderate ? Minor ? None ?
Audit Status:
Substandard issues found ?
Corrective Action Plan is needed ?
No issues found ?
Resolution without Any Changes ?
Escalation to Senior Management needed for immediate attention ?
Description of how the remedial actions were implemented:
Template 2 -Deliverable Audit
Audit Summary:
Audit objective:
Audit Participants:
Checklist(s)/Guideline(s) Used:
Documentation/Work Products/Activity Examined:
Brief Descriptions of substandard issues and possible causes:
Impact of Issues: Serious ? Critical ? Major ? Moderate ? Minor ? None ?
Audit Status:
Substandard issues found ?
Corrective Action Plan is needed ?
No issues found ?
Resolution without Any Changes ?
Escalation to Senior Management needed for immediate attention ?
Description of how the remedial actions were implemented:
B. Communication
Write an email (Template 3) to the Project Sponsor to:
• Communicate the findings of one of the audits
• Propose an action plan to address shortfalls in quality outcomes
Attach the Audit Report to the email.
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
(50-100 words)
Template 3 -Email
Email to Project Sponsor
Date email is sent:
C. Change request
Complete a Change Request Form (Template 4) to implement one or more actions needed to address shortfalls in quality outcomes identified in one of the two audits.
Template 4 -Change Request Form
Change Request – Project
Issued by
Change/s Requested
Reason for change/s
Impact on the project
Change authorised: Yes/No
Project Manager Signed
Sponsor Signed
Client Signed
Date Date Date Date
Complete the filing record below so that the project documentation can be saved in the project management record system.
Project Title: Project Client: Date:
Project Sponsor: Project Manager:
File Name:
D. Monitoring and control
Assume that the following has happened when executing the project:
A 25% timeline
The outcome of the process and deliverable audits in Task 3.1A.
B 50% timeline
Due to Covid 19, travels between Melbourne and Sydney are disrupted, and everyone is working from home.
The Project Sponsor has added a quality requirement for purchasing furniture and equipment; they must be purchased from ethically sourced suppliers and built sustainably.
D 75% timeline
You have completed an audit to review sustainable purchasing and identified the following:
• Lighting is not eco-friendly
• New equipment has energy-saving certifications
• Coldwater taps only were installed in washrooms to save energy
• A programmable climate control model which automatically turns off the heat and air-conditioning after hours has been recommended for installation
• Furniture are eco-conscious
To address the tasks below, consult with the Project Sponsor (played by the trainer and assessor) and the project team in the simulated work environment as needed.
1. For each scenario:
• Outline what quality monitoring and control procedure/process was applied to identify the change/s in circumstances
• Determine the impact of each scenario on project progress, focusing on project quality management
• Determine what changes are needed to meet quality requirements and if any update to quality requirements is needed
Scenario Monitoring and control
(30-50 words/scenario) Impact
(30-50 words/scenario) Changes and updates
2. Complete a Status Report (Template 5) for a scenario of choice (A, B or C).
Template 5 -Project Status Report
Project Name:
Project Status G: Y: R:
Overall Timeline Budget Resources Scope Quality Risk
Status Report
Project Name
Prepared by:
Attention to:
Summary report
Use this section for summary information about the status of the project.
• Deliverables
• Schedule
• Budget
• Quality
• Resources
(100-150 words)
Complete the filing record below so that the project documentation can be saved in the project management record system.
Project Title: Project Client: Date:
Project Sponsor: Project Manager:
File Name:
E. Record Keeping
Develop a process to determine and maintain quality-control, audit documentation and compliance records against agreed quality requirements.
This must include:
• Filing systems (for example, drive/software in use, who has access to drive/software, reading and editing rights, folders’ structure)
• Folders and files’ name convention
• Version control
• Archiving procedures
Document the process in the space provided below:
F. Record Keeping Sample
Provide one sample evidence of how records are maintained against the process developed in Task 3.1E. For example: screenshot of folder with an audit file saved in it using naming convention.
Document the sample in the space provided below.
Task 3.2 Lessons Learned
This task builds on Task 3.1 and requires you to:
• Identify and document lessons learned
Consider the work performed in Task 2.1 and Task 3.1.
Additionally, consider the following feedback received from project stakeholders:
• The changes to continuous improvement and quality management policies were effective.
• Overall, issues with project quality were timely addressed.
• More training on quality management is needed for project team members.
Review the project performance to determine the effectiveness of quality management.
Complete a lessons learned report (Template 6).
