This essay needs to address the following and it is related to case management of high risk offenders.
The management of high risk and high profile people as a case manager can result in a person experiencing greater levels of stress in their day-to-day job than other careers. Additionally, case managers are also exposed to often graphic and traumatic material and/or situations, especially when working within the criminal justice sector. As a result, many case managers at some point in their career experience vicarious trauma, increased anxiety and depression, feel isolated, and/or professional burnout. As such, it is important for case managers to develop high levels of resilience and good self-care practices.
In 2000-2500 words (maximum), use empirical evidence and theory to:
(1) Explain why it is important for case managers to develop high levels of resilience and good self-care practices.
(2) Identify and explain effective ways that a case manager can improve their resilience and develop good self-care practices to protect against professional burnout and vicarious trauma.
(3) You are required to do your own independent research to address the essay question. Peer reviewed resources must be used to inform your work. Additionally, you can also incorporate government and NGO reports. Media articles and lecture slides are not to be relied on to inform your essay.
(4) No minimum/maximum number of references is outlined. The number of references needed for your essay is dependent on what information you are providing. Remember, you should be providing references for all assertions, claims, and evidence being presented.
(5) The required referencing style for this assessment is Harvard Referencing
Essay Structure
The difference between a good and a bad essay is often the structure of the essay. Essay structure is very important. The following are some simple tips and rules that can greatly improve your essay. Please note that a good essay does not have headings.
A good introduction is crucial. To navigate through an unfamiliar essay, the reader needs a map or instructions that highlight the points of interest and guides them to the end. Your introduction is a summary of your essay. It must do the following:
• Set out the problem to be addressed
• Highlight the main arguments to be made
• Provide an explicit plan of the essay (the order in which you will present information)
• Provide a direct statement that clearly tells the reader your position
Every good essay consists of a background section. In this section you should be presenting contextual/background information that the reader should know about your essay topic before you present the main discussion/points. For example, you would not present a discussion about the age of criminal responsibility without first explaining what this is and how it works.
You must give serious thought to the order in which you present your information. There needs to be logic to it – you cannot just present information in a random order. A discussion needs to be well structured, and the structure should be obvious to the reader. Keep telling your reader what you are up to.
Make sure you set out a clear plan in your introduction and then follow that structure in your discussion. Use ‘signposts’ to emphasise that you are following the plan (e.g. The second argument is…). Do not write too short or too long paragraphs (longer than two sentences, no longer than a page). Each paragraph should have a topic sentence and should only discuss one idea – make sure your paragraphs are not too long.
Your conclusion is a summary of the essay. Do not introduce any new information. Do not use any quotes in the conclusion.
The way the information is presented is one of the most significant aspects. In your assessment you need to keep in mind to write clearly, identify and justify your choices. There are a few easy steps you should follow in your writing:
• Your essay needs to be grammatically sound, so make sure to check the spelling and punctuation before submitting.
• To avoid grammatical mistakes, avoid the use of overcomplicated sentences (sentences that are more than a couple of lines in length).
• Do not write your essay in first person, only write in third person.
• When using abbreviations make sure you provide the full word first followed immediately by the abbreviation in brackets afterwards (e.g. Youth justice conferencing (YJC))
• This is an academic essay, therefore, do not use dot points or lists. Instead, incorporate these points into sentences.
• Do not include tables, diagrams, or figures in your essay. Any information from these sources you want to include needs to be summarised in your own words.
• Avoid the use of quotes. The only times you should be using direct quotes is when you are citing legislation, policy, definitions etc, or you specifically wish to discuss/analyses something someone has said. Other than these two reasons you should be demonstrating understanding of content by paraphrasing all information in your own words.
Your essay should be formatted in the following ways:
• Font should be Times New Roman.
• Font size should be size 12.
• Text should be a minimum of 1.5 spaced to a maximum of 2 x spaced.
• Paragraphs should be indented.
• Page number top right hand corner.
• Running header top left hand corner.
• Text colour should be black.
Your essay should be submitted with a title page that includes the following information: