This assessment requires you to analyse change in the organisation where you did your placement or another human service organisation where you worked. If not your placement, it must be a human service social welfare organisation that employs social workers. The case study can examine one of the following broad issues that led to organisational change, or you can choose an organisational or team issue that we have discussed in class.
Suggestions for the organisational change include:
• Changes in Government or organisational policy or funding arrangements
• Changes in management or senior executive team
• Changes due to Covid-19
• Use of consultants to lead organisational change
• Demands of neoliberalism and marketisation
• Service contracting or privatisation
• Service users as co-designers
• Change in service focus, e.g. short-term change focus rather than a longer-term organisational development process approach.
1. A preamble of your experience with the organisation and the change that took place.
2. An overview of the organisation’s history, goals and you
3. Analysis of how the organisational change was managed and its impact on staff and clients
4. Critique of the strategies, approaches, programs and/ or policies that were adopted to address the organisational change, using critical social work literature
5. Suggest alternative strategies