I dont know how to handle this Management question and need guidance.
5 pages
Merits & Limitations of Organizational Change Interventions
After reading the Kellogg Insight article (link below), consider your current team in the music business, record company (a former team if you prefer) please answer the following:
Referring to the major content areas in the article, identify areas where you are doing well and areas where you need to change. Provide rich descriptions for your peers.
Based on the reading, make suggestions (specific to your team) for improving your teams effectiveness. Suggestions might pertain to individuals on your team (i.e., personality, ego, skills, motivation, character, relationships, etc.), team composition (i.e., optimal mix), or other variables
Please read this very brief article for question 3: https://www.forbes.com/sites/carstentams/2018/02/11/the-co-creation-imperative-how-to-make-organizational-change-collaborative/#21090cc92e91
3. Make suggestions for positive, constructive team changes using co-creation principles. How might you leverage these principles in order to create a culture of innovation for your team, department, or larger system?
After reading Organizational Change and Self-Concept Threats, please answer the following:
4. How are employee self-concepts (and self-esteem) affected by changes in organizations? You might refer to manager-subordinate changes, difficult new projects/challenges, new processes/systems, lack of involvement, loss of status, or anything youve read. How are recent changes threatening employees (your) self-concepts? Advise your leaders regarding how to deal with these threats.
APA formatting, proper in-text citations, and references are required.
Readings: of Org. Change
The readings for this week will help you explore the individual and group dimensions of organizational change. The Eilam & Shamir article provides a powerful illustration of the influence of organizational change on the individual through a powerful case study.
This link with take you to an article What Science Can Tell Us About Building Great Teams: https://insight.kellogg.northwestern.edu/building-leading-great-teams-research
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