Python Question

PA 5. Tic-Tac-Toe GameTopicsString manipulation
Lists and Dictionaries
Instructions (You Must Read Everything!)Tic-Tac-Toe Game
Objective: practicing with classes, methods, lists, loops, if and elif statements, and string methods
First Part: Tic-Tac-Toe Game w/o AI (55 points)
In this assignment you will write a program for a popular game Tic-Tac-Toe. Your program will generate a board with nine cells using the traditional 3 x 3 layout and ask each of two users to choose one cell at a time. The users take turns, and each user marks the board cells with a naught O or a cross X. The game continues until either one of the users won or all cells on the board are marked with O or X. The user won when the three marks (O or X) are located on one line horizontally, vertically, or diagonally as shown on the picture below:
XXXXXXXXXThere are 8 winning cases in total: 3 horizontally arranged marks, 3 vertically arranged marks, and two diagonally arranged marks. The program writes who is the winner or it is a tie. After that it will ask the users if they want to play again. Here are the snippets of the program output, be aware that your program output should match this format exactly. Please read the instructions carefully and completely before starting to work on your program!
In the beginning a program should output the following messages and draws the board:
Welcome to TIC-TAC-TOE Game! A B C — — — 1| | | | — — — 2| | | | — — — 3| | | | — — — Bob, X: Enter a cell [A-C][1-3]:If the user (the default first user is Bob) chose cell a1, the program updates the board and produces the following output:
A B C — — — 1| X | | | — — — 2| | | | — — — 3| | | | — — — Alice, O: Enter a cell [A-C][1-3]:If the user (the default second user is Alice) chose cell a1, the program does not update the board because this cell is already marked with an X. It asks the user to enter valid input in the following way:
You did not choose correctly.Alice, O: Enter a cell [A-C][1-3]:Notice that the second sentence is the same prompt used before. If the user (Alice or Bob) does not choose valid input, the program outputs the same messages as before until the user enters valid input. Valid input is a two-character string, which has the first character a letter A, B, or C (uppercase or lowercase) and the second character is 1, 2, or 3. The program should analyze if input is valid or invalid.
If Alice enters b2, the programs updates the board and produces the following output:
A B C — — — 1| X | | | — — — 2| | O | | — — — 3| | | | — — — Bob, X: Enter a cell [A-C][1-3]:As you can see, the program makes turns for players: after Bob chose a cell, Alice chooses a cell, and after Alice chose a cell, Bob chooses a cell. When the game is over, the program prints one of the following messages:
Bob is a winner!Would you like to play again? [Y/N]or
Alice is a winner!Would you like to play again? [Y/N]or
It is a tie!Would you like to play again? [Y/N]If the user types ‘Y’ or ‘y’ the program starts a new game, draws the empty board, and prints the following message again:
A B C — — — 1| | | | — — — 2| | | | — — — 3| | | | — — — Bob, X: Enter a cell [A-C][1-3]:Otherwise it prints the following new message and terminates:
Goodbye!Programming Approaches
In this assignment you need to create two classes Board and Player, each class should be written in its own file named and They should be located in the same directory as the main program
Class Board should have six methods init, get_winner, set, isempty, isdone, and show. Please read the following code and instructions carefully. You can type or copy and paste this code into your file The file should be located in the same directory as (the main program) and
class Board: def __init__(self): # board is a list of cells that are represented # by strings (” “, “O”, and “X”) # initially it is made of empty cells represented # by ” ” strings self.sign = ” ” self.size = 3 self.board = list(self.sign * self.size**2) # the winner’s sign O or X self.winner = “” def get_size(self): # optional, return the board size (an instance size) def get_winner(self): # return the winner’s sign O or X (an instance winner) def set(self, cell, sign): # mark the cell on the board with the sign X or O # you need to convert A1, B1, …, C3 cells into index values from 1 to 9 # you can use a tuple (“A1”, “B1”,…) or a dictionary to obtain indexes # this implementation is up to you def isempty(self, cell): # return True if the cell is empty (not marked with X or O) def isdone(self): done = False # check all game terminating conditions, if one of them is present, assign the var done to True # depending on conditions assign the instance var winner to O or X return done def show(self): # draw the boardA class Player should have four methods init, get_sign, get_name and choose. Please read the code and instructions carefully. You can type or copy and paste this code into your file The file should be located in the same directory as (the main program) and
class Player: def __init__(self, name, sign, board = None): = name # player’s name self.sign = sign # player’s sign O or X self.board = board def get_sign(self): # return an instance sign def get_name(self): # return an instance name def choose(self, board): # prompt the user to choose a cell # if the user enters a valid string and the cell on the board is empty, update the board # otherwise print a message that the input is wrong and rewrite the prompt # use the methods board.isempty(cell), and board.set(cell, sign)In the main program write the following code. Your code should match this code precisely!!!
