For the analysis paper, your assignment will be to identify a case in media ethics in which you would have acted differently than the media practitioner(s) at the center of it. The paper should be organized in a way that makes clear how you will answer the six major questions from Doing Ethics in Media:
Whats your problem? Briefly describe the case. (One option is to attach a published blog, article, case study, or news story as a link or as an appendix for background.) Spell out what makes this situation a moral dilemma. Leave yourself with a clearly stated question to be answered.
Why not follow the rules? Are there some precedents, guidelines, codes, or laws you should keep in mind? If so, are there reasons your dilemma cant be resolved by them?
Who wins, who loses? Who are the stakeholders, and what impact is your decision likely to have on each of them in the short term and in the long term?
Whats it worth? Prioritize your valuesboth moral and non-moral valuesand decide which one(s) you wont compromise.
Whos whispering in your ear? In generaland specifically in this casewhich school of philosophy or set of moral principles provides you with a moral compass?
Hows your decision going to look? State your conclusion, and imagine what your friends and people you respect will think about your decision-making.
As a guideline for length, each section of the paper should be about 1-2 pages (double-spaced), for a total length of about 6-12 pages. I recommend thinking of your paper topic near the beginning of the semester so that you can think through the questions as they come up for discussion during the semester. You might then be able to draft sections of the paper as we go.