What are some of the current proposals for reforming the Electoral College?

You can pick from any of the listed topics below. There are a few sources with them but feel free to use any source you would like.
Must include a works cited page and intext citations.
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Find three polls on the same issue (for example, the death penalty, marijuana legalization, same-sex marriage, or any other policy topic) from three different time periods (such as the 1990s, the 2000s, and the 2010s). The polls MUST be about policy issues (not about a politician, candidate, or election campaign). Compare the polls by type (internet, phone), sample size, and the wording of the questions. Have the attitudes reflected in the polls concerning that issue changed or stayed relatively the same? If the polls show that attitudes have changed, what are some of the reasons for that change? [Hint: Pew Research and Gallup are good sources for public opinion data on policy issues.]

There are numerous noneconomic interest groups that seek to influence public policy in America today. Choose one noneconomic interest group you are familiar with and briefly describe it. Is it a public-interest group, issue or ideological group, or a government interest group? What are some characteristics of the group that make it that type of group? Discuss the tactics that interest groups use to interact with members of the government and influence public policy. How does the interest group you selected use these tactics? How successful are they are at achieving their policy goals? Do you think it is appropriate for interest groups to have access to government officials and potentially influence them? Why or why not?

Since the national popular vote was first recorded in 1824, there have been four presidential elections where the winner of the Electoral College lost the popular vote: Donald Trump (R) in 2016, George W. Bush (R) in 2000, Benjamin Harrison (R) in 1888, and Rutherford B. Hayes (R) in 1876. Briefly outline the function of the Electoral College and explain why the Founders felt it necessary in the first place. What are the arguments for using the popular vote instead of the Electoral College? According to recent public opinion polls, do Americans favor keeping or abolishing the Electoral College (identify which groups support which position)? What are some of the current proposals for reforming the Electoral College? Do you think the Electoral College should be maintained in its current form, reformed in some way, or replaced by the national popular vote? [Hint: Pew Research is a good source for public opinion data.]


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  • What are some of the current proposals for reforming the Electoral College?
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