# author: Larissa Munishkina# date: May 21, 2020# file: a Python program that implements a tic-tac-toe game# input: user responses (strings)# output: interactive text messages and a tic-tac-toe boardfrom board import Boardfrom player import Player# main programprint(“Welcome to TIC-TAC-TOE Game!”)while True: board = Board() player1 = Player(“Bob”, “X”) player2 = Player(“Alice”, “O”) turn = True while True: if turn: player1.choose(board) turn = False else: player2.choose(board) turn = True if board.isdone(): break if board.get_winner() == player1.get_sign(): print(f”{player1.get_name()} is a winner!”) elif board.get_winner() == player2.get_sign(): print(f”{player2.get_name()} is a winner!”) else: print(“It is a tie!”) ans = input(“Would you like to play again? [Y/N]n”).upper() if (ans != “Y”): breakprint(“Goodbye!”)Testing and Evaluation Scripts
To test you program first run it in the Python IDE/IDLE shell. If it runs correctly, test it in a terminal (or the bash shell on the Unix server). You need to have all files (,,, eval_pa5, ex1, ex2, ex1.out, and ex2.out) in one working directory (such as CSE20/PA5). You can download them from Files/Scripts/PA5. Then type in the shell (terminal) the following commands:
python3 < ex1
python3 < ex2
All lines of the output should be printed on the separate lines as shown in the files ex1.out and ex2.out. So, do not forget to add ‘n’ to the end of each input statement! After that you can test your program with the evaluation script. The evaluation script and supplementary data files can be downloaded from Files/Scripts/PA5 on Canvas. You can run the evaluation script using the following command:
sh eval_pa5
The example of the output in the IDLE shell is shown below (the input is the same as in the ex1 file and output is very similar to ex1.out, the only difference is the absence of input data). Remember extra newlines are not shown and should not matter!
Welcome to TIC-TAC-TOE Game! A B C — — — 1| | | | — — — 2| | | | — — — 3| | | | — — — Bob, X: Enter a cell [A-C][1-3]: A1 A B C — — — 1| X | | | — — — 2| | | | — — — 3| | | | — — — Alice, O: Enter a cell [A-C][1-3]: C3 A B C — — — 1| X | | | — — — 2| | | | — — — 3| | | O | — — — Bob, X: Enter a cell [A-C][1-3]: A2 A B C — — — 1| X | | | — — — 2| X | | | — — — 3| | | O | — — — Alice, O: Enter a cell [A-C][1-3]: A3 A B C — — — 1| X | | | — — — 2| X | | | — — — 3| O | | O | — — — Bob, X: Enter a cell [A-C][1-3]: C1 A B C — — — 1| X | | X | — — — 2| X | | | — — — 3| O | | O | — — — Alice, O: Enter a cell [A-C][1-3]: B3 A B C — — — 1| X | | X | — — — 2| X | | | — — — 3| O | O | O | — — — Alice is a winner!Would you like to play again? [Y/N] NGoodbye!Second Part: Tic-Tac-Toe Game AI (5 points)
To get the full credit of 60 points, you have to create an AI (Artificial Intelligence) Player that can play against the user. You need to create a new class called AI and place it in the same module, the file, where the class Player is written. The AI is a subclass of the class Player and should inherit all properties from its superclass Player. The init and choose methods should be overridden (modified). The output of the program should be the same as before, the user plays as Alice and the AI plays as Bob. The only difference from the previous tic-tac-toe game is that the user does not have to play for Bob, the AI (your computer program) plays instead of the user.
