Each question has to be answered in six full sentences.
1. Briefly Explain,
Provided the hard determinism in fact takes place with respect of free will, are you able to think to yourself “I am going to do what I want to do”?( What would a hard determinist say about this thought?) Please explain.
2. Why does Yourgrau claim that those who died suffer the greatest of all evils?
3. In Meditation VI, Descartes claims that he knows, clearly and distinctly, that he is something different than the body.Why does he think he is not the body?Explain.
4.Define Physicalism and Dualism. Explain the primary difference between these two theories in reference to who a person is.
5. John Stuart Mill claims that ‘ it is better to be socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied.’ How is this claim consistent with the principle of utility that ‘we should promote whatever brings about the greatest amount of pleasure’ (discussed in J.S Mill, Utilitarianism).
6. Explain Kant’s notion of “acting from the movie of duty.” (What does Kant mean by ‘acting from the movie of duty?