Student Management Database Electronics and Communications Systems IT Assignment Help

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Assignment Task

Student Management Database 

  • Elements addressed
  • Prepare to commission electronics and communications systems
  • Commission electronics and communications systems.
  • Completion and report commissioning activities.
  • Practical/Written Project:
  • You are required to commission two different types of electronics and communications systems and associated components and controls.
  • Create a report to record the process, including:
  •  Identifying system design performance parameters and requirements
  •  Measuring and adjusting system components to provide optimum system performance
  •  Ensuring system operates within regulatory and/or specification requirements
  •  Documenting adjustment settings with established procedures
  •  Dealing with unplanned events by drawing on essential knowledge and skills to provide appropriate solutions incorporated in the holistic assessment with the above listed items.


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  • Uploaded By : Roman

  • Posted on : December 07th, 2019

  • Downloads : 0

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