BPZ321 – Business Engineering – Engineering Assignment Help

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The executive summary should include an overview of the analysis and its objectives, company background, and main findings. An oversimplified example: “Strategic planning is a crucial element of any business. In this report, the TOWS approach was applied to analyse the internal and external environment of company X…” You can then, in short, describe the approach used, how it was applied and present the main findings and areas for opportunities. The executive summary is one paragraph and contains no subheadings, lists, etc. It has to be as concise as possible.


A brief introduction, where you are first expected to describe the company background and to discuss the current situation and strategy of the company. Then, followed by a discussion on the objectives of the assignment, which are to analyse the company and to identify areas of strategical improvement.


A sound review of the literature relevant to the assignment presents a strong signal of your professional maturity and grasp of the business management field. You are expected to provide a detailed literature discussion on SWOT and TOWS approaches from the business strategy formulation point of view as per the structure presented above. The best sources of information are credible and relevant databases such as Google Scholar and the UP Library. The literature review must include at least fifteen (15) good quality references. Typically only after you have a number of documents, you start to discuss and write the review. Look for academic papers and professional

journals. The more recent publication, the better. The more time you will spend in the search and reviewing different topic related documents, the better your review will be. The more you go through academic papers and previously conducted related research and projects, the better insight you will have how to approach your work.

The most common problems with the literature review are (i) list-like writing that lacks synthesis (must be more than just a listing or a copy-paste of the previous work), not discriminating between relevant and irrelevant materials, up-to-date and outdated materials, not being critical what sources are used, lack of clear and precise structure and writing style. Instead of listing or using a copy-paste style, try to synthesise by integrating the different pieces of sources and present it as an integrated text, for example, “TOWS is generally accepted method for …. (Allan 2015; Smith 2008; Thompson 1998)”, “It has been used previously in cases such as … (Bellen 2016; Henry 2013; Dylan 2012; Derek 2005)”, “There is however a slight disagreement on the benefits … (Inkpen 2015; Cambell 2013; Daintly et al. 2003).”

In synthesis you do not review papers only individually in isolation but also understand and discuss how they relate to other similar papers, providing a bigger picture. Structurally a good academic literature review starts with a brief introductory paragraph to the context in the beginning, followed by the more detailed discussion as the main body text, and lastly ending to the conclusion. Always try to use your own words, try to understand the matter you are writing about and only then write it in your own words (do not copy-paste directly from the original text). The documents you select must be properly and technically correctly cited in the text and referenced at the end of the document.

This BPZ321 – Engineering Assignment has been solved by our Engineering experts at Schooling Best. Our Assignment Writing Experts are efficient to provide a fresh solution to this question. We are serving more than 10000+ Students in Australia, UK & US by helping them to score HD in their academics. Our Experts are well trained to follow all marking rubrics & referencing style.

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  • Uploaded By : Brett

  • Posted on : December 08th, 2019

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