BIOL 3416 Genetics: Rosalind Franklin: Discovery of DNA


The topics for the essay can be bioethics or a review of a technique or any other genetics related topic of your choice.
The format of essay should be as follows:
Bioethics 3 headings – Introduction, issue, opinion. (6 points for each heading and 2 points for references). Must discuss the procedure in detail – carries the maximum points.
Review of a technique Three headings – Introduction, Procedure and application. (6 points for each heading and 2 points for references). Must discuss the procedure in detail – carries the maximum points.
Some examples of the topics for the essays can be:
Should federal government support the embryonic stem cell research?
Should human cloning be allowed for therapeutic purpose? Do you support gene therapy research? Why or why not?
Give examples of medicines resulting from genetic engineering and how have it affected human health? How has genetically modified organism (GMO) affected agricultural industry (suggested movie: Food Inc) and why GMO is here to stay? Gene privacy and genetic discrimination (suggested movie: Gattaca).

Investigative Science Story 1:

Why was Rosalind Franklin’s contribution to the discovery of DNA structure so instrumental, yet she was under-appreciated in 1950s?

Investigative Science Story 2:

Louise T. Chow was the first author of the Cell paper that described the discovery of the intron splicing, which led to Nobel Prize given to the last author of the paper Richard J. Robert in 1993 (Richard J. Robert shared the Nobel Prize with Philip A. Sharp whose group made an independent discovery on intron splicing). Both Dr. Chow and Dr. Robert were independent scientists at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory at the time, why was Dr. Chow not given the ultimate recognition in science (i.e. getting the Nobel Prize)? Was Nobel Prize Selection Committee made a mistake in this case or what would be your explanation?

You can also write an essay on a topic of your own interest which could be justified under bioethics heading or a technique heading. Get it checked with me before writing an essay on your topic of interest.

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