Explain the Fundamental Qualitative Characteristics

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Assignment Task

Question 1 Accounting Regulations

Explain the fundamental qualitative characteristics that financial accounting should possess.

Question 2 Leases

Esme Ltd enters into a non-cancellable five-year lease agreement with Elsa Ltd on 1 July 2021. The lease is for a machinery that, at the start of the lease, has a fair value of, $1,294,384. The implicit rate is calculated to be 12%.

The machinery is expected to have a useful life of six years, with a residual value of $210,000. There is a buy back option that Esme Ltd will be able to avail at the end of the lease for $280,000.

There are five annual payments of $350,000, the first to be made on 30 June 2022. Included in the payment ids $35,000 representing the payment of the lessor for the insurance and maintenance of the equipment. The machinery will be depreciated using the straight-line method.


Prepare the journal entries for Esme Ltd (lessee) on 1 July 2021 and 30 June 2022. Show all calculations (Lease liability, Right-of-use Asset, Interest Expense and Depreciation Expense).

Journal Entries

Date Particulars Dr. Cr.


Lease Liability:

Right-of-use Asset

Interest Expense for first year

Depreciation Expense

Question 3 Intangible Assets

Origin Ltd is involved in the research and development of solar panels to be used for houses. For this endeavour, Origin Ltd incurred for R & D the following:

$50,000 for obtaining a general knowledge for the efficiency of the solar panels

$30,000 for understanding the expectations of the homeowners

$90,000 for testing and refining the solar panels

$190,000 for developing and testing a full prototype of the solar panels.

Origin Ltd expects that the product will be able to generate millions of dollars in revenue.


Determine how the above situations will be treated for accounting purposes.

Question 4 Accounting for Income Tax

Elements Ltd has recorded revenue received in advance in the amount of $250,000, which was taxed on a cash basis and a loan payable recorded in the books at $400,000. The tax rate is 30%.


a. What is the amount of temporary difference?

b. Does this give rise to a deferred tax asset or deferred tax liability? What is the amount of deferred tax asset or deferred tax liability?

Question 5 Earnings per Share

Summer Ltd issued 2 million ordinary shares and 1 million convertible preference shares of $0.50 each. The preference shares holders have the right to convert 2 preference shares to 1 ordinary shares at a future date. The figures below have been taken from the statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income of Summer Ltd for the year ending 30 June 2021.

Profit after income tax $290,000



Preference ($20,000)

Increased in retained earnings $110,000


Calculate the diluted earnings per share for Summer Ltd for the year ending 30 June 2021.

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  • Uploaded By : Brett

  • Posted on : December 08th, 2019

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