I need this done on Monday to be given in on Tuesday.

I need this done on Monday to be given in on Tuesday. The document shows instructions of what the assignment will be like with a sample. I need an RStudio tutor who can look through the sample paper link and if they can do that then I will pay them to do the assignment I will be given on Monday.
TAP Assessment Information
The main piece of coursework for this module is a -take-away paper-, or TAP. You will have 24 hours in which to complete a series of set tasks. The tasks are designed to take approximately 2 hours to complete, and you can do them whenever you like within the time available, as long as you submit your answers by the deadline.
The purpose of this assessment is twofold. First, you will demonstrate the skills in R and mastery of statistical concepts that we have will have covered in this module. Second, you will use the analysis and interpretation from this assessment to complete your Developmental Psychology lab report.
There are two scenarios you can choose from for the TAP. You should choose one and only complete the worksheet for the scenario you have chosen, which should be the same scenario you will write about for your Developmental Psychology lab report. You will not be penalised in any way if you choose different scenarios for the TAP and the lab report, but you are strongly recommended to choose the same scenario for both.
(PLEASE CHOOSE THIS ONE) Scenario 1 relates to childrens acquisition of new vocabulary words through storybook reading. If you plan to choose this scenario, make sure you review Lectures 6 and 7 and the Week 4 workshop on Developmental Psychology.
Scenario 2 relates to emotion regulation. If you plan to choose this scenario, make sure you review Lectures 9 and 10 and the Week 6 workshop on Developmental Psychology.
First, attend all sessions listed above, and ask any questions in those sessions, in drop-in sessions, or on Piazza.
Second, make sure you check all of the following well before the TAP:
• Confirm R and RStudio are installed on your computer and run without errors/crashing
• Confirm discovr is installed and tutorials run without errors
• Review key concepts in R (see discovr_01) and use of RMarkdown documents (see Analysing Data Tutorial 1 (Links to an external site.))
See the Help! page for help installing R/RStudio and required packages and running discovr tutorials.
The discovr package
Each week you will be expected to complete an interactive R tutorial at some point after the lecture and before the following weeks practical class. These tutorials are in the discovr package, details of which are at www.discovr.rocks/discovr/ (Links to an external site.)
Installing discovr on Your Own Computer
To install the discovr package, first install the remotes package by executing this command:
Once remotes is installed execute this command:
Installing discovr on Uni Computers
First install the remotes package by executing this command:
If you are installing discovr in a practical, do not use the install_github command above! Instead, run the following:
remotes::install_url(-https://www.discovr.rocks/package/discovr_0.1.5.8.tar.gz-, dependencies = TRUE)
Using discovr
Within the tutorials sections are coded as 1, 2 or 3 for their level of complexity (broadly speaking). In general, we dont expect you to work through any level 3 sections on this module. We will often be explicit about the sections to work through in a given week, but if not attempt everything except level 3 sections. You can, of course, work through level 3 sections if you want to push yourself or learn more, but it is not required and wont be examined.
The tutorials are self-contained (you practice code in code boxes) so you don’t need to use RStudio at the same time. However, to get the most from them I would recommend that you create an RStudio project and within that open (and save) a new RMarkdown file each time to work through a tutorial. Within that Markdown file, replicate parts of the code from the tutorial (in code chunks) and use Markdown to write notes about what you have done, and to reflect on things that you have struggled with, or note useful tips to help you remember things. Basically, write a learning journal. This workflow has the advantage of not just teaching you the code that you need to do certain things, but also provides practice in using RStudio itself.

If the tutorial pane is missing!
You dont need the tutorial pane (although it makes life easier). You can also run any tutorial by executing the following code:
learnr::run_tutorial(-name_of_tutorial-, package = -discovr-)
and replacing name_of_tutorial with the name of the tutorial. For example, to execute the tutorial called dicovr_01 execute:
learnr::run_tutorial(-discovr_01-, package = -discovr-)
Important Information
You will complete all tasks in an RMarkdown worksheet, which you can download from -Worksheet-, below. You must submit the knitted HTML document produced by your RMarkdown worksheet file, not the .Rmd RMarkdown file itself.
The completed, knitted worksheet should contain your code, the output produced by that code, and all of your written answers; see the sample TAP answers, below, for an example. You should edit your worksheet before knitting to make sure that it contains only the necessary code to answer the questions; everything you include in your knitted worksheet will be considered as part of your mark, and you may be marked down for superfluous or inefficient code. The completed worksheet should not contain your name or any other identifing information about you.
The worksheets we provide for the TAP have a global chunk option error = TRUE. This means that the document will knit even if you have an error in your code; it is intended as a failsafe to make sure you can still submit your document even if you are not able to complete all of the tasks. However, errors or incomplete tasks may impact your mark, so you must check the knitted document thoroughly to make sure that all of your code and output have appeared as you expected!
Reasonable Adjustments
There is no extra time for this assessment; everyone must submit the assessment within the same 24-hour period. This is because you can take as long as you like within the time available to complete the assessment, including taking breaks etc.
Download the worksheet here! – to be updated in Week 7 when the TAP is released
Create a new project file and save this worksheet in that project file. Make sure you save this as a .Rmd file (not .txt) in order to be able to knit successfully.
The sample will give you an idea of the kind of tasks you may need to complete for the sit TAP. You are recommended to attempt the sample as if it were the real TAP to get an idea of how long the tasks take you.
The answers will be covered in the Week 6 skills lab and posted here to help your revision after that.
Download the Sample TAP (Links to an external site.)
Download the Sample TAP answers – to be updated
More details about the marking criteria will be added here closer to the deadline.
More Details and FAQs
What will be on the TAP?
The TAP will contain both coding and analysis tasks in R, and short-answer written tasks explaining your analytic decisions and reporting/interpreting your findings up to 1000 words total. All questions will revolve around the linear module with multiple continuous predictors.
What is the format for the TAP?
To complete the TAP, you will download the RMarkdown document for your chosen scenario (see -Materials-, above) containing the scenario/codebook, dataset, and tasks to complete. You should complete all of the tasks within this document and submit the knitted html file to complete the assessment.
What should I do to prepare?
The best thing you can do to prepare is to attend and participate in the sessions on this module. We will explicitly practice the skills and concepts you will need for the assessment. You are also strongly recommended to attend help sessions and ask questions on Piazza leading up to the TAP to clarify any confusion.
It is also critical to make sure that you are prepared to perform tasks in RStudio and RMarkdown. Check the following well before beginning the TAP, and give yourself time to get help if you encounter problems:
• Confirm R and RStudio are installed on your computer and run without errors/crashing
• Confirm discovr is installed and tutorials run without errors
• Review key concepts in R (see discovr_01 tutorial) and use of RMarkdown documents (see Analysing Data Tutorial 1 (Links to an external site.))


For faster services, inquiry about  new assignments submission or  follow ups on your assignments please text us/call us on +1 (251) 265-5102

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