You need to modify the to create an AI object: you can achieve it by substituting player1 = Player(“Bob”, “X”) to player1 = AI(“Bob”, “X”, board) and the import statement from player import Player to from player import Player, AI.
The simplest implementation of an AI player is to use a random choice for generating a valid move. For this strategy you need to create all possible moves: in the beginning of a game all moves are empty cells on the board, so you can create a list of all cells and then remove the occupied cells from the board as the game progresses. You can import choice from the random module to randomly choose a cell (a move) from the list of all possible cells (moves). For example:
from random import choicevalid_moves = [“A1”, “A2”, “A3”, “B1”, “B2”, “B3”, “C1”, “C2”, “C3”]cell = choice(valid_moves)You need to adjust the code when you implement your AI (e.g., create an instance variable valid_moves). You have to submit your with two classes Player and AI.
Grading Rubric
You can start to work on your program without using eval_pa5 script. However, when you are done writing your program, you may need to use the eval_pa5 script to evaluate your program specifications and performance. All files, including, eval_pa5, and supplementary files are located in the Files/ Scripts/ PA5 folder on Canvas.
Points 60
Submitted on time
60 possible points
Runs without errors
runs with simple input 7 points
Produces right output
minor format mismatch
10 points
partially correct output
6 points
Has a comment block
minor format mismatch
3-4 points
format mismatch
1-2 points
all files named correctly
has a player class
has all player methods
4 correctly implemented
4 points
1 is missing or incorrectly implemented
3 points
2-3 are missing or incorrectly implemented
1-2 points
has a board class
has all board methods
6 correctly implemented
6 points
1-2 is missing or incorrectly implemented
4-5 points
3-5 are missing or incorrectly implemented
1-3 points
Uses lists
Uses string methods: format, lower, upper, isalpha, join
Uses while loops
Uses if-else or elif
AI class implemented
What to turn in
Submit your programs, with two classes Player and AI to the assignment name PA5 on Canvas before the due date. As always start early and ask questions in lab sessions, office hours, and on Canvas.
Extra Credit: Tic-Tac-Toe Game Smart AI, 5 pointsYou can improve the performance of a somewhat dumb AI Player by creating a smart AI. You need to create a new class called SmartAI and place it in the same module, the file, where the class Player and AI are written. The SmartAI is a subclass of the class AI and should inherit all properties from its superclass AI. Only the choose methods should be overridden (modified). The output of the program should be the same as before, but this time the user plays as Bob and the SmartAI plays as Alice. The only difference from the previous tic-tac-toe game is that the user does not have to play for Alice, the SmartAI (your computer program) plays instead of the user.
You need to modify the to create a SmartAI object: you can achieve it by substituting player2 = Player(“Alice”, “O”) to player2 = SmartAI(“Alice”, “O”, board) and the import statement from player import Player, AI to from player import Player, AI, SmartAI
The simplest strategy is to allow the program to check all possible winning conditions (two Os in a row, column, or a diagonal) and add the missing O to complete them and win the game. You also have to implement checking the winning conditions of the opponent and placing O in these potential patterns to prevent the opponent from winning the game.
After you successfully implemented both SmartAI (Alice) and AI (Bob) you can even make them to play against each other.
To get extra credit you need to submit your with all three classes Player, AI, and SmartAI.

The post Python Question appeared first on Learnedprofessors.


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