Discuss a simple object that relates to the presentation for example a phone.

Discuss a simple object that relates to the presentation for example a phone. BYOO (Bring your own object): Once in the semester, each student will make a presentation of an object/issue/example connected to the weeks topic (we may have more than one student presenting on the same day). Being present during your peers presentation, and being an engaged participant is a crucial part of our discussion culture. Students should aim for presentations no more than 10-12 mins. at the end of which others in the class can pose any questions they have. Please remember, these are not reading presentations. You are bringing in your own example to discuss something related to the weeks theme (you are allowed to refer to the readings). Dont just describe the objectanalyze it and tell us why it is important, and what we may learn from your example about the topic we are discussing. You may deploy any range of resources in your presentation. You could do a PowerPoint/Google Slide/Keynote, show us a video, use a series of GIFs, take us through a Twitter feed etc. The important thing is to apply what you have learned to an object in the world and deploy the critical vocabulary and analytical lens that we are aiming to develop in this course. As part of this assignment, you will also be handing me a two-page report about what you discussed and what you yourself learned in the process. These reports are due a week after the presentation, so you will have some time to reflect on it.


  • Discuss a simple object that relates to the presentation for example a phone.
  • Write an essay on Traditional Ways of Celebration and Socio-cultural Factors.
  • Discuss through the use of examples from Savage Inequalities and material we have used this semester to show the impact for this population that affects their opportunity for success and survival in US society.
  • Write a paper about why a police brutality should be treated as a public health issue.
  • Should a college education be “free” for Americans, as Senator Bernie Sanders, among others, has advocated?
  • Write a brief reflection addressing any issues a case like this might bring up for you.
  • Do you believe the publics response was reasonable or unreasonable?
  • What are two or three main concepts you learned from the book?
  • Explain the moral principle at stake in this policy or procedure.
  • Explain how Hwangs intertext refashion its source text to create new meaning?


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