Template 6 -Lessons Learned
Lessons Learned Report
Name of project:
A brief summary of how the project quality was managed, to include issues and how they were addressed. Did you meet the quality requirements?
Worked well
List 3-4 items
Could have gone better
List 3-4 items
Lessons learned and suggested improvements (50-100 words):
Complete the filing record below so that the project documentation can be saved in the project management record system.
Project Title: Project Client: Date:
Project Sponsor: Project Manager:
File Name:
Task 3.3 Case Study
This task builds on Task 2.2 and requires you to:
• Undertake a quality assurance audit
• Assess quality control
• Identify causes of quality variance to quality metrics and undertake remedial actions
• Use quality management systems for record keeping
• Maintain quality records
• Identify and document lessons learned
A. Quality audits
• Perform two quality audits in collaboration with the project team:
o A quality assurance audit (Template 1) of the following process:
Preparation of the presentation:

Identify areas for improvement in the above process.
o A quality control audit (Template 2) of a project deliverable.
Consider this project deliverable: a flyer to promote the event (see below).

o Identify causes of variance to quality metrics and plan for remedial actions
Template 1 -Process Audit
Audit Summary:
Audit objective:
Audit Participants:
Checklist(s)/Guideline(s) Used:
Documentation/Work Products/Activity Examined:
Brief Descriptions of substandard issues and possible causes:
Impact of Issues: Serious ? Critical ? Major ? Moderate ? Minor ? None ?
Audit Status:
Substandard issues found ?
Corrective Action Plan is needed ?
No issues found ?
Resolution without Any Changes ?
Escalation to Senior Management needed for immediate attention ?
Description of how the remedial actions were implemented:
Template 2 -Deliverable Audit
Audit Summary:
Audit objective:
Audit Participants:
Checklist(s)/Guideline(s) Used:
Documentation/Work Products/Activity Examined:
Brief Descriptions of substandard issues and possible causes:
Impact of Issues: Serious ? Critical ? Major ? Moderate ? Minor ? None ?
Audit Status:
Substandard issues found ?
Corrective Action Plan is needed ?
No issues found ?
Resolution without Any Changes ?
Escalation to Senior Management needed for immediate attention ?
Description of how the remedial actions were implemented:
B. Apply changes
Redesign the process you audited in Task 3.3 A according to the suggested changes/improvements.
C. Monitoring and control
Assume that the following has happened when executing the project:
A 25% timeline
The Marketing Manager is unwell, and he will be away from work for two weeks.
B 75% timeline
Only 30% of invitees have RSVPed.
The PowerPoint presentation is full of grammar mistakes, and the MMI logo is missing from several slides.
To address the tasks below, consult with the Project Sponsor (played by the trainer and assessor) and the project team in the simulated work environment as needed.
1. For each scenario:
• Outline what quality monitoring and control procedure/process was applied to identify the change/s in circumstances
• Determine the impact of each scenario on project progress, focusing on project quality management
• Determine what changes are needed to meet quality requirements and if any update to quality requirements is needed
Scenario Monitoring and control
(30-50 words/scenario) Impact
(30-50 words/scenario) Changes and updates
2. Complete a Status Report (Template 5) for a scenario of choice (A or B).
Template 5 -Project Status Report
Project Name:
Project Status G: Y: R:
Overall Timeline Budget Resources Scope Quality Risk
Status Report
Project Name
Prepared by:
Attention to:
Summary report
Use this section for summary information about the status of the project.
• Deliverables
• Schedule
• Budget
• Quality
• Resources
(40-80 words)
Complete the filing record below so that the project documentation can be saved in the project management record system.
Project Title: Project Client: Date:
Project Sponsor: Project Manager:
File Name:
D. Lessons learned
Consider the work performed in Task 2.2 and Task 3.3
Additionally, consider the following feedback received from project stakeholders:
• The changes to the process were effective
• The marketing team lacked project management knowledge
• The Marketing Manager did not communicate issues timely
Review the project performance to determine the effectiveness of quality management.
Complete a lessons learned report (Template 6).
Template 6 -Lessons Learned
Lessons Learned Report
Name of project:
A brief summary of how the project quality was managed, to include issues and how they were addressed. Did you meet the quality requirements?
Worked well
List 2-3 items
Could have gone better
List 2-3 items
Lessons learned and suggested improvements (40-80 words):
Complete the filing record below so that the project documentation can be saved in the project management record system.
Project Title: Project Client: Date:
Project Sponsor: Project Manager:
File Name:
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