Discuss and demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a historically relevant topic/question.
Demonstrate research skills by providing relevant information to support their interpretation and argument of historical question.
Develop an historically relevant question that analyzes various aspects of Western civilization.
Need to develop questions that address questions of how or why rather than factually based questions, write an analytical essay and not a report
Word analytical essay that presents a clear argument or thesis that may be supported by secondary and primary sources
Times New Roman 12-in font, standard margins, and double spaced
Works Cited page using the Chicago style
Locate at least 6 sources (3 primary and 3 secondary). Does not necessarily have to be one of the listed below. I also attached a PDF file for one of the primary sources.
Childhood in the Middle Ages
Research paper on Middle ages children role in society, education, manners expected from them during supper, and their understanding of romance.
Being a child in the middle ages must have been rough. Research about their role in society, education system they were part of, table manners it was expected from them, and how their romantic views were shaped by literature.
1 https://www.shorthistory.org/middle-ages/children-in-the-late-middle-ages/
2 https://d.lib.rochester.edu/teams/text/shuffelton-codex-ashmole-61-stans-puer-ad-mensam
3 https://www.vqronline.org/children-middle-ages
4(Primary) https://web-s-ebscohost-com.eznvcc.vccs.edu/ehost/resultsadvanced?vid=3&sid=62bf1b76-da08-420b-bb50-1916cc98de2c%40redis&bquery=JN+%22Children%2c+Schools+%26+Inequality%22())&bdata=JmRiPWVoaCZ0eXBlPTEmc2VhcmNoTW9kZT1TdGFuZGFyZCZzaXRlPWVob3N0LWxpdmUmc2NvcGU9c2l0ZQ%3d%3d
5 (Primary) https://d.lib.rochester.edu/teams/text/shuffelton-codex-ashmole-61-stans-puer-ad-mensam
6 (Primary) https://sites.pitt.edu/~dash/perrault06.html