Need help with my Management question Im studying for my class.
i have submitted a Literature Review to my professor and he gave a bad grade, and gave me many comments to work on.
i will attache my Literature Review with the professor comments.
The professor comments:
Your introduction is solid.
I would suggest you re-read the portion of the chapter in Leedy and Ormrod on writing the literature review before the final proposal. The goal of this portion of the proposal is to inform the committee on the foundation of your proposal (and eventual research).
I see several APA errors in citations: no in-text citations, missing sources only cited by a retrieved from (MERLOT), bad links that say nothing found, etc. It makes it very difficult for me to evaluate the reference for peer review and critical thinking validity.
What you have really provided is the other assignment, a string of article annotations, rather than a cogent, comprehensive analysis of the science behind your research proposal.
I know you can do this. This was a major subpart, that will be evaluated again as part of the final proposal. Please review the materials assigned and make this consistent with a publishable article.
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