Which specific operations or tasks within an operation will be covered? • Which are not covered? • Who is the SOP written for? You may include the number of people required to complete the task, their skill levels or knowl

Create a Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) for calibrating the Horiba U50
This section includes to whom and what the document applies.
To complete this section answer the following questions:
• Which specific operations or tasks within an operation will be covered?
• Which are not covered?
• Who is the SOP written for?
You may include the number of people required to complete the task, their skill levels or knowledge they may need, and even a description of how the finished product or result will look if applicable.
This section must include any and all safety issues or cautions regarding the task, describe any necessary steps to ensure safety while working including important safety equipment, the area work should be undertaken in, personal protective equipment, and acknowledgement to others.
It should include any records that need to be recorded and the location of any safety data sheets that are required (preferably in a link).
It must include any health and safety warnings (in BOLD) that could result in loss of life, personal injury, equipment damage, degradation of sample/s, possible invalidation of results or any other critical steps.
This section must also explain what will happen if the procedure is not followed or is followed incorrectly.
Here you can put any definitions including any acronyms, abbreviations or specialised terms used within the SOP.
This should be written in dot point form for ease of collecting materials.
All materials and equipment required for completion of the task of the SOP must be written here. If the equipment or materials need to be collected in a particular order, form or area, that should also be noted.
If a particular material needs some other application before use it should be noted in the reference section and where possible, an SOP should be available for that. I.e. a material is 70% ethanol, a link should be provided to a SOP on how to make 70% ethanol, documentation should be provided on the safe use of 70% ethanol and a location of where the SOP can be found should also be provided.
This is where the SOP will state the procedure for undergoing or performing the task. It should be written in dot point form; repeatable and consistent.
When the process involves numerous steps, a SOP should be written to describe any sub processes involved. If sub processes are required to perform the SOP, they should be referenced in the step (i.e. use 70% ethanol to clean bench, see SOP number 1-2015 making and using 70% ethanol) and where necessary, will refer to supplementary documentation such as pH meter calibration (i.e. to do this please see manual located….).
You should remain mindful of the following points when documenting the tasks in your SOP procedure.
• Identify all pertinent steps, in order and material needed.
o Instrument or method calibration and standardisation
o Sample collection
o Sample handling and preservation
o Sample prep and analysis (such as extraction, digestion, analysis, identification, and counting procedures)
o Trouble shooting
o Data Acquisition, Calculations & Data Reduction Requirements (such as listing any mathematical steps to be followed)
o Computer hardware and software (passwords and locations, used to store field sampling records, manipulate analytical results, and/or report data), and
o Data and Records Management (e.g., identifying any calculations to be performed, forms to be used, reports to be written, and data and record storage information).
• Must be in the specific order in which activities are done
• Timing sequences and times allowed
• Materials used and how they are used
• Point out safety considerations and application of PPE
• References where required
• Define terms and concepts when needed.
Here you can put any other supporting documents other than SOPs, such as links to manuals for equipment. If possible, provide a link to the documentation or a location both electronic and hardcopy where applicable.


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