repost answer these question please

I don’t understand this Writing question and need help to study.

Cooperative learning is typically a good idea for lots of ages. Personally, I never liked having to work with other students; I just always preferred to be alone when trying to learn or do something. What would you do about me, if I were in your classroom? need at least 150 words

the task requires you to assume the role of a school administrator. For each response, please evaluate the alignment of one specific lesson objective with its CCSS and provide additional or alternative, differentiated strategies based on your evaluation.answer this question for both posts Need to answer both post from the same question
1.Lesson Objective #1: Students will summarize the the key events and differences in beliefs that led to the Civil War
Strategy #1: Students will work in small groups to put together a skit to showcase their findings
Strategy #2: Students will work independently to share their summation via illustration, presentation, or speech.
Lesson Objective #2: Students will identify a key figure from either side and explain their role
Strategy #1: Students will write a monologue about a chosen figure from the Civil that outlines their beliefs and life’s work.
Strategy #2: Students will create a picture board from magazine cutouts that represent beliefs and events from the life of the selected person.
The strategies suggested enable students to employ their intelligences in order to find comfort in the learning process. The traditional approach to “knowledge checking” was to simply have students write a paper. By giving students the ability to select the end product that is most fitting for them, it increases their engagement and makes learning fun.
2. Measurable lesson objective 1: To learn 10 major facts about the civil war according to their chronological order in history.

Differentiated Strategy 1: Students will create a shadowbox of one of the first five major events and facts of the civil war. They will be able to creatively use their shadowbox to bridge creativity and learning together.
Differentiated Strategy 2: Students will reenact within the classroom the major players of the civil war. Students that will be Union will have certain facts to learn and others will be the confederacy. Students will be able to present on their parties’ position on the civil war.

Lesson objective 2: Students will bridge the gap from the civil war to modern-day impact.
Differentiated Strategy 1: Students will create posters on what is the same and different between the civil war and now.
Differentiated Strategy 2: Through comparison, students will notate similarities between civil war conditions and today’s conditions
THis is the question you need to answer the 2 post .Choose one of the five strategies identified by at least two of your peers. Evaluate the real-world application of this strategy and offer at least one suggestion, supported by the research (cite your sources), to make it accessible to a population who may have been overlooked including students with special needs, English language learners, gifted students, or another unique population. Need to answer both post from the same question
1.Two instructional strategies

Flow charts- Facts showing how one thing leads to or relates to another
Graphical summary- drawing a picture, creating a chart, or some sort of image to describe and summarize the topic

Two instructional tools

Whiteboard clickers- interactive whiteboards where students can give collective input during class
True/false cards – ask students true or false questions and they will raise either card to show they answer they believe to be correct

Jigsaw- divide the class into a group, give each group a topic to study, allow them time to gather and discuss information with each other, then have a spokesperson from each group present the most important facts.
For the two instructional strategies, I can alter each by simplifying the topics, or making it more complex depending on the needs of the students. For my first grade students, I would shorten the wording and use broader topics, and for my 2ndgrade students, I would use more detail and encourage more in-depth thinking. This is important in differentiated learning because you are setting the expectations to fit the need of the individuals rather than assuming everyone will learn the
2. Instructional Strategy 1: Patterns, and understanding the repeating colors.
Students will demonstrate during math the pattern with ABAB or with colors, and repeating until understood.
Instructional Strategy 2: The plant cycle, and how the process begins, the middle, and the end.
Given its October, and the season is filled with pumpkins. It’s only right, to see if I could bring a pumpkin and begin carving it to show students how it starts, and how it goes from a small seed to huge pumpkin.
Two Instructional Tools:

Interactive boards

One Activity:
To help students understand patterns, students can use the iPad to play interactive math games, and build more skills and how to build more complicated versions of patterns, and design their own.

The post repost answer these question please appeared first on learnedprofessors.


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