BHO6505 Marketing|Critical Thinking

Bho6505 Marketing

SSESSMENT 1: EVALUATION REPORT (15 marks) The goal of this assessment is to allow you to consolidate what you have learned in the class and from the book chapters and to apply the knowledge in a written analysis of a real-world case. This is an individual assessment. For this assessment you should focus on the core marketing definitions discussed in- class, changes outlined in the article and illustrate the analysis with appropriate and relevant arguments, logic and theoretical frameworks to demonstrate your mastery and knowledge of the case subject matter and alignment with the chapter topics. Background research, reference to relevant BHO6505 themes, models and frameworks as well as strong arguments backed up by credible and relevant data and facts will be crucial in achieving a good mark. In constructing the analysis, a report format is preferably advised over an essay format. Important Note: You must cite at least five (5) relevant peer reviewed journal articles (absolute minimum requirement). You can cite other academic references such as books, conference papers, and book chapters but these will NOT be counted as part of the 5 journal articles. All of these academic references should be cited within the text of the paper; your reference list must match your citations. Article: Growth Triple Play growth-triple-play-creativity-analytics-and-purpose Review the McKinsey Report Published June 2021 and based on your chapter learning and topics covered in weeks 1, 2, 3 and 4 and write a report by referring to the following tasks. *Do you think this ‘Growth Triple Play’ concept could change the way we define Marketing? *If CMOs need to integrate ‘Creativity, Analytics and purposes’ in any marketing activities, what could be some top skills that a marketing officer needs to have/develop in today’s’ world? Word limit: 2000 words (±10%) (Excluding reference list, if any) 2 Submission deadline in 14/12/21 11:55 PM) Softcopy to be uploaded onto Turnitin in VUCollaborate Note: The case report along with your class attendance up to week 4 will be considered for “At Risk Assessment” review Generic Guidelines for Analysis • Analysis enables you to improve your critical thinking and analytical abilities, evaluate sources of information and enhance your written communication skills. Written analysis is widely used in major business schools around the world. In constructing this analysis, a report format is preferably advised over an

Bho6505 Marketing

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