Explain how our internet privacy being exploited isn’t necessary a bad thing.Write a research assignment that presents and defends a position on an important American social or political issue that is developed from textbook Everything is an Argument Please adhere to the following guidelines:
Use techniques described in research paper chapters
The argument must use support from at least two readings from the textbook Everything is an Argument
The assignment is worth 30 percent of the overall grade for the class.
MLA guidelines
Also note, the Final Exam is a brief PowerPoint presentation on this project
The research paper should be a polished document that makes a strong argument and supports that argument throughout the body of the paper using research sources.
Research Sources
You must use evidence from at least 5 sources as support for your argument:
2 academically-appropriate outside research sources
2 essays from Everythings an Argument with Readings
Your outside research sources must be college-level sources. You MAY NOT use the following sources:
Dictionaries (online or in print)
Encyclopedias (online or in print)
Study guides
Papers written by other students (online or in print)
For information about appropriate sources, visit Handouts and Help at the Blackboard class site.
You must explain your ideas in detail in order to make a clear and complete argument. For this assignment, youll also need to include specific examples (quotes) from ALL 5 sources to support your analysis.
Your paper MUST include 1-2 paragraphs of counterargument and rebuttal, including at support from at least one source.
You must include a Works Cited Page with your research paper. DO NOT submit this as a separate document; the Works Cited page belongs at the end of your paper.
ALL assignments must be submitted in proper MLA format. For help with MLA style guidelines, read Chapter 22 in EAA and visit the Purdue OWL website and search for MLA: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/
This paper should be approximately 5-6 pages in length, not including the Works Cited page. The outline should not be included as a part of your research paper.