As a Sergeant Major, individually or as a member of a team, in an asynchronous staff group classroom setting, and using the online system capabilities, references, practical exercises, class discussions, and personal experiences.

Scope:During this lesson, individual students will select a topic within the Army (capability or performance) they will research and analyze a current problem/issue. They will then write a military white paper and present their findings/recommendations individually to the class. The white paper requires students to apply concepts gained from the F100 series, apply critical and creative thinking, conduct individual research, analyze, and incorporate personal experiences to that problem/issue.

Action: Analyze a force management topic and produce a White Paper.

Conditions: As a Sergeant Major, individually or as a member of a team, in an asynchronous staff group classroom setting, and using the online system capabilities, references, practical exercises, class discussions, and personal experiences.

Standard: The analysis will include:

  1. Selecting a problem or issue
  2. Collecting and researching information
  3. Constructing a clear and concise white paper on an approved topic that will possibly be used as a staff study
  4. Participating in a discussion relevant to the white paper topic

Readings: (6 pages) [15 minutes]

TRADOC Pam 71-20-3 (2011), The U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command Concept Development Guide, Appx E (CONOPS and White Papers, para. E-1 and E-2), (1 page).

TRADOC Regulation 71-20 (2013), Concept Development, Capabilities Determination, and Capabilities Integration, Chapter 3, (5 pages)

Purpose:Provide a forum for students to present contemporary issues in force management using DOTMLPF-P, FIFA, JCIDS, CONOPS, etc. and to engage in professional and informative discussions contributing to the overall body of knowledge and enhance learning.


Assignment Instructions:Select a topic within the Army (capability or performance) then research and analyze the problem/issue. Write a 3-5 page military white paper written in APA format and present findings/recommendations. The white paper requires students to apply concepts gained from the force management module, apply critical and creative thinking, conduct individual research and analysis, and incorporate.



Using MOBCOP and Tour of Duty (TOD) to fill Active Duty positions with Reserve and National Guard Soldiers. Restrictions of accessing TOD, individuals must be on an Army Network and unable to access from home. Lack of applicants, let alone quality applicants, due to this restriction and the cumbersome process.


White Paper Standards

  • APA Style
  • Times New Roman, 12 point font
  • Standard 1 inch margins, with double-spaced lines and double space after periods
  • No passive voice
  • Paper must be 3-5 pages (not including the cover and reference pages.)
  • All papers must have a footer that reads: “For SMC Educational Purposes Only”
  • Say only what needs to be said.
  • Stick to “must know” info
  • Ensure there is a logical flow (sequence is important)
  • Use active voice and short sentences
  • Avoid big words and unnecessary adjectives / adverbs
  • Get help – have someone proofread
  • Practice makes (almost) perfect – particularly with respect to response time on the suspense


White Paper Format

  • Title Page
  • Content
    • Introduction / Summary
      • Allow leaders to get a quick grasp of the main point
    • Background and context (breadth and depth of the problem)
      • Provide sufficient information/discussion to assist leaders in making a decision based on facts
      • Show evidence of research and expertise on the subject
    • Problem
      • Do not pose a problem without a viable solution
    • Solution
      • Well thought out analysis and supporting date/evidence, as well as cost and resource considerations. Solutions for this problem will include allowing access to TOD from home networks with a DS login or CAC login. Authorizing VPN login from personal computer to access TOD.
    • Conclusion
  • Reference Page


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