Commercial Cookery Control Stock Industry Environment Management Assignment Help

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Assignment Task

This can be: an industry workplace

  • a simulated industry environment

Trainers must ensure access to the following resources:

  • computers, printers and stock control software systems
  • electronic equipment used for stock control
  • diverse and comprehensive range of tourism, travel, hospitality or event industry stock items that are monitored and maintained
  • current commercial stock control procedures and documentation for the ordering, monitoring and maintenance of stock
  • Instructions for Trainer and Assessors
  • You have been recruited as a new assistant to the purchasing officer at club AAPoly. As a part of your new role you are required to perform calculation to check the accuracy of the stock records and the costs, analyse stock records and identify any discrepancies and report to your supervisor.


Calculate and submit the excel spread sheet file for Stocktake in soft copy and print and submit a hard copy, write you name date unit code and unit title on the print out. You are provided with the following figures about the stock on hand for certain items. You need to enter these figures into your stocktake sheet (refer and use the above excel spread sheet) to perform calculations so that you can establish the value of the individual stock items as well as provide a total value of all stock items on hand.


Calculate and submit the excel spread sheet file for Stocktake Discrepancies in soft copy and submit a hard copy via the LMS. Also submit your summary report on the discrepancies and how to control these. In this task you are provided with (1) stocktake reports You need to need to refer to the following stocktake report files, which are as follows:


Your nominated Trainer and Assessor will provide you with an excel spread sheet of these reports – Filename – SITXINV401, PART B, Stocktake Report Discrepancies .xlsxAs you have been informed that there are a few discrepancies in the stock recordsThese discrepancies could be with the price of the stock item or the quantity of the stock item. You need to identify the correct stock item that has the discrepancy and correct the figures so that all the figures tally with the final totals in each report.You need to write a small summary report to explain what could be the reasons for these discrepancies and how these have an impact on the total figures as well as the availability of these stock items in relation to maintaining and controlling stock.You also will need to recommend solutions to put control measures so that you can avoid such discrepancies in the future.


Calculate and submit the excel spread sheet file for Stocktake Discrepancies in soft copy and print and submit a hard copy, write you name date unit code and unit title on the print out.

You are required to enter the stock data and perform calculations to check the available stock on hand so that you can calculate the total cost that you would need to spend on the reordering of these stock items. Then write a summary report on the stock items that are fast moving and slow moving items to indicate the usage.

Refer to the following table to complete this task. You are required to enter the following figures in the excel spread sheet that you are provided (file name – SITXINV401, PART C.xlsx)

Dry Goods

Salt Rock 1.000 kg $ 0.80 2 3 6 3

Pasta Fettuccine 0.375 Packet $ 1.10 3 10 24 20

Tomatoes Canned 0.375 Can $ 0.78 16 24 48 20

Soy Sauce 0.500 L $ 2.80 20 2 6 0


Cream Thickened 0.600 L $ 1.52 20 10 40 10

Milk Full cream 1.000 L $ 1.18 4 6 20 10

Butter Salted 0.500 kg $ 1.82 6 10 40 10

Butter Unsalted 0.500 kg $ 2.23 10 6 12 0

Cheese Cheddar 1.000 kg $ 8.55 8 1 4 0


Trout Whole – 300g 1.000 each $ 3.20 16 15 30 10

Prawns Cooked Medium 1.000 kg $ 18.50 12 3 8 0

Oysters Pacific shucked 1.000 Dozen $ 6.80 24 24 48 10

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  • Uploaded By : Roman

  • Posted on : December 08th, 2019

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